
A couple year ago at the police rodeo here a bull roping bull tried to jump the gate and it's hind leg was caught between the gate and the fence at the point where the gate swings.
This was a bit bull and his hind leg and thigh were in there good.

The other bull that was in the ring for roping from the other side of the arena was just behind the first and went up, realized what was wrong and lifted the ass end of his friend out being wedged in the gate.

There was no way humans could have helped that bull before it was seriously injured so I may forget the rodeo but I will never forget that right in front of me where I sat was a bull stuck in the gate after trying to go over it and the other bull let us know that animals think and feel like any living creature.

The rodeo announcer was rather moved b y what he saw as was I.

So never think that life is just for humans and that we alone have a special spark that other animals don't.
I have no idea how they are going to do this and at this point I'm not sure why. This entire complex is a lost cause and will never function again. What are they saving at this point? Even with power restored will any of the pumps function? Are the cooling systems even operable or are they trashed? I think it's almost time to start thinking of encasing these reactors in concrete.:evil:

What I understand is it's hit and miss.. At some points workers can do things and at other points radiation is too high and they have to leave.
It's not a steady leakage situation so it's not real clear what the actual situation is.

More earthquakes continue.
They already are encased in concrete so you mean like a double layer? The last explosion blew those walls to shit good thinkin tho sounds interesting what there plan is..... i have a feeling there lieing about some stuff so it doesn't sound as bad as it really is
That is the reactor containment housing. In the 1986 Chernobyl disaster the reactor had tons of concrete mixed and poured directly onto the reactor, encasing the entire thing, thereby limiting SOME of the radiation leakage from the extremely "hot" reactor core (what was left of it). Maybe they should consult with the Russians to see what they recommend. Unfortunately almost all of the emergency workers and people who poured the concrete over Chernobyl are dead. And I don't think Chernobyl used MOX fuel rods, which contain Plutonium and Uranium and are quite a bit more radioactive and toxic than just Uranium fuel rods. Fortunately, reactor #3 is the only reactor using MOX fuel............it is also the most badly damaged reactor. :sad:
These reactors were cheaper better types I understand..

The idea that cheaper is better on a major fault line is not my idea of safe.
People are leaving Tokyo in droves. All of the foreign residents are going home to their prospective countries or southern Japan. :(
Japan has abandoned the nuclear facility...... The US and now the IAEA are suggesting that the Japanese authorities weren't as forthcoming as they should have been. What was supposed to be slight radiation danger, is now a record nuclear disaster. Planes aren't allowed to fly within 20 miles of the plant at this time and that radius may soon be doubled. The thinking is radiation could easily pass through the light skin of a passenger plane and poison the passengers.
I would agree the aluminium shell of jets is of little protection.
I worked at LAS, Lockheed depot in So. Cal. We did some mods and there is nothing of radiation shielding in the insulation.
Now some military craft have linings but even then weight factors limit things.
Nuclear Plant workers have singed up for Suicide mission into the spent fuel rod areas.

They know they will die but they are going in to keep the extremely radioactive spent fuel rods from burning up.
That is what I understand Al Jazeera news just said..

Anyone confirm?
the ultimate honor in their culture, giving of yourself for another. Giving the ultimate sacrifice to try and save a country, culture? Thats some kind of balls I know I do not posses.
BBCA has an article of it so they are saying almost the same thing
Respect to the Japanese First Responders. I hope they don't face the equivalent of our Congress when it comes time to provide health care for them.
Pardon all the posts in a short space but I just heard the Yen is at a record value against the dollar now?
This after they put over 100 Billion dollars in play a day or so ago.

What does this mean? is the world buying up Yen?
never. they are already taken care of if they survive, which they wont. the law is funny over htere when it comes to someones death. if i killed a girl by accident or my fault the punishment, well one of, is this. Take the girls age, say 5. She had a family that lived to an average of 95 years old, using the last 3 relatives within the family circle, Mother, father, brother, sister and blood relatives. thats 90 years that she could have lived more, so you pay whatever she was going to make as a "Business woman" say 800,000 yen per year and X by the 90 years.
the families of these men or women will have no problems when this shit storm settles.
Hero status.

