ok so this is my first grow. i have a few questions.
but i'm going to give an overview of what i've got so far first.
my schedule:
i got some easy ryder feminized autoflower seeds from attitude and started soaking two of them on the 19th of February. by the 22nd they had both sprouted little rootlets so i put them in jiffy pots. ( i used #5 jiffy pots and i think i probably should have used a #3 but whatevs.) they both had sprouted and were showing little serrated leaves
on the 25th. i don't know how old my plants are. its the 10th now so do i count from when i started soaking the seeds (19 days) when they showed rootlets (16 days) or from the first day they broke ground(13 days)? so my first question is which day do i start counting from? i know the plants are supposed to go like 70-75 days from germination- i just don't know exactly which day that was.
next is my set up.
my cab is this homemade wardrobe i found on the side of the road years ago. recently i gutted it and made it white inside. i have 2x 120cm computer fans in the back for exhaust and a big wall vent in the back as an intake. the cab itself is in a closet so the airflow is poor but its my only option and i go in there often with as much co2 as i can exhale.


the inside is about 12 x 26 inches and i have a little over 20 inches to grow once these ladies are put into the final pots. so i'm hoping the easy ryders can work in that space. as you can see in the above photo i have 2 hanging light fixtures that can move up and down as needed and two fans to hopefully circulate the air.

this picture shows looking into the cab. ( i know the soil is dry, i watered after this photo) this also shows the distance between the lights and the plants. is it too great? i had the lights about an inch or two above the plants up until today. the cabinet had no fans and only had a 42 watt CFL in each fixture- so i guess 84 total watts. it ran about 80 F like that. but i began thinking it wasnt enough light so

today i changed the lights to this because i thought i needed more wattage for the plants to veg on. i added two 26 watt bulbs to each side so thats another 104 watts. so i guess now i've got a total of 188 watts in my cab?? it seems much brighter but i can't tell if the girls like it. its only been a few hours and i've spent most of those adjusting things trying to get the temps down. they were up near 100 but i've got them to about 90-92 with the distance and the fans. i think its worth it for the extra light but i'm not sure. what do experienced growers think of my lights?
also the lights are currently on 24/0 but i'm thinking about going to 20/4 soon.
the plants.
ok so these are the girls. the left one first.
thats the taller one that seems maybe a little healthier.

now the right plant. its a little smaller and doesn't seem to be reaching as much.

ok so thats what they look like. questions about them:
do they look good? do they look on schedule or are they behind?
are they going to be too hot at 90ish?
the lowest leaves are turning yellow. like the very first ones. i figured that was cause the plant didn't need them so much anymore so i don't think thats an issue, but is it??
nutes so far have been few. the potting soil i got and the seed starting stuff i have my seeds in now are supposed to have enough fertilizer to probably last my grow but i've also been adding ubiogrow. this stuff is all natural and can't burn the plant so i'm thinking i want to use it the whole way through. http://www.ubiogrow.com/ theres the link for more info. what do the pros think of that plan?
ok so to anyone still reading thank you. i know you're probably doing this
but i'm a true n00b when it comes to this and have questions. last section.
future questions.
will the ubigrow be a good solution for these girls?
when will i need to transplant into final pots? and when i do so should i remove the rootball from the jiffy pot? i know i'm not supposed to need to do that but it just doesn't look like roots would get through it to me. i'm probably just worrying too much.
does anyone have experience with this auto strain? or anything helpful to share?
also as some sort of incentive to the community, i'll be sure to keep updates and have a harvest report once i'm finished so everyone can see how things turned out!
peace love and best wishes to anyone who reads this and to anyone who can help

my schedule:
i got some easy ryder feminized autoflower seeds from attitude and started soaking two of them on the 19th of February. by the 22nd they had both sprouted little rootlets so i put them in jiffy pots. ( i used #5 jiffy pots and i think i probably should have used a #3 but whatevs.) they both had sprouted and were showing little serrated leaves

next is my set up.
my cab is this homemade wardrobe i found on the side of the road years ago. recently i gutted it and made it white inside. i have 2x 120cm computer fans in the back for exhaust and a big wall vent in the back as an intake. the cab itself is in a closet so the airflow is poor but its my only option and i go in there often with as much co2 as i can exhale.


the inside is about 12 x 26 inches and i have a little over 20 inches to grow once these ladies are put into the final pots. so i'm hoping the easy ryders can work in that space. as you can see in the above photo i have 2 hanging light fixtures that can move up and down as needed and two fans to hopefully circulate the air.

this picture shows looking into the cab. ( i know the soil is dry, i watered after this photo) this also shows the distance between the lights and the plants. is it too great? i had the lights about an inch or two above the plants up until today. the cabinet had no fans and only had a 42 watt CFL in each fixture- so i guess 84 total watts. it ran about 80 F like that. but i began thinking it wasnt enough light so

today i changed the lights to this because i thought i needed more wattage for the plants to veg on. i added two 26 watt bulbs to each side so thats another 104 watts. so i guess now i've got a total of 188 watts in my cab?? it seems much brighter but i can't tell if the girls like it. its only been a few hours and i've spent most of those adjusting things trying to get the temps down. they were up near 100 but i've got them to about 90-92 with the distance and the fans. i think its worth it for the extra light but i'm not sure. what do experienced growers think of my lights?
also the lights are currently on 24/0 but i'm thinking about going to 20/4 soon.
the plants.
ok so these are the girls. the left one first.
thats the taller one that seems maybe a little healthier.

now the right plant. its a little smaller and doesn't seem to be reaching as much.

ok so thats what they look like. questions about them:
do they look good? do they look on schedule or are they behind?
are they going to be too hot at 90ish?
the lowest leaves are turning yellow. like the very first ones. i figured that was cause the plant didn't need them so much anymore so i don't think thats an issue, but is it??
nutes so far have been few. the potting soil i got and the seed starting stuff i have my seeds in now are supposed to have enough fertilizer to probably last my grow but i've also been adding ubiogrow. this stuff is all natural and can't burn the plant so i'm thinking i want to use it the whole way through. http://www.ubiogrow.com/ theres the link for more info. what do the pros think of that plan?
ok so to anyone still reading thank you. i know you're probably doing this

future questions.
will the ubigrow be a good solution for these girls?
when will i need to transplant into final pots? and when i do so should i remove the rootball from the jiffy pot? i know i'm not supposed to need to do that but it just doesn't look like roots would get through it to me. i'm probably just worrying too much.
does anyone have experience with this auto strain? or anything helpful to share?
also as some sort of incentive to the community, i'll be sure to keep updates and have a harvest report once i'm finished so everyone can see how things turned out!
peace love and best wishes to anyone who reads this and to anyone who can help