Well-Known Member
Haha oh sh****T! Someone has their fourth grade spelling bee award in a plaque over his fireplace!
Haha Damn straight...Naw I lost that shit a long time ago. But, if I still had it, It'd be hangin over my fireplace right now. LmaoHaha oh sh****T! Someone has their fourth grade spelling bee award in a plaque over his fireplace!
wudzub w doggin misspellerers? if u get the point what duz it matta?? dis aint skool yall u peeps gotsta take dat stik out ur asses 4real. ib intelegent bout growin fuk spellin wen dat GRAMmar bull shitz evva make me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??????????? u no liky me advice cuz a spellin den u a iggnent h8r peice ooff
Come to think of it.... there is no right or wrong way to spell words... someone made them up at some point in time.... and for that matter.. everything was made up.... haha. in fact. i think with all the Laws that have been passed we are ruining our process of natural selection... if someone doesn't want to wear their seatbelt... who cares... i think that they are better off hitting the windshield at 60 MPH. if you are too stupid to know that then i don't want you sharing the same air with me. more stupid people need to die or learn from their mistakes... basically what I'm saying is the people that are voting in my country are the same people who are too stupid to even understand elementary physics laws..... intense rant there.. anyway... no spelling errors here.
wudzub w doggin misspellerers? if u get the point what duz it matta?? dis aint skool yall u peeps gotsta take dat stik out ur asses 4real. ib intelegent bout growin fuk spellin wen dat GRAMmar bull shitz evva make me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??????????? u no liky me advice cuz a spellin den u a iggnent h8r peice ooff
congrats zekedogg!!!!!!!! wud u win????? a sweet ass super dorky spelling b trophy? thats fukin awsome!!!........... jk, i wish i were better at speliing and had a bigger vocab but im not loosin sleep over it
if u have apple there a built in spellchecker ya pc noobs