Active Member
What you seem to fail to understand is that if we stop eating animals in this vegetarian manner as a society the animals will then become useless to the farmers and then as a logical progression in a money and power dominated land what exactly is it that you think all the farmers will do with their previously live stocked land?
Eventually once the farmers have sold the land that once held animals or grown vegetables in it there will be no room for the animals that we once ate.
The only reason that these animals are not extinct is because we do eat them.
Do you really believe that if we all stopped eating animals that they would just be allowed to roam free and breed till they were out of control?
Nope so once again they would at the least have to be culled so in essence nothing has changed as the animals are still being killed except this time they are being killed and just wasted as no one is allowed to eat them or use their hides.
I appreciate the fact that you are full of empathy and kindness but you must realize that the proposals that you make will only lead to these animals extinction and the selling off of the farmers lands and even more disgusting polluting city's popping up on the once green land that is kept green and beautiful by the farmers and their animals that we eat.
You need to accept the circle of life and if you want to do something good or appeal to people appeal their sense of decency so that farmed animals are treated properly and given a proper and non abusive life before they are humanely slaughtered.
You should be fighting for animals rights to live in a free range environment and them not having to waddle about in their own piss and shit until their feet are burning of.
Or the disgusting treatment of pigs who are highly intelligent and regularly abused in intensive farming schemes packed in so solid they can hardly move around at all whilst also standing in their own feces and being kicked and punched and prodded with tazer like staffs to get then to move more quickly in the intended direction.
Anyway i am sure all of your intentions are very good but really you need to rethink your position and the harsh reality's of our world.![]()
Why is it Nat, do you think that all the Sages and great religious leaders of our time are or were Vegetarian? Jesus only ate fish, buddah being able to recollect his past lives so far back even to when he was various animals was strict vegetarian....tibetan, chinese, japanese monks, why do you think they are all vegetarian? Cos they're freaks right? Wrong.
It's because when you open up to a higher level of connection, understanding, compassionate grounds, to an all around higher connection with the world we live in (and the things that live in it) you can clearly see that killing things that can feel pain conciously is downright wrong (so yes I'm against hunting too).
Do you believe in cannabalism? That's basically what it is but certainly on a different level. Just because we can, it doesnt mean we should. Just beacause you can smash joe blow over there becuase he's a twig and has a nice watch do you, no, why? Well some thugs do, but they are really in need of some higher learning.
So then why does any decent minded person still think it's ok to kill an animal for food? It's because thats what we are used to, we've been doing it all our lives, so why stop, right? And by the way those of you that are thinking "oh but I dont kill animals", well when you pay for the meat, I'm sure your bright rnough to connect the dots.
Oh because joe blow farmer might go out of business? Bollicks to that, believe me, in this life or the next, he will get his own. Lets hope he's not reborn as a cow, or pig eh?
Animals today, are not rounded up in the wild and kept, then killed as they are needed, they are breed to be killed and slaughtered. While there is many things that would be changed by us all going to vegetarianism that would be left to the supreme to deal with, by nature.
What isn't natural is what we are doing to animals just so we can have a feed. It is very wrong in my eyes. But hey, lets not put farmer joe out of business. And lets fuck with nature so they don't becoame extinct ay, maybe there should have been a dinosaur farmer back in the day.
lol, no hard feelings to anyone out there that eats meat, its just my view and your well within your rights to make your own choices and opinions and I'm happy with that.
Peace out peeps.