Just Got Jacked While Dealing

The reason (I believe) it will never be re-legalized is that having to obtain a medical card is the only way the government can regulate its usage. MMJ is the governments insurance that they maintain the control. If cannabis was ever just decriminalized, they would have no way to insure they get their tax money from it. anyone and everyone could grow and sell as they please without any reprecussions. The government will NEVER allow cannabis' decriminalization until they find what they believe to be a fool proof way to insure they get their cut, and right now thats what they have with MMJ.
K so i went to smoke with mi friend, but we didnt have a lighter to toke before dealing so we went to meet som of his friends in the neighborhood. i didnt know these guys and they looked sketchy as fuk. we ended up going behind som houses to do the buisness, and the three motherfuckers all pulled blades and told me to give up all mi shit. so they jacked like $400 worth of weed that i had on me. Mi friend said he didnt know that shit was guna go down, but i aint sure. i know the neighborhood where them motherfuckers live but i only know one of there names, and they dnt all live there. mi friend, trying to b loyal to both of us, aint tellin me there names, but aint tellin them im askin for em. im thinkin of just roundin up mi boys and jumpin the motherfuckers, but i only know where 1 of em live. what to do?

be glad you are alive and GO GET A FUCKING JOB!!!
The reason (I believe) it will never be re-legalized is that having to obtain a medical card is the only way the government can regulate its usage. MMJ is the governments insurance that they maintain the control. If cannabis was ever just decriminalized, they would have no way to insure they get their tax money from it. anyone and everyone could grow and sell as they please without any reprecussions. The government will NEVER allow cannabis' decriminalization until they find what they believe to be a fool proof way to insure they get their cut, and right now thats what they have with MMJ.
I realize my objections to MMJ might anger many members here, but my reasons are sound.

I oppose decriminalization as well.

I am for full re-legalization. The government gets its revenue from taxes and regulation of sales. Personal growers who do not sell are left alone.
decriminalization in most cases means removing insane mandatory minimums, like just fining people or a few months time.... not like say the FIVE YEAR mandatory minimum for planting tending or in anyway cultivating a single plant in tennessee.

so if you oppose decriminalizing it and you grow i have to assume you are either confused, spiteful or secretely want to go to jail?
decriminalization in most cases means removing insane mandatory minimums, like just fining people or a few months time.... not like say the FIVE YEAR mandatory minimum for planting tending or in anyway cultivating a single plant in tennessee.

so if you oppose decriminalizing it and you grow i have to assume you are either confused, spiteful or secretely want to go to jail?
I don't know how you can jump to any of those conclusions.

But, then again, you apparently scoff at the FACT that the black market is linked to organized crime.

I am for FULL re-legalization and nothing less.

Anything less is a half-measure which will create more problems than it solves.

I have already explained my reasons for opposing MMJ. If you like I can list my reasons for opposing decriminalization as well.
Fuck it. I'll list my reasons anyway.

Prohibition is a tool of oppression which gives the coppers an excuse to crawl up your asshole if they have probable cause that you are involved with cannabis in any form or fashion. It gives them enormous leverage when dealing with us 'little people.'

So from a civil liberties perspective decriminalization won't change any of that.

With decriminalization, employers can still discriminate against recreational users; and use the fact that it is illegal to continue to violate the privacy of their employees.

Under decriminalization, an offense is still an offense; and thus goes on your record.

Civil forfeiture, an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution, could and would continue under decriminalization.

Organized crime would continue to profit from trafficking and the black market. Do you realize how many people have died in the war currently raging along our Southern border right now? A war funded by ordinary people who support the cartels by purchasing their product.

The only up-side is that penalties are reduced, but they are still penalties.

An activity which does not deny anyone else of their life, liberty, or property should not be illegal. End of story.
ohh no im not disagreeing with you the cartel ACTUALLY lives around the block from they are my good buddies we drink corona and lime on saturday and plot acts of terrorism.

and im not looking at it from a civil liberties perspective im looking at it from a common sense, fine is better than five or ten years perspective.
trust me... if you were facing prison time you'd look at it different, there are over 8 million incarcerated for marijuana related crimes. you know where organized crime is actually present for real?? yeah prisons..... that is where people involved in the cottage industry of marijuana make new friends and come out pissed as hell and ready to ante the fuck up.
ohh no im not disagreeing with you the cartel ACTUALLY lives around the block from they are my good buddies we drink corona and lime on saturday and plot acts of terrorism.
Who said anything about terrorism?

