Just Got Jacked While Dealing

cannabis is a cottage industry even middies all come domestic these days. the cartels are mostly about meth these days. it is usa #1 cash crop how would that be possible if it was coming in from over the border? adurrhh.

the biggest difference between relegalization and decrim. is that one can actually happen now and one can't.

so you are saying you would rather do time for your plants than possibly let someone else think that you think what you are doing is criminal? because nobody gives a damn if you think what you do is criminal in there. trust me like half those guys "didnt do it" so youll have some company there.
there is pot surplus on the west coast, *domestic* saturation of the market is dropping whole sale prices to unheard of lows ... there is absolutely no way in hell a foreign entity could break in to the market.

yeah.... when it involves people losing their children and being thrown in jail for decades you bet your ass im ready to compromise and you have some narcissisum issues if you think holding up your "principles" outweighs keeping hundreds innocent americans from having their lives ruined by archaic laws.
how many pharmocuticals do it for humanitarian reasons? how many doctors don't care about they're pay? ohhh no its the ins. people that do it for the kindness in their hearts... seriusly dude, your an ass. its skeezy cuz its for profit, welcome to america buddy.
nothing is done for pure humanatarian reasons and if you think otherwise your a fool.
Heavens to Betsy! Some semi-literate internet gaylord called me a fool AND an ass.

Whatever shall I do? :-P

I don't give two shits about pharmaceuticals or doctors. Both provide legitimate products or services, and earn profits. They both pay taxes, too.

My point was that street dealers are not caregivers. They are drug dealers.

Most drug dealers are skeezy. Accept it.

I don't recall stating that I begrudge street dealers the right to earn a profit. But they don't pay taxes on those earnings like the rest of us because they function within the black market. You might be fine with that. I am not.
the only problem with just lettin it go, is tht my mofuckin rep is guna take a big hit from this. i dnt want evry motherfukin junkie thinkin they can jack me wit no consequence, otherwise id let it go. but duin nuthin would get shit like this to go down again.

If you didn't try to take one of them out when you got jacked the first time around...your rep is shit regardless. Plus, you're a kid and a kids rep no matter how motherfucking down you are is tiny...worthless. Rep takes decades to build, not 6 years of recess fights or petty dope peddling.

Listen to the cool heads here, the moment you let those cunts get away with your shit and millimeter sized reputation your window of opportunity slammed shut...don't go back to them to get humiliated or shanked.
i pretty much disagree with Johnny organic on this whole tread and you sound like a big head faggot with your nose up in the air...trying to come off as some outstanding citizen who knows everything and all of what is good and true

have some courtesy for your fellow stoners struggling and getting picked up multiple times for possession and you want to hold off for full Legalization...Fuck that!
Heavens to Betsy! Some semi-literate internet gaylord called me a fool AND an ass.

Whatever shall I do? :-P

I don't give two shits about pharmaceuticals or doctors. Both provide legitimate products or services, and earn profits. They both pay taxes, too.

My point was that street dealers are not caregivers. They are drug dealers.

Most drug dealers are skeezy. Accept it.

I don't recall stating that I begrudge street dealers the right to earn a profit. But they don't pay taxes on those earnings like the rest of us because they function within the black market. You might be fine with that. I am not.

neither do most dispensaries in colorado, they buy unregulated and sell pretty much unregulated. the new law passed in september requiring 70 % of product to be grown by the dispensary where it is sold is a joke and basically impossible anyway. the quality is just as unpredictable as with any "drug dealer". i swear to god i once went in to one and they had hindu kush labeled as 100% sativa. we walked right the fuck out. by the way we were in there selling to the dirty fuckers not buying from them.

so i actually do oppose mmj dispensaries for that reason but i know people with ms who i am positive would kill themselves without weed. so i think they need the mmj exemption while those healthy enough to do so can worry about our own shit a little later.
neither do most dispensaries in colorado, they buy unregulated and sell pretty much unregulated. the new law passed in september requiring 70 % of product to be grown by the dispensary where it is sold is a joke and basically impossible anyway. the quality is just as unpredictable as with any "drug dealer". i swear to god i once went in to one and they had hindu kush labeled as 100% sativa. we walked right the fuck out. by the way we were in there selling to the dirty fuckers not buying from them.

so i actually do oppose mmj dispensaries for that reason but i know people with ms who i am positive would kill themselves without weed. so i think they need the mmj exemption while those healthy enough to do so can worry about our own shit a little later.
so dispensaries just buy any shit from random people?
ive never even applied for a med card and my partner used a fake address so never recieved his although he has the dr note but never got the state issued card. we are as random as they come, and we sell them lbs. its a very strange market actually im used to being able to predict what people want in the black market but these dispensary dicks have all kinds of odd ideas about what good pot is. most of em just want it cheap. a few will pay for real quality though.
It should be the same as beer and wine. As long as you don't sell, you can produce for your own consumption.

Only if you intend to sell should you be subject to taxes and regulation. That's reasonable.

A large number of people brew their own beer, and ferment their own wine.

