A Well Researched 'Newbies' Grow Tent

lol tricka i reckon the hardest thing to learn with ya first indoor grow is to leave them the fuck alone and let them do there thing lol
:wall:....I know its killing me Od's,i juz secretely want to grow them in clear rockwool or something, sorta like when you were a kid and had one of those ant farms, you could see them making burrows and living and doing all the stuff thats ants do.
But the main thing is all the new toys and stuff, reflecter, ballast, pH metre, E+F table the tent is all like christmas presents to me, when i was outdoor all i had was a pot and a bottle of water, so yeah i just wanna play in there and non stop gawke at my new indoor set up
Wisest words ever spoken for the newbie grower...

"Leave it the fuck alone.."

"but my one leaf is odd colored"

"see first response..."

"but, but..."

"First response..."

Not you Tricka, you're cool.
:clap: im still laughing while im typing this....:bigjoint:
haha i know how hard it is to resist yourself from not pampering your first indoor plant lol guilty myself :bigjoint:
just go by the k.i.s.s method and you'll be sweet. Keep.It.Simple.Stupid
ive almost been growing a year and still going by that lol
Where are these baby pics tricka? Surely they popped there heads out to greet you by now?
I thinks i mights have to mate.....i have been reading alot on nutrient feeding, pH adjusting and their climate control lately, so this has helped me to understand that time and paitience (also mixed with 'Leave it fucking alone' and the kiss method, thanks boys!) is the essence here, so as not to over react with counter measure's in regard to nute burm. N-P-K and any other definciency that may occur. also i feel confident going into this, but not as if im thinking its gonna be all swell and im 'gonna yeild fuckloads of danky donky dicks' like my outdoors used to. im willing to learn even morer and more everyday, actually i want another head with a good brain it, just so as i can store as much as i can before i start forgetting it, plus also i could smoke two bongs at once :bigjoint::bigjoint: hahaha lol

I just went and checked the crib.....my other skunk#1 bean had drowned itself and was down the bottom of the drink, I poured it and some of the water into my plug and left it with the others....so that makes it:

2 x Skunk#1/Cali orange that were planted last thursday night im not too worried about just yet cos a week is pretty normal i say, so ive still got 3 full days till it is a week.

another one Skunk#1 last night and another tonight....two in RW and two in these foam plugs i got, there not peat?
The best thing you can do is light a joint, sit back, and just enjoy your garden. I like to pick through it, make sure there are no bugs, looks for damage, bend leaves around a little. Till up the top layer of soil a little, maybe give a fast growing stem a little pinch to super crop it a little. That'll keep you busy and really give you a good feeling for your plants. Although you're still in the seedling phase.
The best thing you can do is light a joint, sit back, and just enjoy your garden. I like to pick through it, make sure there are no bugs, looks for damage, bend leaves around a little. Till up the top layer of soil a little, maybe give a fast growing stem a little pinch to super crop it a little. That'll keep you busy and really give you a good feeling for your plants. Although you're still in the seedling phase.

Yeah actually this is the part that i want enjoy a bit more, after getting ripped for the second time on two of my guerilla grows (seperate years/spots) i bit the bullet a put me new girls in the backyard....well im not sure if it was a little paranoia about my neighbours or the Mrs nagging in my ear (id say the latter) about tending to the plants, she used to say that if they see me going to and fro from around the back of the shed all day then they is gonna get suss, so i used to cut my baby sitting time down to a min, now ive got em indoors with everything at their disposal i cant wait to start tweaking my grow....im really excited about super cropping as i have never tried, i will top and LST them as per norm and then yeah go 'snap' a few stems on a few....cant wait !

On another note i popped around to my mates place long story cut short his plants are looking pretty sweet...4-6 tops per plant each cola is around 500mm long and about 50mm round, they still got 4-5wks left....strain is unknown? i will be doing a wekks worth of feeding for him when he goes on holiday soon, i will swipe a few pics for pud porn research purposes only ;)
It gets easier to babysit your plants less when they start growing faster. The first 2 weeks are always the worst for my patience, but when they start looking drastically different from day to day and there is more work to be done at a time, I find it easier to just relax and leave them be. I guess manual labor has a way of discouraging potheads from anything, even the prospect of lots and lots of pot.

"Hey, you want some bud?"

"Yeah, sure. Gimme."

"OK, all you have to do is plant this seed, make sure the medium has enough nutrients, check the pH on a regular basis to avoid nutrient lockout, water it when the soil is dry, but don't let the soil get too dry or too wet, add nutrients to their water because water alone probably won't do the trick forever, make sure they don't get too many or too few nutrients, prevent various kinds of bugs and fungus from ruining the plants, oh, and you'll have to do this stuff every day for about 3-6 months. Then chop the plants down when they're ready and cut off all the leaves and shit, and then hang them up to dry for about five days, then put them all in jars, but open the jars up once or twice a day and mix the buds around for about a week or two. Then, AND ONLY THEN, can you smoke some pot"

"Uh.... I have $50."