Oh, YOU just did.

and im not looking at it from a civil liberties perspective im looking at it from a common sense, fine is better than five or ten years perspective.
That's not common sense. That's compromise.

And compromise means you are agreeing that what we do is criminal.

Re-legalization. Now THAT'S common sense.

dude i really want some of whatever the fuck you are smoking.

It's exceedingly good shit.

trust me... if you were facing prison time you'd look at it different,
Trust me. I went into this with eyes wide open.

there are over 8 million incarcerated for marijuana related crimes.
I would need to see a source on that. I know there are roughly 800,000 cannabis-related ARRESTS made each year.

But 8 million INCARCERATED? Do we even have that many prisoners in total?

you know where organized crime is actually present for real??
That question indicates you refuse to accept that organized crime is involved with cannabis trafficking and black market sales.

Perhaps I should try what YOU are smoking.

Then again, maybe I shouldn't. :-P

yeah prisons..... that is where people involved in the cottage industry of marijuana make new friends and come out pissed as hell and ready to ante the fuck up.
All the more reason to push for re-legalization.
There are 2,299,116 people in prison as of 2009. I couldn't find a better up to date figure. Over 7.2 million people on probation, parole or incarcerated in jail or prison. It costs approx. $40k per yr to house them. Sorry if I went overboard
I don't sell, Junior.

And street dealers don't sell medicine. They sell drugs.

One of the reasons I decided to grow was to get away from all dealers.

I grow for myself only, as a means of civil disobedience.

And I don't grow medicine either.

I grow cannabis. Because I choose to do so.

Ok so robbers thieves and street dealers are all scum.But you grow illegaly?Am I missing something here?
Ok so robbers thieves and street dealers are all scum.But you grow illegaly?Am I missing something here?
You are missing quite a bit.

As a personal use grower who does not sell; what I do does not harm ANYONE else. It's illegal solely because someone ELSE thinks it's wrong. Mala prohibita.

The illegal activities of robbers and thieves harm other people. Mala in se.

Dealers are in a gray area. They may or may not be scumbags (most are). And dealing by itself only has only tax evasion as the harm. But being part of the black market means their activity benefits the real bad guys: Organized crime.
There are 2,299,116 people in prison as of 2009. I couldn't find a better up to date figure. Over 7.2 million people on probation, parole or incarcerated in jail or prison. It costs approx. $40k per yr to house them. Sorry if I went overboard

That's way too many people in the system. And we can't afford it.

Both excellent reasons to re-legalize.

+Rep for you.
the only problem with just lettin it go, is tht my mofuckin rep is guna take a big hit from this. i dnt want evry motherfukin junkie thinkin they can jack me wit no consequence, otherwise id let it go. but duin nuthin would get shit like this to go down again.

HOly fuck. no offense but before you start dealing, & I say this with all the love in the world, learn to fucking spell & speak like a human being. Have you actually READ why you've typed??
If they re-legalize it we're not going to be able to grow it on our own without some bs licensing costs and headache. Alcohol is legal and you don't see many people making moonshine. I grow the shit because I don't want to pay for it and I don't trust those who are selling it.

I realize my objections to MMJ might anger many members here, but my reasons are sound.

I oppose decriminalization as well.

I am for full re-legalization. The government gets its revenue from taxes and regulation of sales. Personal growers who do not sell are left alone.
If they re-legalize it we're not going to be able to grow it on our own without some bs licensing costs and headache. Alcohol is legal and you don't see many people making moonshine. I grow the shit because I don't want to pay for it and I don't trust those who are selling it.
It should be the same as beer and wine. As long as you don't sell, you can produce for your own consumption.

Only if you intend to sell should you be subject to taxes and regulation. That's reasonable.

A large number of people brew their own beer, and ferment their own wine.

As far as moonshine is concerned, I am not sure of the law.

That's way too many people in the system. And we can't afford it.

Both excellent reasons to re-legalize.

+Rep for you.

Thanks, I found out of those 2.2mill, 800k are mmj related which u have already posted.

This is my opinion about legalizing mmj: the only reason it's illegal to grow mmj is because the govt can't control/watch all 45million+ citizens. Why in the blue hell it's still considered a level3(I'm not sure of the level) drug.
How many street dealers sell to medical patients for PURELY humanitarian reasons?




Skeevy drug dealers.

how many pharmocuticals do it for humanitarian reasons? how many doctors don't care about they're pay? ohhh no its the ins. people that do it for the kindness in their hearts... seriusly dude, your an ass. its skeezy cuz its for profit, welcome to america buddy.
nothing is done for pure humanatarian reasons and if you think otherwise your a fool.