Defoliation - When and how?

BT and UB can post all the 15-20 year old scientific data they want. Since they started growing, we have put vehicles on Mars. We have this wonderful tool called the internet. Our understanding of the world around us has greatly increased. With the launching of the Hubble in 1990, we have VASTLY increased our knowledge of our universe, and galaxies many light years away.

What I have trouble understanding, is why UB, BT and some of the fans, continue to ignore the evidence that has been posted by other indoor growers? Why do they continue to quote resources that are 20-30 years old, and often were written about botany and plants outdoors. If they have open minds, call me stumped, as I just don't understand it...

Stop defoliating your 2 pound ScrOG nets people, BT says it don't work....

Give me a break....

I just viewed a youtube video that says you can defoliate IF your playing the right type of music in your grow room. Going to bank that knowledge away for future use :)
You preach the removal of fan leaves and then come in with a low contrast, yellowish, overexposed washed out photo of a plant that is loaded with fan leaves to uh, "prove your point". This is funny as hell!

Looks like Cream of Chicken to me! :clap:

UB; Clearly, that is Chicken Noodle Soup.
I just viewed a youtube video that says you can defoliate IF your playing the right type of music in your grow room. Going to bank that knowledge away for future use :)

Par for the course...... 'bout as stupid as adding sugar to your root zone thinking it will have any added benefit.

Look, if you don't understand plant culture, what makes a plant tick, then get educated and stop covering up with a bunch of nerdy gimmicks. It makes you look like a fool.

The science of botany is the same as it ever was, and shall always be. Thinking you can change the laws of botany, photosynthesis, that has evolved over millions of years just because you say you did doesn't make it so.

This is why the cannabis biz snake oil fraud has taken off like a rocket, because you guys will believe anything some fast talking bullshitter will tell you.

I don't know about all that. But it is PROVEN that music will help your plants. Its the life-force harmonics at play. Come on man, stop the hate and let the chakras flow dude.
Par for the course...... 'bout as stupid as adding sugar to your root zone thinking it will have any added benefit.

Look, if you don't understand plant culture, what makes a plant tick, then get educated and stop covering up with a bunch of nerdy gimmicks. It makes you look like a fool.

The science of botany is the same as it ever was, and shall always be. Thinking you can change the laws of botany, photosynthesis, that has evolved over millions of years just because you say you did doesn't make it so.

This is why the cannabis biz snake oil fraud has taken off like a rocket, because you guys will believe anything some fast talking bullshitter will tell you.


Why cant you look at how something might be possible instead of impossible and being so damn negative ? You guys have the social skills of a 5 year old.

The only bullshitter and shit stirrer I see around these boards consistantly is you Benny Boy. You talk like you know what makes a plant tick and then post that anyone needing more then 10 cents of fertizers or larger then a 5 gal container outdoors doesnt under stand plants. Was the biggest LOL I have ever had on this forum. Hell maybe we should all start growing in 1 inch pots indoors because we all know a larger root zonse has nothing to do with plant size ...... You and Bricktop are just clearly blinded by your own arrogance plain and simple. You made some huge thread about creating multipler colas on Cannibas, where is all your scientific proof? Show me where is specifically states this will increase yield or help in any manner. I dont want your opinion or what you think to be true I want raw hard facts with thousands and thousands of studdies done with at least 12 strains all from clones off the same mother etc etc etc etc. Why should anyone listen to you two old timers when you guys always come accross like this in these threads? You think you are so smart yet you two fail to realize most people wont listen to what you have to say when you come across so closed minded and dont back anything up yourself. I always see lots of evidence on the side or leaf removal and nothing but generalized BS from you two. You fail to make even the slightest point in these threads IMO.
I don't know about all that. But it is PROVEN that music will help your plants. Its the life-force harmonics at play. Come on man, stop the hate and let the chakras flow dude.

LOL, gotta love how UB actually replied to that. The name tool doesnt do him justice ....
If you want to talk about appearing foolish...... you are striking up a lovely canvass of it yourself. You are being stubborn. If growers didn't try different shit, we wouldn't have SCROGS,. SOG, Lollypopping, Hydroponics, and on and on and on....

Keep growing your silly outdoor bushes and quit responding to these threads like ya promised earlier... If there is nothing here for you, why do you continue to post in all of them and maintain that same silly, stubborn old school thinking?

You have good tips, you are a great contributor here and I really do have respect, but this topic with you is getting pretty damn old.... Maybe we should toss our pumps, reservoirs, tables, and everything else that has been discovered or invented in the last 30 years and just go back to tilling the soil under the sun.... Would that make you happy? I suspect it would...

Par for the course...... 'bout as stupid as adding sugar to your root zone thinking it will have any added benefit.

Look, if you don't understand plant culture, what makes a plant tick, then get educated and stop covering up with a bunch of nerdy gimmicks. It makes you look like a fool.

The science of botany is the same as it ever was, and shall always be. Thinking you can change the laws of botany, photosynthesis, that has evolved over millions of years just because you say you did doesn't make it so.

This is why the cannabis biz snake oil fraud has taken off like a rocket, because you guys will believe anything some fast talking bullshitter will tell you.

I don't know about all that. But it is PROVEN that music will help your plants. Its the life-force harmonics at play.

You and Big Bob at AN need to get a room. Ya'll can find Cannabis Nirvana blowing flutes as you soothe the souls of the Cannabis Snake Oil Gods. It'll be a lively thing no doubt.
You and Big Bob at AN need to get a room. Ya'll can find Cannabis Nirvana blowing flutes as you soothe the souls of the Cannabis Snake Oil Gods. It'll be a lively thing no doubt.
LOL you are so senile you didnt catch that it was a joke ???? Wow ................
Brick Top and Uncle Ben. I only have a few posts, and until now haven't said one negative thing to anyone. You insult people, you call names, you've spent 1000's of words explaining "science" in the most condencending way possible, you're way more interested in convincincing us why you're right and everyone else is wrong than actually contributing to the thread, and your overall attitude towards this forum is just negative. Now, when I see the post is from you, I just skip to the next contributor. Reading what you guys write is just a real downer.

