My Understanding Thus Far On Why We Are All Here

What you seem to fail to understand is that if we stop eating animals in this vegetarian manner as a society the animals will then become useless to the farmers and then as a logical progression in a money and power dominated land what exactly is it that you think all the farmers will do with their previously live stocked land?

Eventually once the farmers have sold the land that once held animals or grown vegetables in it there will be no room for the animals that we once ate.
The only reason that these animals are not extinct is because we do eat them.

Do you really believe that if we all stopped eating animals that they would just be allowed to roam free and breed till they were out of control?
Nope so once again they would at the least have to be culled so in essence nothing has changed as the animals are still being killed except this time they are being killed and just wasted as no one is allowed to eat them or use their hides.

I appreciate the fact that you are full of empathy and kindness but you must realize that the proposals that you make will only lead to these animals extinction and the selling off of the farmers lands and even more disgusting polluting city's popping up on the once green land that is kept green and beautiful by the farmers and their animals that we eat.

You need to accept the circle of life and if you want to do something good or appeal to people appeal their sense of decency so that farmed animals are treated properly and given a proper and non abusive life before they are humanely slaughtered.

You should be fighting for animals rights to live in a free range environment and them not having to waddle about in their own piss and shit until their feet are burning of.

Or the disgusting treatment of pigs who are highly intelligent and regularly abused in intensive farming schemes packed in so solid they can hardly move around at all whilst also standing in their own feces and being kicked and punched and prodded with tazer like staffs to get then to move more quickly in the intended direction.

Anyway i am sure all of your intentions are very good but really you need to rethink your position and the harsh reality's of our world.:blsmoke:

Why is it Nat, do you think that all the Sages and great religious leaders of our time are or were Vegetarian? Jesus only ate fish, buddah being able to recollect his past lives so far back even to when he was various animals was strict vegetarian....tibetan, chinese, japanese monks, why do you think they are all vegetarian? Cos they're freaks right? Wrong.

It's because when you open up to a higher level of connection, understanding, compassionate grounds, to an all around higher connection with the world we live in (and the things that live in it) you can clearly see that killing things that can feel pain conciously is downright wrong (so yes I'm against hunting too).

Do you believe in cannabalism? That's basically what it is but certainly on a different level. Just because we can, it doesnt mean we should. Just beacause you can smash joe blow over there becuase he's a twig and has a nice watch do you, no, why? Well some thugs do, but they are really in need of some higher learning.

So then why does any decent minded person still think it's ok to kill an animal for food? It's because thats what we are used to, we've been doing it all our lives, so why stop, right? And by the way those of you that are thinking "oh but I dont kill animals", well when you pay for the meat, I'm sure your bright rnough to connect the dots.

Oh because joe blow farmer might go out of business? Bollicks to that, believe me, in this life or the next, he will get his own. Lets hope he's not reborn as a cow, or pig eh?

Animals today, are not rounded up in the wild and kept, then killed as they are needed, they are breed to be killed and slaughtered. While there is many things that would be changed by us all going to vegetarianism that would be left to the supreme to deal with, by nature.

What isn't natural is what we are doing to animals just so we can have a feed. It is very wrong in my eyes. But hey, lets not put farmer joe out of business. And lets fuck with nature so they don't becoame extinct ay, maybe there should have been a dinosaur farmer back in the day.

lol, no hard feelings to anyone out there that eats meat, its just my view and your well within your rights to make your own choices and opinions and I'm happy with that.

Peace out peeps.
and by now animals should be extinct... plants are the best source of nutrients vitimins and minerals that your body requires, if healthy enough you should be able to synthesise any other need or requirement ......... people stopped eating meat 1 million years ago as it was too dangerous and a waste of time and energy.... and they did'nt bother with pets as they ate the children!!!
No i understand the concept of purity just as well as you do.
To be able to free yourself of all guilty pleasures etc. including not eating another beings flesh.
My point is just that this world is not at this time controlled by Buddah or Jesus it is controlled by corrupt politicians.

I can understand that you think it is wrong to take another life for your own food but as i said before how far do you extend your concept?
Plants feel pain to so why would you harm and hurt another lifeform and feel cool about it just because it is very different to you?
How can you justify eating a plant and not an animal when you know full well that the plant is alive and feels pain?

You cant extend your concept to one lifeform because it suits you and not another.
The only way to be fully pure would be to starve yourself to death whilst not moving and breathing through a facemask which is what some monks do in case you breathe in a fly.:roll::mrgreen:

This in my opinion is all a derivative of a guilt complex and trying to be more than we are,just another animal.
We like to pretend to be Gods when we are not at all,just another animal.
I will continue to eat meat as i think that as soon as we step that way its just asking for trouble.

I only purchase free range animals and eggs that have had a proper life in a proper environment.

The farmers land will be sold off and the animals that we consume will just become another zoo attraction.
The only thing that really concerns me is that the animals should be treated fairly and not killed when they are so young.

