Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

Well i lost one jar to contams so i guess i will just birth these and just pf tek them. I dont have enough spawn for a bulk project.

I bought another golden teachers syringe and will be making a Live culture out of it and using my new pc to make rye berry quarts.





Forgive me but if you don't case, how does your colonized substrate survive multiple flushes?
JP, I know you've been busy putting your grow tent together but how about a shroom update when you have the time.
I started some Golden Teacher on Feb,19 (over two weeks ago) and I don't see much (anything?) going on. Not sure if it is starting to colonize yet? It has been a bit cold in the house, I have been trying to keep them warm but maybe the flux in temps slowed things to a crawl. I moved them to a better place yesterday so I'll see if it helps. Seems as if heating from the bottom dryed out the sub a bit on the bottom too. oh well, its all part of the learnong curve. So far I have started the Golden Teacher BRF and one LC on 2/19. The LC got contammed, I didn't PC the LC long enough. Then on 2/26, I started 7 Treasure Coast rye jars and 2 Treasure Coast LC jars. Then on 3/2 I started Ecuador strain on 7 rye jars and 2 LC jars. So, I will see if any of this takes off. Crossing my fingers. The syringes froze once some time ago t=and they have been in the firdge for about 10 months now. Time will tell.

Let us know how your BRF cakes are doing.
thanks for reminding me to update! here are a few pics, it takes forever for a multi spore inoculation to colonize 100%


dam did this journal get lost with the hack bullshit last year?

bummer i was enjoying the read.

^^ as this the contamed jar? i thought it looked like some bluish mold was growing in there.

anyways hope the rest of your grow was sucessfull man. if your even still following this thread.