Active Member
has anyone noticed this person hasn't responded since the first reply? maybe got thrown in juvy? but he never answered the most important question, was there weed in the bags before they found them empty?
Look at the title of the thread...but he never answered the most important question, was there weed in the bags before they found them empty?
cops cant search you in the schools but the administration can at will (happens all the time at my district). well at least in the us.GEt a lawyer. A Lawyer may be able to turn it in ur favor, not to mention answer all your questions. Sounds like the school wrongly searched through your bags. They dont have the right to touch you or your stuff as far as i know. Wont hold up in court, but make sure the school/cop pays for what they did to your "image". Once you admit to anything it puts u in the wrong. DENY all. Next time, ask for a lawyer b4 you say anything else. Silent treatment is ur right, and they can make all the empty threats they want (scare tactics). And they didnt even find anything. Sue them for slander. GET A LAWYER.
I dont think thats true. One time in highschool, one of the schools calculators turned up missing at the end of a standardized test, and we had to sit in the room till someone admitted stealing it. Nothing ever happened tho, even after the cop came and threats were made. They couldnt do anything, without fear of being sued for wrongfully searching through the 25 kids bags till the thief was caught. Another time, before i ever tried pot, i was driving home after dropping my friend off from work. I got pulled over, searched and frisked, after repeatedly refusing them to search my car and had a gun drawn on me cuz the cop said he could smell the "dope" when he got out his car, and that that was probable cause for a search. Complete bullshit. Only reason he stopped me was cuz he saw a white kid (me) driving out of the projects (ghetto) and assumed i must've only been there to get drugs. My lawyer friend I asked after the incident said I could have sued for racial profiling if i wanted to go to court for it, which i really should have done.cops cant search you in the schools but the administration can at will (happens all the time at my district). well at least in the us.
You got no case.
Zero tolerance is the way it is in public education.
This is not a law enforcement issue. It is an administrative issue.
i got expelled from school for TWO years and im a senior. some kid said i sold weed so they searched me and found nothing. my car smelling like weed was the only "evidence" they had and i was sure the case wasnt gonna hold up. but it did, some stupid shit