Incarceration After Legalization Of Marijuana?


new to this site and first time poster

i am curious as to whether or not you would still be incarcerated after being busted for pot and then when in jail marijauna is legalized? i want to open up a dispensary, but my partner fills that it is still too risky. i think that with all the dispensaries opening up it would be an ok idea. people are starting to fill its safe enough to proceed with these action. A government office approved use of green meds in states allowing it, this would be the VA. I personally think that with all the publicity being given to marijauna and with more and more people giving in to allowing it, we would have no problems here in the near future. so if i were to open this dispensary and then somehow arrested by the dea, would i still be in prison if a law were passed to 100 percent legalize pot? or would i remain there because of having a dispensary before legalized? hoping the first option to be true. i would gladly join the movement and get busted down if i knew that shortly after i could be released. please help me in this confusing situation, some thoughts maybe? if youre going to give me information please back it up with some facts though



Well-Known Member
If I based your Knowledge of America Laws on your Knowledge of American Written Literature, I would say dont do it.



while i may not be showing my skills in the english language, i can assure you my writing does not reflect upon my knowledge. i wrote my first posting fast in hopes that i could recieve usefull information, rather than have negative feedback. thanks mr english major


Well-Known Member
That would be "English" major, not "english". Respect please for a superpower....



while i may not be showing my skills in the english language, i can assure you my writing does not reflect upon my knowledge. i wrote my first posting fast in hopes that i could recieve usefull information, rather than have negative feedback. thanks mr english major


oh and btw, american literature is the written or literary work produced in the area of the united states. you were trying to insult me on my use of the english language, but instead you come out saying i dont know anything about literary work.... right.....


oh how you all really get past the point of this site

capitalization huh? you really are going to knock me for me not capitalizing? cant appreciate correct spelling

way to be mature buddy


Well-Known Member
would you continue to be punished, even after legalization?

dont know man, prisons operate on the sole principle of making a buck.

in other words, pure evil (stuff valued higher than people´s life)

take your chance with that if you want.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing on this site indicating that we offer legal advice is there? yet you are asking a legal question.... what kind of responses did you really expect? You want to open a dispensary BEFORE MMJ laws are passed in your state. That indicates that you have ZERO business savvy. What type of business will you incorporate as? Do your investors know that their funds are going to be poorly invested in what at the time will be considered an illegal venture? Do you realize that everything you own would be at stake.

While I appreciate your willing to sacrifice your freedom for "thecause", I feel we need smarter advocates.

But thanks...


Well-Known Member
you spent the last 3x of your total 6 posts replying to this nonsense! No offence, but A bad idea is a BAD idea. would you have gotten as mad if I just said NO DONT DO DUMB STUFF AND DONT TEST THE LAW.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Obama and his Feds are busting despenceries again so I would really think this through.I had my house raided October 22 and the police got over 85 plants.I am still not indicted and I beleive the bastards have NO search warrent.I had two jars of Raskal OG while deer hunting and when the police found the jars on me,they hit my house...Im still waiting for an indictment and Im in Tennessee so its comeing


there we go, i just wanted some input. you finally gave me your opinion on the actuall idea so i appreciate that.
i know i shouldnt be testing the law, but it makes me wonder how so many people are starting these businesses
and not having trouble. a bunch of these places around where i live are well known because they are very open about it
and they are not getting in any sort of trouble. doesnt make sense how so many people can get away with this but
i cant


Well-Known Member
to answer your real question dude; if you are arrested and mj gets full legal status your prior sentence isn't quashed retroactively. any offenses that occur prior to the passing of said law are penalized to the fullest extent; further changes in laws notwithstanding. You get 20 years & they legalize the next week? Grab a Snickers, cuz you ain't going anywhere for a while.



i believe you are correct when saying that... i just read an article yesterday about how a bunch of dispensaries were busted in montana. charges were not made yet, people are waiting to see what happens. i mean washington dc, the capitol of the usa, legalized pot so its bound to be a domino effect right?


to answer your real question dude; if you are arrested and mj gets full legal status your prior sentence isn't quashed retroactively. any offenses that occur prior to the passing of said law are penalized to the fullest extent; further changes in laws notwithstanding. You get 20 years & they legalize the next week? Grab a Snickers, cuz you ain't going anywhere for a while.
thanks man i totally appreciate some info, it kinda sucks how that would work... but hey its the law i guess :/


Well-Known Member
Actually that is not entirely factual. You obviously haven't heard of Ex Post Facto law, or amnesty.

to answer your real question dude; if you are arrested and mj gets full legal status your prior sentence isn't quashed retroactively. any offenses that occur prior to the passing of said law are penalized to the fullest extent; further changes in laws notwithstanding. You get 20 years & they legalize the next week? Grab a Snickers, cuz you ain't going anywhere for a while.


Well-Known Member
Are there dispensaries in DC yet? I cannot imagine the DEA allowing that, regardless of the DC law. lol I would love to see a MMJ dispensary right in front of the congressional building. I'll bet it would always be sold out of the better strains.. ;)


i believe you are correct when saying that... i just read an article yesterday about how a bunch of dispensaries were busted in montana. charges were not made yet, people are waiting to see what happens. i mean washington dc, the capitol of the usa, legalized pot so its bound to be a domino effect right?


DC did not legalize pot, they made MMJ legal, big difference. He may not be exactly right, but odds are they are not letting you out if you have already been convicted, jails are a business also. Unless you happen to be an extremely high profile case in your arrest and trail, the odds of getting anytime on amnesty is highly unlikey.