Two Republicans Announce The Bill To De-Fund Public Broadcasting

By reading the title of this thread you may have assumed that al-Qaeda was trying to destroy our rights to know what is going on since we all know terrorists are bad.. But, you would be wrong.

A free and open democracy depends on an informed citizenry and that free and open part is under attack.
As George Orwell wrote in his book 1984 "He controls the past controls the future."

Well we are seeing the first steps in eliminating Public Broadcasting as a federally funded program. Funding for Public Broadcasting provide things like Sesame Street and Nova as well an the Nightly Business report and the News Hour.
I for one have been enriched by the programming that Public Broadcasting provides especially National Public Radio which has the very best morning news.
Two Republicans announce the bill to de-fund public broadcasting

The truth is we are not broke nor on the verge of bankruptcy since record profits are being reported by our large corporate citizens and the banking industry in general. Even historic profits are being announced.

So again it looks like an attack on what you and I know and when we know it.
I for one think we get a lot more out of Public Broadcasting then we do out of Nuclear Bomb. One the Republicans want to cut spending on and the other they want increase spending for.

I believe we are being lied to at a rate unseen before at the same time we are basically running the Middle East at taxpayers expense.

Remember we have not started to pay for the war yet and that credit card has no limit so far at leas no Republicans will cut that spending.
Jobs for people.. Not important.. Independent media so we have a well informed voter base not important and now we will see no reproductive rights for woman again when we already settled that 30 years or more ago.
Check out for the news and listen to National Public Radio.

Well your other, post you talk about how you liked Al Jareeza tv maybe that is your calling? Cut off that BS American TV.
Well your other, post you talk about how you liked Al Jareeza tv maybe that is your calling? Cut off that BS American TV.

I dig the diversity. Listening to NPR this morning.

Would you want to be stuck with only one source of news?
I dig the diversity. Listening to NPR this morning.

Would you want to be stuck with only one source of news?

So there are only 2 news originations in the U.S.? Now that’s news to me. I don’t’ know which claim ridiculous. That there are only 2 source of news in this country or President Obama isn’t a socialist.

If your so worried about NPR disappearing you should start sending them money. If you feel so strongly about it you should put your money mouth is. Tax payers don’t need to be on the line for out dated ideas, organizations and/or policies. So write them a big check today.
i don't know which is more laughable, buck's pushing every example to the limits of credulity and demanding definitive proof of what is obviously a matter of opinion or the mealy mouthed meanderings of our new weak-kneed sob sister ernst. both seem more than willing to buy parrot the state sanctioned propaganda and half-truths of the most liberal media outlets, to praise the political animals and institutions that continue to bleed the taxpayer dry in the name of their social engineering projects and to fund it all with someone else's money.

to begin with, public broadcasting is no more free speech than any other media outlet. it is merely one that the liberal establishment has a firm control over and that we are all forced to pay for. while its proponents love to remind us that it is not beholden to corporate interests, they seem to conveniently forget that it is dependent on an even more powerful master for its funding, the state. its content is as policed and biased by those masters as any privately held media and, unlike those others, it need not give back any value for the privilege of its existence. every other form of media must justify its existence and prove its value to the public in order to continue or it must adapt to their changing desires. like every other program supported by the mad swirl of government spending, public broadcasting is exempt from the marketplace that is in direct control of the people themselves. in an age where information and entertainment is freely distributed to almost every household in the country, an avenue that we are forced to fund is redundant and a luxury we can ill afford.

the marketplace has given us a wide variety of media sources and there's certainly no indication that that trend will change. there are and will be abuses in that marketplace, but it is the people who will decide how to deal with them in the way best suited to that arena - their money. no amount of privately held power can hold sway over over the public as long as their freedom to choose in this way remains intact and that freedom can only be taken by the violent force of the eternal state. no matter how many media magnates may come and go, the freedom to choose who to believe and to support them will always win out over even the most oppressive monopoly. one of our government's prime duties is to see to it that our choices remain free, it is not in government's purview to provide us with those choices.
So there are only 2 news originations in the U.S.? Now that’s news to me. I don’t’ know which claim ridiculous. That there are only 2 source of news in this country or President Obama isn’t a socialist.

