1024 Medical Stealth Cab Grow!


Well-Known Member
rasta mon!!!!! you think you just gonna keep all the good shit to urself uh???? lemme get greens..
lol! whats good bredren! been a minute!...u like that pic huh! too abd that shits loooong gone! what sux is not only is it gone but i aint gonna be seein that shit for another couple months! and on top of dat man im outa smoke and my knee fuckin me up! had to pop some vicadin...kinda outa it but no more pain! ..u should send me some of dat sour kush so i dont gotta pop these things lol


Well-Known Member
yea man thats my shit...its one of the bud shots that wur posted earlier...i just zoomed in so u guys can see th trichs...i love my new camera man! my last cam would neva be able to do dat!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
well i hope they all make it for ya. thats weird, the dead leaves yet the plant looks good. that AHK is a healthy looking little thing.


Well-Known Member
hey thank! yea man i think the leaves are from the lights being too close and heat...could be wrong though...it def. not overnutes...becuase they werent fed untill the other day...but yea despite the run in with the light the AHK is growing really healthy it has a 2nd cola but it hasnt grown much...it was almost like the light bulb topped my seedling lol


Well-Known Member
well been reallll busy recently...this time focusing most of my time on the garden! i feel that the three clones that wur very sick are bac to normal and are nothing short of happy!
I am against cutting fan leaves, even if they 'look bad', they still have a purpose wether or not they are completely green or not, so i leave them on untill they arent green anymore and fall off.

the 3 1024 clones...
(left in the cab)
(centre in the cab also the bigggest one)

(right in the cab, this is the smallest but the healthiest of the three)

(2 bag seeds)

(1024 seedling, she growin a bit slow...but hses healthy and eats as much as the rest of the garden!)

Afghani Hindu Kush...this plant is def. the happiest and healthiest in the cab...and has grown quite a bit past few days! she can eat a whollle lot...i feel like i can feed her twice as much than what ive been mixing up...i think i will increase the nute dosage for everyone in the cab.

i have my lights on 18/6 and everything in this cab has never seen 12/12 but all three of my clones are showing pistils and are shooting out secondary growth...but there are no pistils wen looking down at the cola...are they tellin my its time to flower? well in about another week or two i think the three clones will be goin in the greenhouse to flower for 2weeks...u guys think its too late in the season to throw them outside?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
dam bro, a lot going on there, looking good though. those leaves on that one look like the bulb burned them??? if you put them outside, they'll be huge at the end of the season, LoL. nice man!!


Well-Known Member
lookin good in there, they recovered nicely!

are they making flowers? maybe they are just showing sex?
yea man they bounced bac nicely, i ditched the idea to rain and then wait untill the soil is a bit dry to feed. i now wait untill they start to perk up a bit and then feed, which is normally about an hour or two after the flush. been working great and everyone in the garden loves it!...and yea i think they are just preflowers? idk...this strain does it quite often.

dam bro, a lot going on there, looking good though. those leaves on that one look like the bulb burned them??? if you put them outside, they'll be huge at the end of the season, LoL. nice man!!
thanks man hopefully ill have some more clones soon to add to the count...no the leaves werent burnt by contact, it was a mix of high heat and poor care on my part. i think it had more to do with the bulb being really close,and heat


Well-Known Member
Sup Red ! I subbed to your thread and will catch up and do the read on it today . Those finished buds up there looked yummy Bro ! I like your Idea to feed after they wake up , might have to try that after I get MIR down.



Well-Known Member
Sup Red ! I subbed to your thread and will catch up and do the read on it today . Those finished buds up there looked yummy Bro ! I like your Idea to feed after they wake up , might have to try that after I get MIR down.

hey thanks man good to have ya here! hopefully over the next few weeks things will get a lil more interesting

:leaf:Lookin hella good Rasta!!! Glad to see ya Veggin.:leaf:
thanks man! yea i decided to take em out there cave of a box to vege em properly in the cab...things have been working out great usually they are neglected in a tall box with no fans nothing...so by veggin in a proper environment i hope to yield more


Well-Known Member
well the garden is still happy as can b...i had to raise the lights since the last update which is a really good sign!


1024 clones

Afghan hindu kush


1024 seedling...shes growin really slow and really compact...this strain from seed has done this almost everytime!...idk y but there are about 2-3nodes which all together arent even an inch high...but shes healthy so i cant complain!

the two bag seeds...the one on the right is real stretchy and wen the soil dries she starts to fall over and shit...i staked it shortly agter the picture


Well-Known Member
just rained on these 3 trees...then in an hour or 2 i will feed them....i wanted to show u guys how much they love it! but shhhh! they are 'asleep' right now i will show u how they look wen they wake up!


Well-Known Member
thnks man....

well i snapped the pic last night and forgot to update what they look like after i feed them...


Active Member
:leaf:The tall ones look ready to bloom now.:leaf:
Did you start the seeds off right in the dirt or did you germinate???


Well-Known Member
im not to sure but i think all wur started in the dirt except the 1024 seedling...becuase the seeds are really pale and small so i germ to make sure...and yea the taller ones are readyy...i will be putting them outside on sunday and they will stay there for about 2weeks....man i wiish i could just leave em out there from vege to flower...or even just the entire flowerin period but i cant so ill take my 2weeks :) so sunday they should b outside and ready to flower...not to sure if i should throw everything outside or not...idk...but i def need clones off the afghan hindu kush!...that was my only bean...