BTW, today I cut the shit out of my fan leaves.
BTW, today I cut the shit out of my fan leaves.

That says it all. Another who will cut off his nose just to spite his face lol.

Condescending? Damn straight. Sometimes it takes a 2X4 across the head to wake up you young, know-it-all noobs. If I or someone like BT doesn't do it, experience sure as hell's just a matter of time.

Uncle Ben
Originally Posted by collective gardener
BTW, today I cut the shit out of my fan leaves.

That says it all.

Condescending? Damn straight. Sometimes it takes a 2X4 across the head to wake up you young, know-it-all noobs. If I or someone like BT doesn't do it, experience sure as hell's just a matter of time.


.......... and here's some more well EXPERIENCED noobs waiting to get that 2X4.
Many have years & years of time under their belts waiting for "it's just a matter of time" to kick in.

These are variouse stages, diifferent styles, varying degrees of "noob" know-nothings in the process of committing failure.

I'm glad to be a know nothing noob with only a few decades of experience.




















Now where's your pictures? :wall:

Admittedly, it may take awhile,, did me,,, But some people finally get the point that there is no reason to grow leaves when you should be growing buds.
You are kidding right? You still pushing 15 year old science on us? ;p

Hey, dude has the whole idea correct.. :P

I mean, when I first started growing.. hell I went back to the basics of the basics, you know? I started from the beginning. That's where everyone should start.. even if you "know you know", it never hurts to get a refresher. ;)

Uncle Ben
Originally Posted by collective gardener
BTW, today I cut the shit out of my fan leaves.

That says it all.

Condescending? Damn straight. Sometimes it takes a 2X4 across the head to wake up you young, know-it-all noobs. If I or someone like BT doesn't do it, experience sure as hell's just a matter of time.


.......... and here's some more well EXPERIENCED noobs waiting to get that 2X4.
Many have years & years of time under their belts waiting for "it's just a matter of time" to kick in.

These are variouse stages, diifferent styles, varying degrees of "noob" know-nothings in the process of committing failure.

I'm glad to be a know nothing noob with only a few decades of experience.




















Now where's your pictures? :wall:

Admittedly, it may take awhile,, did me,,, But some people finally get the point that there is no reason to grow leaves when you should be growing buds.

Forgot to mention this..

that's a bad-ass grow method you have going there. nicely done man..

peace canon!
ehh, what the hell.

I have to agree with you UB. You and I seem to think alike, in certain areas. You too seem to be able to spot the 'know it all noobs'. Not all that hard to spot..

Why would anyone want to trim fan leafs off of their plant?? It doesn't matter what stage the plant is in.. trimming the fan leafs is just plain ignorant man. Just plain ignorant. Total noob that doesn't realize that the plant needs the leafs.. otherwise its not going to be able to complete photosynthesis. If it can't cycle photosynthesis, its not going to be able to produce adequate energy.. I mean its just totally counter-productive.. :|

I'm not taking anyone's side.. I'm just saying. It is an ignorant thing to do..

good luck with that dude..
ehh, what the hell.

I have to agree with you UB. You and I seem to think alike, in certain areas. You too seem to be able to spot the 'know it all noobs'. Not all that hard to spot..

Why would anyone want to trim fan leafs off of their plant?? It doesn't matter what stage the plant is in.. trimming the fan leafs is just plain ignorant man. Just plain ignorant. Total noob that doesn't realize that the plant needs the leafs.. otherwise its not going to be able to complete photosynthesis. If it can't cycle photosynthesis, its not going to be able to produce adequate energy.. I mean its just totally counter-productive.. :|

I'm not taking anyone's side.. I'm just saying. It is an ignorant thing to do..

good luck with that dude..

Rattlin' cages are you,, ehh? :-P
That says it all. Another who will cut off his nose just to spite his face lol.

Condescending? Damn straight. Sometimes it takes a 2X4 across the head to wake up you young, know-it-all noobs. If I or someone like BT doesn't do it, experience sure as hell's just a matter of time.


I wasn't going to do this. So, I'm an inexperienced, young, noob? I guess I just got lucky with my current 20,000 watt grow op. I should mention that I did not put one dime into this. Because I am a noob with no experience and bad grow skills, an investor decided to pay for this whole operation.

I should mention that every plant you see in these pics has had some sort of leaves removed.

You guys crack me up. Two angry old men, sitting at home in their stained bath robes pissed off that no one will listen to you. We're not out to get you guys. It's ok. No one's trying to topple your kingdom of 2.

I'll tell you what. I'll listen to you. I'll be your friend. Go ahead. Tell me. Start from the beginning and tell me everything that's bothering you. You have to let it out or you'll never get better. I'm not here to judge...just to listen, as a caring friend.
.......... and here's some more well EXPERIENCED noobs waiting to get that 2X4.
Many have years & years of time under their belts waiting for "it's just a matter of time" to kick in.

These are variouse stages, diifferent styles, varying degrees of "noob" know-nothings in the process of committing failure.

I'm glad to be a know nothing noob with only a few decades of experience.




















Now where's your pictures? :wall:

Admittedly, it may take awhile,, did me,,, But some people finally get the point that there is no reason to grow leaves when you should be growing buds.
Oh, now I get it! It's a scientific fact that the leaves play no part in producing bud! Thanks!

Pictures? I rest my case.

Uncle Ben