As far as moonshine is concerned, I am not sure of the law.

as an american (on paper, unless your state, county, or city have other jurisdictional issues) you are legally allowed to distill up to 30 GALLONS of pure (180 proof or so) alcohol per year provided you do not sell it... the law is clearly written for "personal consumption"... which is awesome if you want to be able to get as drunk as humanly possible for literally forever as long as you can manage your still... same same in common law if decrim or legalization come down the pike... like "dry counties" in alabama and kentucky, there may be preexisting laws on the books to regulate your personal production of hard liquor, but that is something best dealt with on a jurisdictional level (aka sheriff or chief of police level in your town)...
cannabis is a cottage industry even middies all come domestic these days. the cartels are mostly about meth these days. it is usa #1 cash crop how would that be possible if it was coming in from over the border? adurrhh.

the biggest difference between relegalization and decrim. is that one can actually happen now and one can't.

so you are saying you would rather do time for your plants than possibly let someone else think that you think what you are doing is criminal? because nobody gives a damn if you think what you do is criminal in there. trust me like half those guys "didnt do it" so youll have some company there.
You are delusional.

Tons of cannabis is smuggled over our foreign border by the cartels.

And although you are correct that cannabis is grown domestically, a significant portion of that is grown by... wait for it... THE CARTELS! In our national parks and national forests. They bring in armed goons to work the plantations and protect the crop; use all sorts of toxic chemicals; and leave mountains of trash behind for the taxpayers to clean up.

So go ahead and make some stupid remark about hanging out with the cartel.

MMJ is the big issue right now. It sucks all of the oxygen out of the room. Yeah, every once in a while you see a state reduce penalties, but that is mainly budget-related. Nothing like an across the board decriminalization. Large scale decriminalization efforts have given way to MMJ, which itself is a form of decriminization. Look at California and see how MMJ supporters derailed re-legalization. Shameful.
oh my god that is fucking hilarious the cartels send people over here to grow in our national parks!!!!!!

you know people type lol a lot but i am literally laughing like a fool!

im not even gonna click your links because its all bullshit too scare the weak of mind into compliance...

its the same damn reason we even use the word marijuana. it has always been easier to get people to vote something down if they think it involves scary brown people. ;)
also i loooove how you pick and choose which of my points too contend :)

nobody gets away with fields anymore. they are ancient history. i have done some national park growing and never ran into any cartels out there.

maybe yogi bear is runnin the cartels these days.
to be clear by neither i meant paying taxes.

also, fuck paying taxes.
Nobody likes paying taxes.

But if we as a movement ever want to be taken seriously it is something we must accept. And it is not unreasonable to expect taxes and regulation of an industry. It is the path to legitimacy.

Or we can choose to remain in the shadows and non-growers here can continue to depend on skeevy low-life dealers to bring them overpriced shit of unknown origin with some crazy name the dealer pulled out of his ass on the way to the meet-up.

oh my god that is fucking hilarious the cartels send people over here to grow in our national parks!!!!!!

you know people type lol a lot but i am literally laughing like a fool!

im not even gonna click your links because its all bullshit too scare the weak of mind into compliance...

its the same damn reason we even use the word marijuana. it has always been easier to get people to vote something down if they think it involves scary brown people. ;)
Fine, don't read the articles. I could care less.

But, I notice you made sure to comment on their veracity anyway.

Your credibility is going through the roof. :-P
also i loooove how you pick and choose which of my points too contend :)

nobody gets away with fields anymore. they are ancient history. i have done some national park growing and never ran into any cartels out there.

maybe yogi bear is runnin the cartels these days.
You think you can dictate to me which points I address?

Now it's my turn to LOL!

You post in manic bursts. I apologize unconditionally if I fail to address all of them at once and on your schedule.

Not really. :-o

Have you considered that maybe some of them do not dignify a response?

Probably not.

You look like a genuine TOOL when you comment on something you couldn't be bothered to read. Your points are meaningless if you refuse to look at my evidence before arguing against it.
no i cant dictate which ones you respond too, but i will point out you are stuck on the cartel(scary brown people) issue and have ignored multiple times the fact that lives are ruined by archaic laws and those in truly desperate need are denied, and that decrim. is feasible in a timely manner to stop this from continuing while your pipe dream of full re leg. is clearly not.
by going through the roof you mean expanding exponentially right :wink:

You missed that, huh?

I can't say I am surprised.

We'll try that again, shall we?

/sarc on

Did I address THIS point to your liking?

/sarc off

no i cant dictate which ones you respond too, but i will point out you are stuck on the cartel(scary brown people) issue and have ignored multiple times the fact that lives are ruined by archaic laws and those in truly desperate need are denied, and that decrim. is feasible in a timely manner to stop this from continuing while your pipe dream of full re leg. is clearly not.
I never mentioned the 'scary brown people.' That would be YOU.

I have already given my reasons why I oppose decriminalization. You dismissed them previously.
so they are white people cartels now? i was not aware of their existence...

i remember your reason, you value your own "principles" more than the lives of others.

a half decade or more in a prison and the person who went in is gone, i can attest to that.

solitary has been deemed torture by the un, i realize that is not directly related to your point, just sayin.. it is bound to happen in there.
again, shooting for the moon and hoping to land among stars does not work here, you will not see full re leg. in your lifetime. however we can compromise our ideals and keep peoples lives from being destroyed by our prison system.