If you want to take this path you will eventually realize that you cannot discriminate between what life forms you wish to take for these reasons as they will only lead you back to the fact that life is life you take it or you will die:peace::joint:
No i understand the concept of purity just as well as you do.
To be able to free yourself of all guilty pleasures etc. including not eating another beings flesh.
My point is just that this world is not at this time controlled by Buddah or Jesus it is controlled by corrupt politicians.

I can understand that you think it is wrong to take another life for your own food but as i said before how far do you extend your concept?
Plants feel pain to so why would you harm and hurt another lifeform and feel cool about it just because it is very different to you?
How can you justify eating a plant and not an animal when you know full well that the plant is alive and feels pain?

You cant extend your concept to one lifeform because it suits you and not another.
The only way to be fully pure would be to starve yourself to death whilst not moving and breathing through a facemask which is what some monks do in case you breathe in a fly.:roll::mrgreen:

This in my opinion is all a derivative of a guilt complex and trying to be more than we are,just another animal.
We like to pretend to be Gods when we are not at all,just another animal.
I will continue to eat meat as i think that as soon as we step that way its just asking for trouble.

I only purchase free range animals and eggs that have had a proper life in a proper environment.

The farmers land will be sold off and the animals that we consume will just become another zoo attraction.
The only thing that really concerns me is that the animals should be treated fairly and not killed when they are so young.

If you want to take this path you will eventually realize that you cannot discriminate between what life forms you wish to take for these reasons as they will only lead you back to the fact that life is life you take it or you will die:peace::joint:

It's not about purity Nat, its about being compassionate more than anything. Put your self in the animals hooves, then come back and tell me that your still going to eat meat, but only if they are kept in humane (for lack of a better word) circumstances. What the hell does it matter if a cow is feed all the natural green grass it can eat, give it whatever it wants and the rest of it. Firstly having animals in captivity or caged in anyway IS NOT NATURAL. Free range or not they are still being slaughtered for our pleasure. I have never eaten meat, but fuck man I eat some tasty as shit when I get high (even when I'm not), and trust me I munch out a lot.

When you get the munchies, do you go and buy a steak or a chicken to mung on or go and do the killing yourself to eat it ? I guess some would but do the majority? Is it really that tantalising to your taste buds?

Even if it is, I don't give a shit my point has been made. One other thing I'm not sure about what your saying is the fact that plants "feel pain".

Do plants have a brain, or a central nervous system" something that tells them through thier nerves, "hey this is sharp and its hurting the fuck out of me" do plants feels scared, can they conciously express it?

I watched that fucked up video on efuct the other night (by mistake, when browsing through the vids) where the whore and the hunter shot down that bear and then fucked each other on the dead carcuss. You can hear the pain that the bear is conciously expressing before it drops out of the tree and hits the ground.

I ask you Nat, do you hear your marijuana plant crying out in pain when you chop it down or smoke it? I think not my friend.
Here is something I think you should read...THE CANNABIS BRAINds

It is entitled by me 'The Cannabis Brain' but in reality it is a paper about everyday plants.

An interesting read so far, thanks for sharing it. I have skimmed through it but as I need to go out I will read it though more in depth a bit later, one thing that stands out to me though was this...

"Plants clearly lack any centralised control site and resemble colonies of social insects, like ants. Their development is proposed to be driven more by a collective specification than by central planning"

Which entails to me that if the "pain" you caused it was going to have any effect on it, it would be that it would store that information so as to pass it on to the rest of the species for adaptation and survival. Not to show us or tell us, "hey stop doing that, your hurting me, I'm trying to express that but your not listening" much like animals and humans can convey that message.

I find it very hard to believe that plants will ever adapt or evolve to the point of them actually feeling any pain as humans or animals do.

But as I said, thanks and I'll read it more carfully soon :peace:
Yes i totally understand that i kill to survive and for pleasure.
I am ok with this as much as the cow is ok with stepping on a fly that was consuming the cows shit.
Its just life and not worth worrying about.
You cant call compassion when your concepts and ideas would lead to extinction.
I understand your PETA style views.

You cant call it compassion for a lifeform unless you are willing to extend your compassion to all life forms including plants and insects.
As for my maryjane plants i always pollinate a small bud and wait until they are ready,there lives have been full and good and their seed is grown and their purpose has been fullfilled.

The gnats that i catch in mollases traps are also used as i mix the used trays of caught flies into my garden compost bin.
In harmony with nature not against nature.
Putting yourself above animals is a one way ticket to thinking you are better than them and something more than you are not.:blsmoke:
The brain thing does kinda make sense... when we harvest a plant but leave the root stock the plant can regenerate itself.

Also a plants perception of 'pain' may not be the same as ours, but we really can't know (at least not yet) whether the plant is aware of this pain, or that it 'hurts'.

Yet unknowing/ignorance still does not make it right. We need food to survive, the majority (if not all) of food on this planet starts out as a living thing.

If we distinguish one from the other we risk becoming hypocritical.
What you seem to fail to understand is that if we stop eating animals in this vegetarian manner as a society the animals will then become useless to the farmers and then as a logical progression in a money and power dominated land what exactly is it that you think all the farmers will do with their previously live stocked land?

