Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

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Cooltubes sorted. Mostly. :D The stuff is up but duct taped. I need to go buy some big honkin' hoseclamps to suit all the 150mm connections. Works, tho, for now.

Testing in mockup on the garage floor with 21C ambient intake air indicated that exhaust temp from the first lamp is 28.8C, a 7.7C rise. This is an optimal figure, with only one lamp in line and no bends. I expect more rise in practise when installed. Some bends and squishing of the duct are necessary to make it fit.


If 29C air is then series fed into another cooltube, the exhaust air temp is about 34C.


The tube sockets are ceramic, so at those temps, I didn't feel too bad about running the tubes in much mechanically simpler series instead of parallel, nor be terribly pedantic about orienting the tube socket towards the airflow. Works.


I did opt for a closed loop, drawing cooling air for the tubes from outside the room's airmass and also dumping outside. Since it's closed, no scent control is needed on the cooltube air circuit. Got an Allvent 150mm axial pushing it for now (in upper left of above pic), but I think there's a 150mm centrif in the future if but for lower noise. The axial will do the job for moving air through this system, but there's lots of bends and obstructions, noticeably reducing flow rate compared to other Allvent 150mm fans I have in use around here.


Input air during tests after installation was 22C. Output from cooltube 1 was 28C, output from #2 was 34C, rising about 6C for each 1000. I only tested it for about 15 mins as it's sposed to be nighttime in there now, but I'll get a look in later on when everything has properly started as usual and has been running for a couple of hours. I put a remote sensing thermo probe in the output duct to monitor the 'EGT' (Exhaust Gas Temperature for you non-jet jockeys :) ), as it were.

These cooltubes came with a built-in semicircular reflector which would have interfered with the batwings' even distribution pattern. Out came the tin snips and the built-in refs are gone.

The cooltubes' blower is on a timer, set to start at lights on but keep running for about 30 mins past lights off, assuring the lamps and sockets are dead cold before shutting down.

Of course, I expect my peak temps to be lower, but I'm especially looking forward to seeing what the RH does. If the main exhaust blower has to run less often because it's not solely responsible for removing heat from the lights, I bet I'm better able to control humidity. My dehumidifier is presently on a timer, set to run on lights-off only, but it may now be useful during lights-on. Without the cooltubes, the nicely dried air is blown right out because the heat from the lights triggers the main exhaust blower. Quite often recently, the intake air has been over 70% RH, and if the exhaust blower is running all the time, that's the RH in the grow room, too. I really want it to stay between 30-50%.

We'll see how we go! :)
damn, do you set these things up in your spare time?? i suppose if you are harvesting 2lbs a month you can afford to have a lot of spare time
damn, do you set these things up in your spare time?? i suppose if you are harvesting 2lbs a month you can afford to have a lot of spare time

Took me about 2 hours to remove the sockets from the batwings, drill a couple of holes in each shade, install the cooltubes and route the ducting... even counting a coffee break in the middle of it... not a real big time investment, dood. ;)

The production figure is up recently, looking more like about 3lb/mo since I fixed a few things. Here's hoping that the cooltubes will increase the output even more. There's no such thing around here as a bud that doesn't have SOMEONE'S name on it! Everyone always wants more, and usually RIGHT SPANKING NOW, DAMMIT! :D

Mind, you have to figure that growing dope IS my job, has been since this one particular pathetic drunken bitch ran me over (and fled the scene) some years ago... if it wasn't for weed, I'd have fronted the bankruptcy tribunal some years ago.
we run our hood the same way. suck air from out the room through the hood ( hood has glass bottom) & back out the room. this method does suck some air from the room through the glass but it keeps just a little bit of pressure pulling into the room so no smell gets out when lights are on. & doesn't pull hard enough to suck all the co2 out the room. so seems 2 be very affective, & efficient .
doesn't pull hard enough to suck all the co2 out the room. so seems 2 be very affective, & efficient .

When you come up with a fan which will suck all the CO2 out of anything, let me know. We'll make a king's fortune solving global warming. :D

The only way room air can be depleted of CO2 is by not ventilating enough, allowing the plants to use up what CO2 is in the room's airmass.
wow, sit still for a whlie, I am having trouble keeping up with all the improvments. VV

you & me both. :D

haha ya no shit i just started doing this little cycle .. but on a much smaller scale haha i only do 18 clones at a time how many do u usally pull of the mums

I take 30 cuttings every 14-15 days.

:rolleyes:well ya i know that. im talking about the co2 that we are injecting into the room from a tank:wall:, lol

Well, you didn't bother to tell me that you have a CO2 tank! :lol:

Hope you splashed out the big bux for a proper CO2 metering device which senses CO2 ppm, doses accordingly and controls exhaust fans. I'm planning to install CO2 next- and I'd like one of these, please. :)
figured u would of known that we were using co2 being i said something like that. but then again some people say crazy things, lol.

well we dont have a cos controller & censor yet. we use a math formula & hope for the best but its by far accurate cause u dont know how much excapes ect..

we are looking into 2 options.
1 we can buy that electronic system for right around 900$. & it basically takes car of everyting including monitoring co2 from 1 box as u know , but some dont.