If your so worried about NPR disappearing you should start sending them money. If you feel so strongly about it you should put your money mouth is. Tax payers don’t need to be on the line for out dated ideas, organizations and/or policies. So write them a big check today.

I'm not understanding your point.
Are you complaining about me because you think there are only 2 news sources? Or, are you complaining that I like NPR

The Taxpayers get more from public broadcasting than voting for conservatives.
Tell me you never watched Sesame Street. Perhaps you don't know Conjunction Junction what's your Function?
The early years of child development are aided by programs that don't have commercials. I am all for non-commercial messages for 3 year olds.

Call me old fashion.
i don't know which is more laughable, buck's pushing every example to the limits of credulity and demanding definitive proof of what is obviously a matter of opinion or the mealy mouthed meanderings of our new weak-kneed sob sister ernst. both seem more than willing to buy parrot the state sanctioned propaganda and half-truths of the most liberal media outlets, to praise the political animals and institutions that continue to bleed the taxpayer dry in the name of their social engineering projects and to fund it all with someone else's money.

to begin with, public broadcasting is no more free speech than any other media outlet. it is merely one that the liberal establishment has a firm control over and that we are all forced to pay for. while its proponents love to remind us that it is not beholden to corporate interests, they seem to conveniently forget that it is dependent on an even more powerful master for its funding, the state. its content is as policed and biased by those masters as any privately held media and, unlike those others, it need not give back any value for the privilege of its existence. every other form of media must justify its existence and prove its value to the public in order to continue or it must adapt to their changing desires. like every other program supported by the mad swirl of government spending, public broadcasting is exempt from the marketplace that is in direct control of the people themselves. in an age where information and entertainment is freely distributed to almost every household in the country, an avenue that we are forced to fund is redundant and a luxury we can ill afford.

the marketplace has given us a wide variety of media sources and there's certainly no indication that that trend will change. there are and will be abuses in that marketplace, but it is the people who will decide how to deal with them in the way best suited to that arena - their money. no amount of privately held power can hold sway over over the public as long as their freedom to choose in this way remains intact and that freedom can only be taken by the violent force of the eternal state. no matter how many media magnates may come and go, the freedom to choose who to believe and to support them will always win out over even the most oppressive monopoly. one of our government's prime duties is to see to it that our choices remain free, it is not in government's purview to provide us with those choices.

This is a warning, I never gave you permission to insult me.
If you persist I will formally complain.
You owe me an apology.
I'm am waiting.
Here is what I have to say.

It's much easier to give up rights than it is to get them back.
Re-Legalization is an example.

I want a world of abundance not one of shortages. We all die, after all, so material things are meaningless in the long run.
Wow. Simply wow. Why you think defunding PBS is going after the flow of information is beyond me. How many news organizations exist in this country today that fund themselves? Let Bert and Ernie pay their own way. If it’s such an important product for the country it shouldn’t have any problem being an economically viable organization without taxpayer funds.

In case you haven’t noticed we have debt problem. Liberals like to say there isn’t a problem but that doesn’t change the facts. Would you prefer them to cut funding for school programs? How about food stamps? I know maybe we could cut funding for scientific research like why pigs smell. Hell I say cut them all.

It has nothing to do with being a dem or repub. It’s not rich vs poor like a lot of you on here cry about. It’s about tax payers being sick of paying for bull shit the government shouldn’t be involved in. People don’t want other people telling them how to live. The repubs can shove the anti gay marriage right up their ass. And the dems can preach that green shit till the cows come home but 10% ethanol fucks my engine up and I’m sure the poor starving children would love to have the corn.

It is funny how you say it has nothing to do with Dems vs. Reps.....I have only seen programs that Democrats hold dear threatened with being cut. I think everyone can see an agenda here......cut NPR, cut union deals, and now the Republicans want to limit college students' voting? WOW, indeed. Sounds like someone wants to control voting and information.

Truth is, Republicans want NPR out because they tell the truth, and it is the one news source they can target, because IT IS government funded. Let's just make sure they cannot do it.

