Golden Teacher PF tek, Mono Tek grow

Groovy, Your right. I should get a quality PC. safety aint something to take lightly. I like the idea of getting a brand new unit still in the box. that way i can fuck it up hehe

Hello JP and all. I'm just lurking in the background here. I don't have much to add (yet) but I am enjoying the front row seat. :) You’re inspiring and motivating me to get my stuff going too. I have been sitting on some spores I have in the fridge and have not done anything yet. It might be time to try my hand too. Keep up the good work.
ya man maby you can find a brand new one that someone didnt have use for, for cheap(er.) Im not going to use one on my grow within the next week, will that be a big deal? just going to boil them for the first harvest.
I used the PF tek tonight and made up 8 1/2 pint jars. No PC required for that tek. its simple to make and use for us without a pc

Im on the lookout for a cheaper price, but it looks like amazon has every one listed on google. The AA's seem to be a quality PC, so i will most likely buy it.

for sure man look for some reviews about the pc before you get it.

Is spores 101 a good site for syringes? and what strains did you use?
I heard hawaiin and treasure coast were good. GT
spores101 is where i got my syringe from for this grow. i just went with golden teachers from them as a first project but ill be ordering a few strains to round out my collection.

My next purchase will be treasure coast, ive heard good things about it.

I have

- Psilocybe Cubensis Cambodia
- Psilocybe Cubensis B+
- Psilocybe Cubensis Mazatapec

those syringes i bought from avalon plants but i just inoculated some jars with mazatapec and put them up for colonization in a cardboard box.





yay for me, i bought a [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]"All American 921 All-American 21-1/2-Quart Pressure Cooker/Canner" and having it sent to my caregivers house. so no worries about me having a fresh supply of substrate. Rye berries and Wild bird seed, here i come!

I got it for 199 with free shipping off of amazon, couldnt find a better price for the AA 921


Thats a great deal JP.

You ever see a pic of Hippychick in her monster AA? Like the biggest one they make, she had to use 2 burners on her stove to run it, and she had 2 I think...

I'm well pleased with my 23 quart Presto, don't need any more the # of times I use it, had mine a year and the seal is still pristine, just need to take care of it. Make sure you treat the mating surfaces like any machined surface, with care and maintainance.
I plan to take really good care of it. It should last me a really long time. AA has a good rep as far as pressure cookers go.
i bought a 10 lbs sack of organic rye berries. So ill be making up quart jars soon.

well ive been surfing monotubs and im going to give it a shot. i bought a 66 quart storage box and a bag of poly fill. Ill cut holes for gas exchange then stuff them with polyfill. I dont have a 2 inch hole saw so ill have to improvise. It's scary to think of something you dont fan and mist daily.. but people assure me it works. Im supposed to wrap it in a garbage bag and leave it alone for two weeks. no peeking. Thats a trip to me.

Heh hope this shit works, i want some mushrooms!

if i was to do cakes, once they are at 100% i wait another week for consolidation then its into a dunk. its overnight and you weigh them down so they are under water. then you rinse them off really well under tap water and roll in vermiculite and place them into the fruiting chamber. wait for 2 hours then come back and mist the cakes really well to hydrate the verm. then its just daily misting and fanning.

For bulk i just wait for 100% then a week for consolidation and then they are crumbled up and layered into a glad ware family size container along with a hpoo substrate and covered with foil. once thats fully colonized i apply a casing layer and wait for mushrooms to pop up. its a few more steps but im hoping for a larger flush by crumbling to bulk.

Once i have my PC up and running, ill switch to the MONO TEK because its way more simple.

Right on brah. I don't know anything about growing shrooms but it sounds very interesting. So instead of reading other threads, I'm gonna get all the info right here. It's gonna be cool to watch this from start to finish.

Check ya later.