2 we are looking into a computer system that does all the same things & u control it from anywhere u want. btu what makes this system even better
is it makes graphs that u can compare everything from co2 vs fan/temp vs humidity ect... & this system starts for around 600$ & goes up depending on what u want 2 add. so it will work out 2 be about the same price except u have more options, oh aslo u can set up a cam & do time laps.

do u know of any other comp systems?
Growtronix, Greenhouse Controller and Grow Room Computer Automation System
Hope you splashed out the big bux for a proper CO2 metering device which senses CO2 ppm, doses accordingly and controls exhaust fans. I'm planning to install CO2 next- and I'd like one of these, please. :)

woah whats up with that website? it doesn't quite work, is it even real?! stuff sounds pretty sweet but everytime i click on something the site just craps out. so you down under, al b?
All good...except the 240volt part. VV

There is a 120V version for the US, but it seems the link to the information page is broken. If you're interested, email "info at accenthydroponics dot com" and see what they tell you.

figured u would of known that we were using co2 being i said something like that. but then again some people say crazy things, lol.

You did?

woah whats up with that website? it doesn't quite work, is it even real?! stuff sounds pretty sweet but everytime i click on something the site just craps out. so you down under, al b?

Nah totally fake website, I like to put up stuff like that to confuse ppl, confusion is what I'm here for. :roll:

One of their links is broken, pop them an email to the above address with queries.

13-16oz??? jesus christ. do you slang it too?

Only in slanging matches. :D

You can add 50% to that production figure given recent improvements.
Hi Al, I just wanna say i have been watching and learning from your thread on grasscity and now just read the 50+ pages here today. I am about to move and want to do a 2 tray system of 4x4 in a hydrohut. Harvest ever month instead of 2 weeks.

Here is the hydrohut:
Discount Hydroponics - HydroHut Deluxe

but the local hydro store wants me to put two 600w or 1000w hps in it and i really dont want to do two 1000w hps. So my question is should i get dual 600w hps or get one 1000w like you system and mod the cool tube with winged reflector.

I am also thinking of going with 6x6x6 rock wool cubes b/c i cant find rock wool sold in a bale around here. what is your take on that?

Thanks for all the help and research already, you are da man.
does that system u are looking at for the c02 work in conjunction with fans ect...


should i get dual 600w hps or get one 1000w like you system and mod the cool tube with winged reflector.

I'd opt for a single 1000- and I'd build my own grow tent rather than spending about 4-5x the construction cost on a HydroHut.

I am also thinking of going with 6x6x6 rock wool cubes b/c i cant find rock wool sold in a bale around here. what is your take on that?

I'm not overfond of large RW cubes, especially not for starting clones. Big cubes hold too much water compared to the uptake rate of clones. 40mm cubes are the biz for rooting clones. Once your clones are rooted, they can get put into RW slabs or large (100mm (4") or 150mm (6")) cubes, if that's all you can get. Water them only about 1x day.

I've kinda moved on a bit from pots full of RW floc; I used it for years, but I always thought it holds water for too long, allowing dissolved O2 to dissipate before the plant can draw it up. Only when plants get larger, at about the 4th wk of flowering, are they really large enough to make an appreciable dent in 24 hours in the ~2L of water an 8" pot filled (only) with floc can absorb.

I've been seeking a better medium for a long time- came across Fytocell a few mos ago- and it really is the bizness.

These days, I only put about 25mm (1") of RW floc in the bottom of each pot and fill the remaining space with Fytocell. The layer of floc in the bottom keeps the Fytocell crumbs from escaping through the pot drain holes and once wet, also weights down the pot. Fytocell holds so much air that a pot of it will float.

Roots will thread nicely through Fytocell, whereas roots tend to grow around the layer of floc in the bottoms of my pots- floc is usually too wet for roots to grow through it, even when only watered 1x/day. Water will lose all its dissolved O2 in about 24H. If you can't water at least 1x/day with freshly aerated nute soln, the water left for longer than that in the big RW cubes or pots of floc will stagnate.

40mm RW cubes are small enough that between water uptake from the clone and direct evaporation (esp when on a heatmat), they will want watering 2x/day, at least until transplanted into pots of media for further growing.

hey al what would you say was your single best yeild increasing improvement?

The dehumidifier solved a lot of problems and the improvements were dramatic, notably for winter operation. The dehumidifier makes a little bit of heat which helps keep the room above 16C even when the intake air for the op is very cool (12-14C). I expect the improvement from the cooltubes will be at least as dramatic, if not more so, particularly for summer operation.

A grow room is an integrated system; in just one example, the optimal ventilation rate is dependent on not just the room air volume but the number of plants and the amt of light power in the op. Change one thing and other things may change; e.g. a massive ventilation system may cause you to have to water more often. It's hard for me to make sweeping recommendations for all ops built in any space because even the location of a grow op within the structure housing it will change certain parameters. I can give rough estimations, but it's up to you to really tweak it in so it works well for your situation.
should i get dual 600w hps or get one 1000w like you system and mod the cool tube with winged reflector.

I'd opt for a single 1000

Thinking about this a bit further given the '50W/sq ft of HPS lighting' rule-o-thumb.

If your 2 tables really are 4'x4', you should probably go with the pair of 600s.

My trays are only 820mm^2 (2.7 feet sq) or 7.2 sq ft per tray, making a pair of them about 14.4 sq ft, fine for a single 1000. This is about 70W/sq ft.

A 4'x4' tray is by itself 16 sq ft, theoretically requiring about 800W of HPS per tray for 50W/sq ft.

You can get plenty of bud from a pair of ~3'x3' trays. You might opt for the smaller trays and use a single 1000. A good batwing reflector has a 2:1 rectangular coverage pattern, well suiting a pair of appropriately sized square trays.
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