Do you realize how silly this makes you sound?
First you start calling names to anyone that doesn't think like you,, and then you get that
hollier than thou thing going.
Any idea how often science reputes their own findings? How often several scientist think differently on the same subject matter?
Things like fire were used for centuries by the cause & effect types looooong before science got a grip on why and what really happens.
Cause & effect again was in the forefront when someone considered that plants may like music.
Cause & effect got the Wright Bros. off the ground by trying
foolish experiments before science caught on and figured out why.
I'll bet Auto Flowers and Feminized were brought to be the same way too. Perhaps the folks had all that book knowledge to call on,, perhaps not. But either way they had to try it before it was proven to work. Unfortunately, neither are 100% fail save at this time. But they willbe because people will experiment on their own and try to find a more stable solution through cause & effect.
People thinking outside the box and not being affraid to try something new has gotten us everything! It's put man on the moon, sea farming, gasoline engines, dishwashing machines, indoor plumbing, central air conditioning, and home computers just to mention a very, very few.
Now, I need to ask, Why do you get your panties in a bunch when someone says try it and learn from it? Are you that affraid that someone may discover that something works well for them with their own method or style? (and contradictory to your
I'm simply not going to follow your lead simply because you've read something and I've actually tried it and find that sometimes it can be a usefull tool in my bag of tricks for my growing.
I respect your opinion on knowledge through schooling & research is good. A good foundation that is. But to stagnate people into mechanical growing is not very helpful to people that may have conditions that warrent some experimentations.
But I do not repect the way your postings seem to always include ridicule,, name calling,, and stagnation of imagination / experimentation.
This has been a mostly friendly exchange of ideas up to this point on the most part. However, again your just pouring gasoline on a fire and trying to start crap with your post.
Is there any way you can find a way to communicate without being abrasive? When the name calling begins, I'm out of here,,,, see ya! Exchanging ideas and thoughts really don't inclide ridicule in a more helpful setting / conversation.
As mentioned,
I have no need to

Have a nice day.
PS; Something to think about, Viagra. Do you know this came about by Scientist trying to find medicine for heart disease? I can only imagine how they found out it would give the guys hours long woodies. (bet it was
cause & effect trials