"Oh, okay, here you go.":wall:
Hi there, thanks for pointing me over to this thread. I love your set up, and am curious to see how you go with your seeds. How did you make your humidity crib for the seeds.
Fuggen pisser DK, that is so true.........we should forward that to the mods, and get them to add it to the website homepage somwhere... hahah lol its so true but.....

Sup Ozzy! thanks for tagging along... i been having great drama's with RIU's site tonight its all fucked up so i got a heap of catching upto do....i just counted my thread suscription and its at 16...and i know there is at least 2-3 threads out there that i posted on and said 'Im subbed' but actually forgot, and now i cant find them, i goota go back thru all my posts ;(
As for the Humidity crib Oz, i forked out $49 (520mm x 320mm x 280mm) for the big arse propergator from Discount Hydro supplies i will send a few pics of it in my next update, yeah i coulda made one real easy, but i like how its got sliding panels for adjusting the RH, i couldnt be banana'd doing all that, plus its got water channels in the bottom of it!

Juz letting you all know that yes i have officially had my first abortion, my Dodgey Skunk#1 seed was FUBAR, it was all slimey and brown so i flushed it down the dunny for good measure, but then again ya never know? Werribee shit farm might have a dope plant growing out of it in 4 months, lol nah but being serious it was fucked, i wasn't getting anything out that bean that was for sure!
I just located a store in my town that sells everything you'll ever need for an indoor grow. I ended up walking out with a bigass bag of Ocean Forest and a catalogue. This guy just found a new best customer.
welly,welly,welly,hey trick get your head outta dat tent! jez,i go for a lil' walkabout,come back and your murderin' seeds and shit! jus' bullshitin',wha' happend?whats your germ technic?was she to wet?
I just located a store in my town that sells everything you'll ever need for an indoor grow. I ended up walking out with a bigass bag of Ocean Forest and a catalogue. This guy just found a new best customer.

LOL shidot! see if you can be friend them, and slide in a "how about a discount card"

Great trick..... at Bunnings or Costco or your local gardening depot, is when your at the payout counter with your trolley when you load your bags of fert's and mix's down the bottom part, slip in as much smaller items as you can in between them, hahah works 98% of the time, and when they do happen to lift it up (never!) you just say 'oh yeah those as well' and smile, they cant do nothing ;)
welly,welly,welly,hey trick get your head outta dat tent! jez,i go for a lil' walkabout,come back and your murderin' seeds and shit! jus' bullshitin',wha' happend?whats your germ technic?was she to wet?

Ha haha ha, nah mate she was damaged goods when she arrived, getting all spastic in the breeder pack she came in, dont know what happened maaan', maybe she flipped out and banged her head on the wall or sumpen? but she was all NAASTY inside the RW by the time i came home tonight....Tis all good i still 3 beauty's on their way
im fucking around fella's.....i aint never done any of that shit you mention! and i been ripped twice if you cared to read my thread....you ever taken a comment and ran with it, well thats what i didy, cheer up, it was a few times when i was young dumb and full of cum.....stop trolling boys and just enjoy the slight humour in what ever i might say---true or false??????
sorry dude do not take it personal....just this past weekend one of my operations was completely stolen...lights, plants ,seeds, nutes...EVERYTHING!!! So couldn't help it...not trolling u though....hell I seen ya round here lots and like you...LOL...but I hope you can relate to what prompted my diatribe...

sorry dude do not take it personal....just this past weekend one of my operations was completely stolen...lights, plants ,seeds, nutes...EVERYTHING!!! So couldn't help it...not trolling u though....hell I seen ya round here lots and like you...LOL...but I hope you can relate to what prompted my diatribe...

Rule #1 Tell no one what your doing. Not friends, girlfriends, "partners", anyone. Maybe they're not thieves, yet, but whoever they tell, and they will, might not be so nice.

Sux bro, hope you can recover
Rule #1 Tell no one what your doing. Not friends, girlfriends, "partners", anyone. Maybe they're not thieves, yet, but whoever they tell, and they will, might not be so nice.

Sux bro, hope you can recover

the crappy part is it was the guy who lived in my rental property to help with the grow!! It was a legal beagle medical grow....but yeah I'll be all right...just sux u know??

Thanx man....

sorry dude do not take it personal....just this past weekend one of my operations was completely stolen...lights, plants ,seeds, nutes...EVERYTHING!!! So couldn't help it...not trolling u though....hell I seen ya round here lots and like you...LOL...but I hope you can relate to what prompted my diatribe...


Thanks for apologising, we're all better men for it! Absolutely no hard feelings Lume's, i know not to bite back, juz luck i wasnt in a shitty mood myself ;) lol
That must be absolutely heartbreaking my friend, i dont know what to say, but i guess maxcan has already mentioned that rule, its a toughie but its solid.

I hate the saying "cheer/chin up" but thats pretty much all im good for mate. and every dog has its day and what goes around comes around.........................maybe not innitiated by you but you never know the next car accident on the T.V news, well that might just be him....never know,......Actually dont beat yaself over it mate, karma will fuck with him, its its job now!
How frustrating having to throw seeds away, aw well, hope the others all do well.

@illumination, that sucks, sorry to hear that, you really do have to be carefull who you trust.

@cowboylogic, you seem a little stressed, perhaps its time to have a bong and chill the hell out.