I am baking on some OG Kush and rambling.

when I was there in the 80's it was peaceful and nice, we got out all the time mingling with the JN's, Japanese Nationals. I went to a taxi drivers house for dinner with a few friends of mine one of the first few weeks I was there. Inside the main house where they eat and almost at the head of the table on a mantle was the grandfather's picture, he was "Kamikaze" and died honorably. it was moving to see that kind of reverance for a family, when I havent talked to my mom in 2 weeks and she lives 10 minutes away. they take time to smell the roses, when they have it.
You guys should do some research. The Japanese culture is probably, next to the Romans, the most blood-thirsty in history. Ever hear of Nanking!? No?-then read. It wouldn't be so bad if the nationalists and revisionists would simply admit the truth. Not to mention very few of them have any remorse whatsoever for WWII and blame us for being forced to bomb them. Plus have you ever been there? They are one of the most prejudiced people on Earth, especially against Westerners. They've been doing everything they can to get us off that island for over 50 years including reneging lease contracts and now they're screaming about why we're not sacrificing more of our boys for their benefit. As far as I'm concerned they're damned lucky they're not speaking English. If any other country than ours had defeated them they certainly wouldn't know the Japanese language anymore! Do some research and see what the mayor of Tokyo said recently about Westerners-deplorable!
You guys should do some research. The Japanese culture is probably, next to the Romans, the most blood-thirsty in history. Ever hear of Nanking!? No?-then read. It wouldn't be so bad if the nationalists and revisionists would simply admit the truth. Not to mention very few of them have any remorse whatsoever for WWII and blame us for being forced to bomb them. Plus have you ever been there? They are one of the most prejudiced people on Earth, especially against Westerners. They've been doing everything they can to get us off that island for over 50 years including reneging lease contracts and now they're screaming about why we're not sacrificing more of our boys for their benefit. As far as I'm concerned they're damned lucky they're not speaking English. If any other country than ours had defeated them they certainly wouldn't know the Japanese language anymore! Do some research and see what the mayor of Tokyo said recently about Westerners-deplorable!

Wow... soooo... you're living in the past? I want to make a point first and then let's discuss the past. First of all, Japan was as bloody as any other Feudal society. Does What England did to Scotland and Ireland ring a bell? Racism? Really? Do you want to go there? Japan never had a custom of de-flowering a bride on her wedding night by the ruling class. I could go on and on but.. no.

O.k., let's talk atrocities and brutality:

  1. Native America - practically wiped out. Sand Creek Massacre, Canyon del Muerto, Wounded Knee, Nez Perce massacre, soldiers were wearing the genitalia and breasts of the women they killed as hats or made them into pouches. They threw children up in the air and did practice shooting. Soldiers open fired on a band of navajo women and children holed up in a cave and tore them to shreds. They would ricochet the bullets off the walls to see how much damage they could do.
  2. Black America - Slavery, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, lynchings, discrimination on every level of existence.
  3. Irish America - They just started excavating a mass grave where Irish immigrants were lined up and shot and buried in a pit. Discrimination, persecution,
  4. Chinese America - pogroms of extermination, discrimination, bullying, rape, murder, discriminatory immigration laws.
  5. Latino America - We're all just Messicans and belong in gangs, discrimination, stereotyping, discriminatory immigration laws.
Japan did one thing we never did and probably never will. The entire country made a pledge. They said they would never go to war again. They have been good on their word. Wish we could say the same.
im sorry but all cultures have been
mine especial usa but oh well
its is no picnic out fellows

You guys should do some research. The Japanese culture is probably, next to the Romans, the most blood-thirsty in history. Ever hear of Nanking!? No?-then read. It wouldn't be so bad if the nationalists and revisionists would simply admit the truth. Not to mention very few of them have any remorse whatsoever for WWII and blame us for being forced to bomb them. Plus have you ever been there? They are one of the most prejudiced people on Earth, especially against Westerners. They've been doing everything they can to get us off that island for over 50 years including reneging lease contracts and now they're screaming about why we're not sacrificing more of our boys for their benefit. As far as I'm concerned they're damned lucky they're not speaking English. If any other country than ours had defeated them they certainly wouldn't know the Japanese language anymore! Do some research and see what the mayor of Tokyo said recently about Westerners-deplorable!