Chad Sexington
Active Member
Nice technique I'll try it this summer. Thanks.
Here is an article from Dear Jorge dated in 1999....
View attachment 1505762
The illustration clearly shows topping to produce a 4 main stem plant. Did Jorge steal this discovery from you? Hell, he doesn't even claim ownership, he is just passing along an old technique....
well, couldnt you then write a better book? having progressed since then?
btw, im new here, but looks to me, that there is a certain group here,that bitches and whines and objects and bullies and trolls at every opportunity.
if you participate, you are a part of it..
ignore, the bliss of the internet.. (well, unless ive got popcorn and or feel like fucking with a troll, rare tbough, its very boring due to the trolls limited nature)
which you cant prove anyway. not really, not conclusively. you might be the discoverer of this or not, does not matter, its a cool technique, will probably be remembered and used long after whoever invented it is forgotten.
so, which is the object, being the biggest dick or helping people to grow (learning yourself as well) and being good enough at it, that you might make a buck out of it.
or at least help alot of people to grow, thereby overgrowing the government and helping yourself too.
I'm not in this for the money or the notoriety, don't need either/or nor am I interested in writing another cannabis grow book. I have a passion for growing plants FWIW. Entertainment value only......
Change your page settings to 50 posts a page and you'll only have 70 pages of arguments.nice.
well, even the argument is certainly bit entertaining.
but perhaps in the light of teaching, you should start a new thread specifically for that fight.
cause there is a LOT of useful info thats completely lost in 350+ pages of arguments.
I did invent this topping technique. If you can prove otherwise, then do so, or shut the fuck up dlively. You're just being a petty little prick.
To whom it might concern, if you have nothing to contribute but FUD, then spin your bullshit elsewhere, not in my thread.
This is your post Ben. Don't you start hacking on others for messing with your thread when you will see it was right on track until YOU posted this. YOU are the spin doc, YOU sir. Everyone was fine until you wrote this..."shut the f**k up" "you're being a little prick"...these are YOUR words, may man. What do you expect people to do when you call them names and insult them? Really, what? This thread is over half petty arguing, and if you look at it, every single negative string is started by you. YOU, may friend. I'm so sick and tired of you starting a shit storm and then claiming that everyone's out to get you.
And, for the record, the first sentence IS you claiming to have invented this topping technique, so don't go off and say you didn't say it. It's right there.
So, basically, here's how this one went. You made a false claim. (that you invented this topping technique).
Other people called you on it.
You lashed out at them, calling them names, but never adressing the issue.
You thern claim to have never said that you invented it, and want everyone else to get on topic.
I gave you an out with my post saying that maybe you were just playing around when you said you invented it. Maybe you should just come clean, rather than recant.
Are your pants on fire ? You might want to check. Your ability to lash out with insults at the slightest hint of being threatened, equals your ability to decieve. I just dont get you UB, so much anger in your posts.
That was rude and uncalled for. You can have a discussion like an adult. Your point, I believe, is that it doesn't matter who invented it, you're happy to have UB here to help you learn. Is this correct? That's all need be said. I typically don't report, but this one is below this website.
I, too was uncomfortable with UB claiming to invent 4 branch topping. Mainly, it made me sad because I know that many of you beginning growers look to him for advice and I don't like to see him tarnish his credibility beyond repair. I tried to address him with some levity, in an effort to give him an out. UB and I have had our differences, and will continue to do so. It would not break my heart if he was banned, but since, for now, he's here I do my best to keep it light because we do find ourselves in the same thread at times. You, sir, are only hurting UB's reputation by making it clear that his followers must resort to name calling as well. Furthermore, you have clogged his thread with name calling and insults, when there are many novice gardeners like yourself who depend on this thread to keep their garden alive.
Didn't you already apologize once for your outbursts and rudeness in this thread, and cluttering it up as you said? Yet you are going to continue to trash the thread with your bull shit personal attacks? I'm on fucking topic, discussing pruning and topping, which just so fucking happens to the be the damn subject of this thread. You on the other hand aren't on topic and are making fucking personal attacks........ You know your come get me threat? Why not just let me know the rest of that addy?
This is your post Ben. Don't you start hacking on others for messing with your thread when you will see it was right on track until YOU posted this. YOU are the spin doc, YOU sir. Everyone was fine until you wrote this..."shut the f**k up" "you're being a little prick"...these are YOUR words, may man. What do you expect people to do when you call them names and insult them? Really, what? This thread is over half petty arguing, and if you look at it, every single negative string is started by you. YOU, may friend. I'm so sick and tired of you starting a shit storm and then claiming that everyone's out to get you.
And, for the record, the first sentence IS you claiming to have invented this topping technique, so don't go off and say you didn't say it. It's right there.
So, basically, here's how this one went. You made a false claim. (that you invented this topping technique).
Other people called you on it.
You lashed out at them, calling them names, but never adressing the issue.
You thern claim to have never said that you invented it, and want everyone else to get on topic.
I gave you an out with my post saying that maybe you were just playing around when you said you invented it. Maybe you should just come clean, rather than recant.
Like I said before the reason behind the anger is brought about by idiots like yourself. We get angry cuz your on this thread trying to start shit. Was there any arguments prior to you and Serapis chiming in with your two cents? Fuck no! Maybe a little bickering here and there but nothing like this 3 page argument that is going on. And all of it could have been prevented had you and Serapiss minded your own damn business! So leave and there will be no anger and everyone will go on happy learning the info UB puts out there.