
Unless somehow things deteriorate and some of the Radioactive fallout hitches a ride on the Ash from the erupting volcano. Fact is volcano ash can circle the globe up to 3 times before depositing. Time will tell, that initial radiation is from the initial venting, its gotten worse since then. Hope all goes well, its all we have.
Unless somehow things deteriorate and some of the Radioactive fallout hitches a ride on the Ash from the erupting volcano. Fact is volcano ash can circle the globe up to 3 times before depositing. Time will tell, that initial radiation is from the initial venting, its gotten worse since then. Hope all goes well, its all we have.
True enough, but you'll see, there won't be lethal levels of radioactivity reaching the U.S. from THIS incident. I totally understand the fear and the concern. I share it. I'm heading over there, and if I thought for one second that I would be exposed to anything close to lethal levels, you can bet I wouldn't be going. Of course there are a lot of unknowns and that is what frightens me. :sad:
you know if you click the little film strip little thing above the text box and then paste the url in the little box that pops up it will embed the video.

And how the hell does a Thai news story on cats relate to the disaster in Japan?

Have you ever smoked a Thai sativa? Very confusing very very awesome! Thai peoples are so lolz.
so fallout nothing to worry bout

There is still potential for a "dirty bomb" type explosion but that will mostly effect the areas in and around Japan. Being thousands of miles away there isn't much chance for the western hemisphere to experience a significant rise in harmful radiation levels.
I just heard the Electric has been hooked back up so now they will start getting systems back on-line.

Good news.

But Japan is having fuel supply issues!

I understand the USA has done well donating money and it isn't as much as for Hatti or Katrina but that is actually better than donating too much just for Japan.
It is suggested that any further donation be made to the General fund of the Red Cross rather than just for Japan because by law if donated for Japan it has to be spent on Japan even if the need has declined so it could be spent on things that do little good.

I understand the relief effort is going well.. Teams from the USA are there and also Teams from around the world.

Just so many dead..

People who thought they were safe behind Tsunami walls watched as the wave came in over the wall. They thought it would stop the wave but it wasn't designed for one this size.
I just heard the Electric has been hooked back up so now they will start getting systems back on-line.

Good news.

But Japan is having fuel supply issues!

I understand the USA has done well donating money and it isn't as much as for Hatti or Katrina but that is actually better than donating too much just for Japan.
It is suggested that any further donation be made to the General fund of the Red Cross rather than just for Japan because by law if donated for Japan it has to be spent on Japan even if the need has declined so it could be spent on things that do little good.

I understand the relief effort is going well.. Teams from the USA are there and also Teams from around the world.

Just so many dead..

People who thought they were safe behind Tsunami walls watched as the wave came in over the wall. They thought it would stop the wave but it wasn't designed for one this size.

Good work on the updates. Thanks!
we never learn from our past mistakes....nuclear power works awesome till shit goes bad. its sad what they are going thru....i hope it works out for the best for them...thanks Ernst for the 411
Thanks.. I'm rather eccentric with all my data encoding programming and I want to be a part of this community.
It's cool that we have a political "Mosh Pit" and we can get a bit wrecked and still be allowed back in the club the next day.

I assume many of ya are like me and totally stunned at the pace of change. The Tsunami is almost a metaphoric for all the things happening all at once from my media sources.

I do get the idea that the recovery for Japan is on track. I understand the economics of rebuilding will actually be good for their economy.
Small consultation for such loss but the Japanese are positive people and I am happy that recovery is possible.

Japan is where three tectonic plates are.
you are a part of this community and the way u presented your info without getting pulled itno the hate earlier is admirable :clap:

Thanks.. I'm rather eccentric with all my data encoding programming and I want to be a part of this community.
It's cool that we have a political "Mosh Pit" and we can get a bit wrecked and still be allowed back in the club the next day.

I assume many of ya are like me and totally stunned at the pace of change. The Tsunami is almost a metaphoric for all the things happening all at once from my media sources.

I do get the idea that the recovery for Japan is on track. I understand the economics of rebuilding will actually be good for their economy.
Small consultation for such loss but the Japanese are positive people and I am happy that recovery is possible.

Japan is where three tectonic plates are.
Japan does not need economic help from the USA, they hold $890Billion in US Treasuries they can sell at any time to fund whatever it is they need. They can also just print as much money as they need from thin air like we do.
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the “sleeping prophet” predicted the Japanese earthquake!

Edgar Cayce made a number of remarkably accurate predictions in his lifetime – and it was revealed yesterday that he had predicted the earthquake in Japan, saying it would happen in 2010 or 2011.

In 1934, Cayce predicted the beginning and end of World War II many years before it happened. He predicted the end of Communism, and that Russia would be born again. He also saw a strong religious movement coming out of Russia.

And he predicted natural disasters – including Hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Japan.

Cayce believed that the Second Coming of Christ would happen before 2020 -probably in 2011 or 2012. He gave a trance “reading” which described a number of quite unimaginable natural catastrophes that would occur at the beginning of the 21s century.

He predicted a shift in the world’s axis in 2011. The Japanese earthquake affected the earth’s axis on Friday, March 11. Cayce felt this would eventually lead to:

* Inundations of many coastal regions, caused by a drop in the landmass of about 30 feet combined with a melting of both polar ice caps, including:

* The loss of much of England and Japan.

* The flooding of northern Europe, which will happen very rapidly.

*New land appearing off the east coast of North America, the so-called “rising of Atlantis”.

* The widespread destruction in Los Angeles, San Francisco and the destruction of Manhattan and disappearance of New York.

* Volcanic eruptions in tropical regions and an increase in Pacific volcanic activity in the Pacific Rim.

* A general warming of currently cool areas, and cooling of warm areas of the globe.

The rest of the world will also undergo wrenching change:

* “The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.”

* “Northern Europe will be changed in the twinkling of an eye … many of the battlefields (Cayce was speaking in 1941) will carry on their trade with one another.”

* “The earth will be broken up in many places … there will be open waters in the northern portion of Greenland … new land in the Caribbean Sea … South America will be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end … and in the Antarctic off Tierra Del Fuego will be land and a strait with rushing waters.”

Cayce’s prophecies of geological upheaval hinge on the tilting of the earth’s axis. He saw that the shift would take place by the year 2001, causing drastic changes in climate. The signal for the shift will be the “breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea (South Pacific), and those as apparent in the rising of that which is almost opposite it, or in the Mediterranean.”

The climate reversals are clear: “… where there have been those (areas) of frigid or semitropical (nature) will become more tropical, and moss and fern will grow.”

Cayce referred to Atlantis some 700 times in his readings. The sleeping prophet placed the sunken land mass between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea (it was just discovered in Southern Spain). His readings indicate that the lost continent was destroyed by a series of man-made and natural cataclysms between 12,000 and 17,000 years ago.

Japanese citizens are already buying up all of Cayce’s books. In Japan, he is considered a bigger prophet than Nostradamus.
you are a part f this community and the way u presented your info without getting pulled itno the hate earlier is admirable :clap:

I can be a dumb ass like any one can. Read me long enough and I'll cycle through some stupid phase.

But yeah I am old enough to step over some "dookie"