Eventually once the farmers have sold the land that once held animals or grown vegetables in it there will be no room for the animals that we once ate.
The only reason that these animals are not extinct is because we do eat them.

Do you really believe that if we all stopped eating animals that they would just be allowed to roam free and breed till they were out of control?
Nope so once again they would at the least have to be culled so in essence nothing has changed as the animals are still being killed except this time they are being killed and just wasted as no one is allowed to eat them or use their hides.

I appreciate the fact that you are full of empathy and kindness but you must realize that the proposals that you make will only lead to these animals extinction and the selling off of the farmers lands and even more disgusting polluting city's popping up on the once green land that is kept green and beautiful by the farmers and their animals that we eat.

You need to accept the circle of life and if you want to do something good or appeal to people appeal their sense of decency so that farmed animals are treated properly and given a proper and non abusive life before they are humanely slaughtered.

You should be fighting for animals rights to live in a free range environment and them not having to waddle about in their own piss and shit until their feet are burning of.

Or the disgusting treatment of pigs who are highly intelligent and regularly abused in intensive farming schemes packed in so solid they can hardly move around at all whilst also standing in their own feces and being kicked and punched and prodded with tazer like staffs to get then to move more quickly in the intended direction.

Anyway i am sure all of your intentions are very good but really you need to rethink your position and the harsh reality's of our world

so true nat
Its funny seeying all the meat eaters band together because they can't bring themselves to stop doing something they have done their whole life, even when they know it's wrong and unjust. Ask yourselfs deep down, would you eat your pet or a friends, yes or no? Why ?

But lets just put it down to, lets not stop eating meat so the animals don't get out of hand and roam free. bahahah.

It's because of man that most of the endangered species are endangered, and let me guess your all for trying to save the almost extinct species in the world, right. Why?

Is it because you know down deep inside it's most likey because of man's interference with nature?

I little bit of condradition going on I think, but alot of people are like that, not just you guys, so, its all good, right?
Its funny seeying all the meat eaters band together because they can't bring themselves to stop doing something they have done their whole life, even when they know it's wrong and unjust. Ask yourselfs deep down, would you eat your pet or a friends, yes or no? Why ?

But lets just put it down to, lets not stop eating meat so the animals don't get out of hand and roam free. bahahah.

It's because of man that most of the endangered species are endangered, and let me guess your all for trying to save the almost extinct species in the world, right. Why?

Is it because you know down deep inside it's most likey because of man's interference with nature?

I little bit of condradition going on I think, but alot of people are like that, not just you guys, so, its all good, right?
Dude,you only listen to yourself.:blsmoke:
Real talk man. just like the mayans predicted we are evolving into the next "underworld" which is called "universial Co-Creation". We are Co Creators of Life....belive dat :)
If there is no meat on my plate, there is no meal.
Beef, Pork, Deer, Rabbit,Turtle,Fish, all ocean dwelling creatures are game,Turkey,Lamb,Duck,Geese,Pheasants,Bear, Elk, Moose,Alligator,Frogs, Crawl-dads,Chicken,baby Chickens(cornish hens),Snake, well damm near anything.
I love to eat meat....ummmm...ummmy

I make some killer ass, beef jerky, at least thats what everyone tells me, even my butcher says so....ha ha ha
Need a sample?
heres the deal people every single organism that helps sustain our lives once was or once did eat a 'living organism' in order to survive. In other words there isnt a single thing we eat that wasnt once alive and kicking. Now that having been said it has been proven that plants do 'feel'...ok folks heres where the hypocrisy begins to rear its ugly head: 1. you cannabalize your pot plants by cutting them down and then ripping their tender leaves from their dieing stalks(as they gasp for water and much needed root establishment) you rip their poor little leaves off then chop them up as they lay suffocating 2. you rip those vegetables from their roots and then cut them up into tiny little pieces and toss them into boiling water or hot steam at times before theyve actually died!...My wife once said "dont kill cows" I replied "but you eat fish!"...she then said "yes but fish arent as cute as cows". Listen you think your way is the only way Im here to tell you your wrong. A well grown tomato or cabbage etc. is no different then a tree. yet you massacre them? Do you see the flaw in this righteous thinking? Live and let live or maybe I should say we ALL kill in order to survive no exceptions to the rule... that would be more accurate.
I'm sure the vegetables have no qualms feeding from the sustenance of our rotting corpses...

Life feeds off itself... this is the only way to live. So we farm animals, and we farm vegetables... I really see no difference.

Yet these veggies seem to think they are better, more humane, than a meat eater.

I could not kill my dog, but I would take my dog on the hunt... it's what he was designed for.
so this topic has turned into a debate on vegetarianism?

back to the point - My understanding on why we're here ... is to enjoy every f*ckin day. eat meat if u want. be veggie if you want. smoke weed if you want. love one another if you want.

when i'm stressed ... i usually put on some Ambient music and roll a fat one. Meditation and Yoga also help me. I decided a few years ago that I'm gonna enjoy my life.