Active Member
lol tricka i reckon the hardest thing to learn with ya first indoor grow is to leave them the fuck alone and let them do there thing lol

But the main thing is all the new toys and stuff, reflecter, ballast, pH metre, E+F table the tent is all like christmas presents to me, when i was outdoor all i had was a pot and a bottle of water, so yeah i just wanna play in there and non stop gawke at my new indoor set up
Wisest words ever spoken for the newbie grower...
"Leave it the fuck alone.."
"but my one leaf is odd colored"
"see first response..."
"but, but..."
"First response..."
Not you Tricka, you're cool.

I thinks i mights have to mate.....i have been reading alot on nutrient feeding, pH adjusting and their climate control lately, so this has helped me to understand that time and paitience (also mixed with 'Leave it fucking alone' and the kiss method, thanks boys!) is the essence here, so as not to over react with counter measure's in regard to nute burm. N-P-K and any other definciency that may occur. also i feel confident going into this, but not as if im thinking its gonna be all swell and im 'gonna yeild fuckloads of danky donky dicks' like my outdoors used to. im willing to learn even morer and more everyday, actually i want another head with a good brain it, just so as i can store as much as i can before i start forgetting it, plus also i could smoke two bongs at oncehaha i know how hard it is to resist yourself from not pampering your first indoor plant lol guilty myself
just go by the k.i.s.s method and you'll be sweet. Keep.It.Simple.Stupid
ive almost been growing a year and still going by that lol
Where are these baby pics tricka? Surely they popped there heads out to greet you by now?

I just went and checked the other skunk#1 bean had drowned itself and was down the bottom of the drink, I poured it and some of the water into my plug and left it with the that makes it:
2 x Skunk#1/Cali orange that were planted last thursday night im not too worried about just yet cos a week is pretty normal i say, so ive still got 3 full days till it is a week.
another one Skunk#1 last night and another tonight....two in RW and two in these foam plugs i got, there not peat?