NZ Greenhouse Indica Clones 2010/2011 Season!


Active Member
Cheers guys,
Surprisingly it doesnt smell very much at all, it smells all fruity, flowery and a bit spicy :) Its exactly what I asked for from the guy (who told me these are a non-smelly, spicy tasting type thats a heavy body kind of high but didn't know the name of the strain) because I had problems in previous years with smelly strains and on a windy day it can whoft over the fence lol...
I could of got super skunk or ak-47 clones off my mates who grow those strains which would of been awesome strains to grow (have tried their stuff and its extremely potent) but because those types absolutely WREAK I didn't want to risk it. (otherwise I wuda had ak-47 for sure :))
I could tell the super skunk wreaked so bad when I picked up a few clones of it last winter in the boot of my car and just the vegetative clones made my car wreak... NEVER had that happen before with just straight vegetative plants in the car lol


Active Member
First it was Aphids and now its Spider-Mites....

Got rid of the Aphids in 1 spray of "Yates Confidor" which is a strong chemical insecticide, then put an auto dispenser of organic pyrethins in the room to keep all other bugs from entering.

However the spider mite becomes immune to insecticides and I noticed early signs of mites yesterday (tiny white specks on topside of leaves and some of the little microscopic buggers under those leaves) starting on only 1 of the larger plants in the corner, so went to easygrow to get a bottle of neem and the guy there sold me on this other stuff as he said they no longer sell neem and this is much better as a miticide and their company swears by the stuff...
So I pulled off the infected leaves I could spot and threw them away (only like 5 leaves), then used a half strength solution of it with a drop of dish liquid in a spray bottle and sprayed that infected plant (underside of leaves) and the 2 plants next to it so they wont spread while trying to avoid spraying the buds. Fingers crossed that this stuff works it says to wait atleast 10 days before using it again...

Apart from that the plants are still doing their thing and I will update on Wednesday when I get broadband back :)


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Well-Known Member
On the note of neem, I brought a 250ml bottle from mitre 10 today, it was $9.99. Neem oil, its thick and dark, and nothing like Ive brought from SOG before, but pure neem so should do the trick. It came in a wee white bottle with a pink lid that looked like a larger motor oil bottle with handle on top. I like that I can control the concerntrate of it


Active Member
Sweet bro my mate also got a $10 bottle of it from bunnings its also thick he said it kinda solidifies in the winter and u gotta warm it up which sounds different to the SOG neem so i'll check it out... These girls are gonna finish fine and I dont wanna be spraying anything on them now that the buds are this far along so i'll grab it for next time around


Active Member
More updates... coming along nicely :-P
The 2 small plants in photos 2 + 3 are only about 7-10 days from harvest. :bigjoint:
No amber trichomes yet but Im sure by harvest time there will be the odd few ambers here and there... Im looking to harvest when the majority are cloudy for an all round good high

Also heres a new youtube vid >



Well-Known Member
Nice lookin plants ya got there, Looks like you trained them just right.
I had some go nuts on me last summer, my first time in a green house. Now I got a fall, winter and almost spring harvest under my belt. Lot's of fun man. Good job documenting everything, Pics, vids are great.


Active Member
Nice lookin plants ya got there, Looks like you trained them just right.
I had some go nuts on me last summer, my first time in a green house. Now I got a fall, winter and almost spring harvest under my belt. Lot's of fun man. Good job documenting everything, Pics, vids are great.
Cheers bro, only thing is I wish I had got some better strains.. Its hard to find good genetics all the time in my part of the world sometimes just gotta take what you can get. I checked out your whole greenhouse build its really cool had heaps of fun reading through that. You used the same side panels as me :) Good effort building it yourself its really a fullproof design, loving the roof vent! It took me a good 6 months to get mine built and run power/drainage but I did mine slowly in parts. We use metres here but I think my whole greenhouse would be around 16feet long x 7feet wide, I just setup a dividing wall to divide off my little secret section down at the back which is like 4x7ish hehe. I couldnt use such a clear roofing like yours though for security reasons lol...