80w Induction Lighting Grow Box 1 AK48 2 Bagseed

The Steve

This is my small 80w induction lighting grow. I might be adding a small CFL or even a small LED light later on but for right now I just have the two 40w induction lights up. One is 6500k and the other is 2700k. Since I can only grow two to three plants at a time I decdied that the small induction lights would fit my needs better. It also allows me to keep it quit stealth in my grow box. Plus unlike CFL's they're less than $70 per light. I started with three seeds figuring that at least one of them is going to be male. I built a carbon filter for the fan. Nothing too fancy. So far temps are staying in the high 70's and low 80's. I might have to add another exhaust as summer comes to keep the temps down. The lights add about 10 degrees. Here's a few pics. Hope you all enjoy.

looking nice my friend, im sub'd i will like to see how they do with the light, did the company tell you that the 70w inductions were equal to a kind of hps? like 150w or somthing,

induction lighting is the future i think, with elec bills always rising and the induction prices will drop as they become more accesable, i had 2 400w models, great lights but they are pretty heavy i think around 20 something kg so growing in a tent may be harder as you need to put more support in for them, plus point is lower temps though :D

how are you liking yours so far?


Well-Known Member
Wow, only $70! Where'd you get 'em?

Glad to see you've got a grow going with these things! I've had this thread subscribed since page 2. You've got one more. ;)

The Steve

Well I got them from http://www.inductionlamps.com/ but I did find a place that had 80w ones for around the same price, I just can't remember the site. They aren't the mushroom shape though which I kinda like. They only weight about 2 or 3 pounds each. They didn't make any comparison to HPS lights. I don't think they'd thought of them as grow lights yet. I will say this, having used CFL's before this is definitely much brighter.

Glad to have you all along for the ride. I'm excited to get this grow going. So far everything is going well. I've got the lights about 4 inches above the two big pots. The little cup is just chill'n in the middle basking on the outer foot print of both lights. Right now they're on 24 hour light but I'm going to do the first dark cycle tuesday when I get off work. I'll do 20/4 and then a few days after do 18/6 and stick with that till veg.


Well-Known Member
Definitely interested in seeing how these lamps work out.

I'm growing in a U-Haul wardrobe box at the present time.

The Steve

Well when I got home form work I noticed they were kind of starting to bend at the tops. I moved the lights up a little to see if this would help. The temps are holding in the low 80's high 70's. Here's the pics from today.

The one in the cup and the one on the right are the bag seed. The left is the ak48.

Day 4 (1).jpgDay 4 (2).jpgDay 4 (3).jpgDay 4 (5).jpgDay 4 (4).jpg

The Steve

Oh I have an exhuast. There's a computer fan in the back. It's behind a light trap so you can't see it. The temp in the box stays in the high 70's to low 80's so I'm not worried about that.


Well-Known Member
Hey Steve you have a nice little stealth set-up going on with the box and the induction lights. I could walk pass that box a thousand times and wouldn't pay any attention to it:) Plants are looking good.


Hey nice setup and tip to bulbs. Can't quite tell with the pics but about 16-24 inches should be good, the black soil absorbs more heat than we might expect so its hard on the little ones. A softer CFL or T5 works nicely to start. As a comparison, a 400w Indagro can be felt at 24". You may want to put some foil cones as reflectors too in time :) Good luck!

The Steve

Well the kids are about to take their first nap. Just doing 4 hours of dark today and tomorrow and then thursday we're going to start 18/6


Well-Known Member
Looks to me like the lights are going to cook those seedlings at that distance.

Hydroponicshut warned about their lights and seedlings.



Well-Known Member
This is my small 80w induction lighting grow. I might be adding a small CFL or even a small LED light later on but for right now I just have the two 40w induction lights up. One is 6500k and the other is 2700k. Since I can only grow two to three plants at a time I decdied that the small induction lights would fit my needs better. It also allows me to keep it quit stealth in my grow box. Plus unlike CFL's they're less than $70 per light. I started with three seeds figuring that at least one of them is going to be male. I built a carbon filter for the fan. Nothing too fancy. So far temps are staying in the high 70's and low 80's. I might have to add another exhaust as summer comes to keep the temps down. The lights add about 10 degrees. Here's a few pics. Hope you all enjoy.

Make sure the lamps are rated for base up operations and take a temp reading right on the plastic housings. Lamp heat can cook the driver components with temps usually over 120 f. Reflectors on these lamps actually trap heat against the driver so be really careful if that's what you try later on. check the mfg ratings for base up and max driver temp so you don't exceed them.

Why the 2700 K? There's no UV on a 2700 and right now that's the spectrum you need.