First it was
Aphids and now its
Got rid of the Aphids in 1 spray of "Yates Confidor" which is a strong chemical insecticide, then put an auto dispenser of organic pyrethins in the room to keep all other bugs from entering.
However the spider mite becomes immune to insecticides and I noticed early signs of mites yesterday (tiny white specks on topside of leaves and some of the little microscopic buggers under those leaves) starting on only 1 of the larger plants in the corner, so went to easygrow to get a bottle of neem and the guy there sold me on this other stuff as he said they no longer sell neem and this is much better as a miticide and their company swears by the stuff...
So I pulled off the infected leaves I could spot and threw them away (only like 5 leaves), then used a half strength solution of it with a drop of dish liquid in a spray bottle and sprayed that infected plant (underside of leaves) and the 2 plants next to it so they wont spread while trying to avoid spraying the buds. Fingers crossed that this stuff works it says to wait atleast 10 days before using it again...
Apart from that the plants are still doing their thing and I will update on Wednesday when I get broadband back