
That's where you went wrong Dr. Fever. You posted verifiable facts. That simply is NOT done. Now remove it immediately so he can continue with his hate rhetoric. :p
I guess I was damned before I was even thought of lol it seems any thread with the words "japan" or the like and trolls come out the woodwork. Can be entertaining though, sometimes.
Get to the chopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man it must be worse in Japan then we really know, poor guys and gals !!! F**K the TROLLS. you sound like sheen.
The more I follow this coverage on the Japanese NHK on my iPhone it makes me thankful even though I live with a disease, theres just no way I could compare my problems to theirs.
That's where you went wrong Dr. Fever. You posted verifiable facts. That simply is NOT done. Now remove it immediately so he can continue with his hate rhetoric. :p

hahaha i know looked good as i highlighted it but when posted it went for chit :))
Ouch. That sucks. Sorry to hear it. :(

Yeah the pain comes and goes I'm on like 4 different medications but if I didn't have pot I'd have absolutely no appetite. They just showed on japan NHK all these grocery stores/gas stations with nothing and cars lined up as far as the eye could see.
Searchers are making way into more isolated areas and the smell of decay is obvious.

Glad i donated.. I think I'll do it again come payday.
Please don't quote rabble like that in it's entirety. You only give him more playing time...

You are absolutely right. Just wanted to make it very clear who I was talking to. Deleted. I'm kinda new to this whole entranet forum stuff.....I believe he's what eveyone calls a "troll"?

Nothing but Love, Hope and Respect for the Japanese people. Currently setting up a benefit show with my band, several others, Dispensary give-aways, art etc etc. All proceeds going to my brothers and sisters in Japan. Even if it's only a couple hundred bucks. I want to do anything I can to help.
New? Cool.. Yeah.. There are all kinds but realize we still need to learn how to love everyone.

That's why my main social group is the cannabis forums.
Well nice to meet ya, new person.
cant you guys stop fighting its a thread about japan and its crisis not forum for hate
now i guess i will be hated on for saying that
i am on this thread to see what peoples feelings and thoughts are about japan
Why get pissed at me? Facts are facts. My point is simply that these people, like ALL THE REST OF US, are not totally innocent victims as some of you seem to think. Can't I be offended too just like the first poster was offended? Or is being offended reserved for only a choice few here on this board? Oh, and not reading the facts, and then bragging you didn't, but then also making some lame statement of condemnation of it all, really made me blow a snot-bubble-almost spilled the 'ol bongeroni!