Let's get the fuck out of the middle east, save that money. Let's cut the military budget, save that money. Anyone noticed that there are SIGNING BONUSES for people getting into the military? Let's cut those also. We cannot afford signing bonuses. Let's cut government spending on travel and expenses for representatives. We live in a digital world, how about Congress by SKYPE? Last one is more of a joke, but if you think about it, it is one big conference call.......
I'm not understanding your point.
Are you complaining about me because you think there are only 2 news sources? Or, are you complaining that I like NPR

The Taxpayers get more from public broadcasting than voting for conservatives.
Tell me you never watched Sesame Street. Perhaps you don't know Conjunction Junction what's your Function?
The early years of child development are aided by programs that don't have commercials. I am all for non-commercial messages for 3 year olds.

Call me old fashion.

You suggested if we do away with NPR funding America would be left with only one news source. So I ask you a question. Are you saying there are only 2 sources of America today? I personally could care less if you lesson to NPR but I shouldn’t be force to pay for it at the point of a gun.

If the American people get so much from Sesame Street then Big Bird should have a problem finding private funding to remain on the air. As for your opinion on early child development I really don’t care. People are more than capable of raising well-adjusted children without government approved programing.
The network and public news needs to be unbiased no matter what side of the fence your on. Entertainment news as much as I don't care for it, needs to be reserved for cable or pay radio. I can't really get my nuts in an uproar about this because the impact isn't worth it
now the Republicans want to limit college students' voting?
This is a new one to me. How is cutting funding for NPR limiting student voting?

Let's get the fuck out of the middle east, save that money. Let's cut the military budget, save that money. Anyone noticed that there are SIGNING BONUSES for people getting into the military? Let's cut those also. We cannot afford signing bonuses. Let's cut government spending on travel and expenses for representatives. We live in a digital world, how about Congress by SKYPE? Last one is more of a joke, but if you think about it, it is one big conference call.......

Agree with pretty much everything except the solider bonuses.
Oh.. Yeah.. Commercial vs Public or private vs public

You suggested if we do away with NPR funding America would be left with only one news source. So I ask you a question. Are you saying there are only 2 sources of America today? I personally could care less if you lesson to NPR but I shouldn’t be force to pay for it at the point of a gun.

If the American people get so much from Sesame Street then Big Bird should have a problem finding private funding to remain on the air. As for your opinion on early child development I really don’t care. People are more than capable of raising well-adjusted children without government approved programing.

Well Like I say it will be a lot easier to give up rights and social benefits than to get them back.

We should carefully consider what we do.

I for one love Nova.. any Nova fans here?
This is a warning, I never gave you permission to insult me.
If you persist I will formally complain.
You owe me an apology.
I'm am waiting.
wait on macduff. what is it you're going to have done to me, have my "horticultural rights" suspended for accurately portraying the liberal mindset? the powers that be here at riu may decide to ban me if i should step over the line, but i've seen where that line lies and i seldom even come close to passing it. i've been insulted and degraded on these boards many a time and have never even considered this pitiful whining you're so quick to resort to. this is the politics section, where matters are discussed that often inflame the participants. if you can't stand the heat, i'd suggest you get out of the kitchen. you are an advocate for an ideology that i find tyrannical and repulsive and i'll be damned if i'm simply going to say "gosh, you're wrong".

It's much easier to give up rights than it is to get them back.
just what rights are we giving up when we decide to quit forcing the taxpayer to fund a redundant information/entertainment medium? the content that is available through public broadcasting is available through a variety of other self-supporting sources. the most that can be said is that we are ending the privilege of some to spend the wealth of others, without their consent, toward some dubious end.
I'm for a tax on Alcohol to pay for PBS 5 cents a beer ant they will be able to produce a lot of new programing.
If they do succeed in cutting off PBS I will gladly help support Big Bird.... just make sure you keep it real and don't let your kids watch it...I bet you won't, because most of you are teabagging hypocrites that use the Goverment then complain about how you hate it..One good thing about all this Repuke crap is that they are making it easier for President Obama to repeat in 2012 along with the whole Dem. ticket