Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

hehe i thought being a cannabis grower would help in growing mushrooms.. but i was wrong heh its a completely different thing all together. Im having a blast learning about it though.

Glad your following along! glad to have ya!

Im using the method taught by RR "lets grow mushrooms" i suggest searching google for "lets grow mushrooms torrent" I downloaded the videos and they are awesome.

hpoo doesn't need caseing, another reason it rules, caseing is for a pinset, hpoo is so rocket sub doesn't want or need a caseing...

peeps don't case hpoo.
thank you for straightening that out. So once its 100% colonized, you wait for consolidation then remove the trash bag and use the light and fresh air as a pinning trigger?
thank you for straightening that out. So once its 100% colonized, you wait for consolidation then remove the trash bag and use the light and fresh air as a pinning trigger?

Drop in co2 ( colonizing myc in a tub in a bag has no GE), so, when you take it out of the bag, Blam, GE-co2 drops, indirect airflow enables evaporation, light is not a big factor in this. The full colonization is first, and most important.
I tried a LC inoculation of mazatapec and the jars are colonized to 80% already. Blowing past the golden teachers big time. Are all LC's this kick ass?

Im starting to think this is just a slow ass strain.

I tried a LC inoculation of mazatapec and the jars are colonized to 80% already. Blowing past the golden teachers big time. Are all LC's this kick ass?

Im starting to think this is just a slow ass strain.


Yes, that is why I said make lc, takes 10 days easy off a jar colonizing. Some are faster then others, next step is making a clone lc from a fruitbody...
Well im a believer now!

I cant wait to try cloning from a fruit body. I probably should make a glove box for that.

My next step is to fire up the PC and make some LC jars and some rye berry jars to go along with that. My pc will hold a shitload of half pint jars for LC's or 10 quarts jars for grains.

Well im a believer now!

I cant wait to try cloning from a fruit body. I probably should make a glove box for that.

My next step is to fire up the PC and make some LC jars and some rye berry jars to go along with that. My pc will hold a shitload of half pint jars for LC's or 10 quarts jars for grains.

Tek in my thread for clone LC, need a glovebox like you said.

When you get a syringe set aside 3 or 4 cc for lc, and out of that you will start using it within 2 weeks,
make 1/2 pint grain jars 1/3rd full to test the lcs, if they colonize you can shoot the jar up with 60 or more cc of sterile water, agitate and let sit a bit, then draw off a syringe and shoot like you would an LC because it is a LC, grain lc. and make more lc with it!!
Ouch, found out the hard way i obviously need a glove box or a PC. All the jars i made the other night have contaminates and the jars made by mushbox are not. Same LC on all
So the LC is good, just i didnt steam them correctly or something. I think things will go smoother when i build a glove box and start using a PC to make grains and leave the cakes behind. I like that idea best, i want to work with the mono tubs a while.

anyways here is a few pics for your enjoyment.




thanks for reminding me to update! here are a few pics, it takes forever for a multi spore inoculation to colonize 100%





sweet 2 1/2 pint LC's from each syringe for sure!

Thank you so much, i will be picking up a tote and making a still air box soon.

i bought a 4 pack of 66 quart storage boxes. Ill turn one into a still air box by cutting some arm holes in it. i already have tyvek wrist sleeves and gloves.

that gives me three tubs to eventually turn into mono tubs. fun times ahead!

Freaking weather has my PC shipment delayed yet again! Its taking forever to get that thing. I have been spending time researching mono tubs and they look simple to make. but until i can PC my rye berries or LC's im kinda stuck. Oh well guess its time to smoke one :leaf::hump: