Nutes on a Budget

Thanks( riddleme), anything else you think i need to add along with jacks i have well water so plenty of cal .
Thanks( riddleme), anything else you think i need to add along with jacks i have well water so plenty of cal .

I have no experience with hempy, but without soil you'll be missing a few things. Standard Jack's is designed for soil so it assumes minor elements are present. I would have some DynaGro handy in case any def's show up later, in fact DynaGro could well be a better option since it has all 16 required elements in one bottle :)
hey thanks i guess ill have to take a ride to the hydro store. peters is just so readily available close by, WELL MAYBE NOT JUST FOUND THIS FROM JACKS FOR SOIL AND SOILLESS (HEMPY POT )
Jack’s 20-20-20 is best suited for roots grown in (soil or soilless mix). In a soil environment, the
nitrogen forms in 20-20-20 can be easily taken up and converted to the nitrogen forms that the
plants use best. In a true hydroponic system ( water flowing environment), these nitrogen
conversions will not occur easily, and some forms of nitrogen, (like urea and ammonium) can sit
in the root zone a bit too long when certain low light or low temperature conditions arise. When
this happens, these stagnant forms of nitrogen act as a great source of food for other things like
algae, bacteria and microorganisms, causing a build-up of these materials in your hydroponic
environment. This creates a real mess and greatly reduces the effectiveness of the nutrients in
Oxdudette, Interested in seeing some pictures if ya can, Thinking about using the Jacks as well IF I can find a place to get em...
Heyall. Wasup riddle, so i like the flushing before feeding nutes' idea. What about low % feed of jacks every third feeding with other two feeds just ph' water.
I like to feed tea,then some jacks, then watwr
Went to my nursery to get some jacks dynamic duo and the were fresh out of the bloom booster the lasy said that Fertiloom blooming and rooting was better in her experience its 9-58-8 was going to use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon a gallon with an 1/8 of the all purpose. Looking for anybody that has experience with this product or advice on how to go about this. Thanks in advance for any and all help.
Went to my nursery to get some jacks dynamic duo and the were fresh out of the bloom booster the lasy said that Fertiloom blooming and rooting was better in her experience its 9-58-8 was going to use 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon a gallon with an 1/8 of the all purpose. Looking for anybody that has experience with this product or advice on how to go about this. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

9-58-8 is nothing I would do
Why or why not? Using FF soil feed schedule it suggests using cha ching (9-50-10)

exactly why an experienced gardner would never use FF LOL you see we know that High P bloom foods are for growing outside, not in pots/containers used indoors. My threads are full of this info, there is an article written by a botanist in my Max Yield thread (sig link) backing up what I am saying, Uncle Ben also has a thread on the abuse of Bloom foods and in my Balls grow I pulled 2000 some grams off 4 plants using just a general purpose 20-10-20 to prove my point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,you really should read my threads :)
I recently started using Jack's classic and Dyna-Gro supplements and I've had results you can see day to day . Excellent adequate nutes !:clap:
After all of the research that you all have done and i have read I have choosen to roll with the jacks classic 202020 on everything but one plant. She is going to get fed a little less than an 1/8 tsp of classic then about 1/32 of that 8-58-9 or whatever it was from my previous post. You,Uncle Ben, and a few others have really made it easy to see where I went wrong and understand where the missteps were. Thank ya.
I have (2) Pure Power Plants 42 days into flower and I'm using Jacks Bloom. Holy shit a tub of this stuff will last a mofo a few years LOL.

I used FFOF with added lime to stabilize PH and offer some extra cal and mag. I used straight water for a about 2 weeks after transplant then started administering my feedings. It is my first grow while using a TDS meter to monitor nutrient solution strengths so it took me a while to get it figured out to adjust the feedings. They were overfed for a couple weeks in early flower but the PH stayed dialed right in. I water every time with 700-850 ppm nute solution and get plenty of runoff to flush out any unused nutes and replace them with my new mixture, about 30% runoff. This also gives me adequate runoff to monitor the ppm's. I had major cal mag deficiencies after about 2-3 weeks once the organics were depleted from the soil. Once I picked up the Cal-Mag feedings everything is looking good. I also have 2 plants 31 days in and one at 12 days in that are looking nearly perfect with just Jacks Bloom, cal-mag and silica. I like to feed with superthrive every now and again just because their labeling has me hypnotized LOL. My White Widow is having an intimate relationship with Jack, I think. She drinks damn near twice as much and eats damn near every bit of food I can throw at her at 31 days into flower.

Overall I really like the simplicity of using one basic nutrient mixture. Bud development is about as dense as I've ever had before and definitely seems better than my last grow with Fox Farm nutes in accordance with the feeding schedule. I'm not sure about the yield yet, it seems like it might be down at this point but its not going to be anything major. I transplanted the same day I initiated flowering so I would blame this more than anything if my yields are effected. Yield isn't as important as quality for me but its still very important :D

Thanks for the recommendation of Jacks and I will post some pics of the product when they're finished!
I have (2) Pure Power Plants 42 days into flower and I'm using Jacks Bloom. Holy shit a tub of this stuff will last a mofo a few years LOL.

I used FFOF with added lime to stabilize PH and offer some extra cal and mag. I used straight water for a about 2 weeks after transplant then started administering my feedings. It is my first grow while using a TDS meter to monitor nutrient solution strengths so it took me a while to get it figured out to adjust the feedings. They were overfed for a couple weeks in early flower but the PH stayed dialed right in. I water every time with 700-850 ppm nute solution and get plenty of runoff to flush out any unused nutes and replace them with my new mixture, about 30% runoff. This also gives me adequate runoff to monitor the ppm's. I had major cal mag deficiencies after about 2-3 weeks once the organics were depleted from the soil. Once I picked up the Cal-Mag feedings everything is looking good. I also have 2 plants 31 days in and one at 12 days in that are looking nearly perfect with just Jacks Bloom, cal-mag and silica. I like to feed with superthrive every now and again just because their labeling has me hypnotized LOL. My White Widow is having an intimate relationship with Jack, I think. She drinks damn near twice as much and eats damn near every bit of food I can throw at her at 31 days into flower.

Overall I really like the simplicity of using one basic nutrient mixture. Bud development is about as dense as I've ever had before and definitely seems better than my last grow with Fox Farm nutes in accordance with the feeding schedule. I'm not sure about the yield yet, it seems like it might be down at this point but its not going to be anything major. I transplanted the same day I initiated flowering so I would blame this more than anything if my yields are effected. Yield isn't as important as quality for me but its still very important :D

Thanks for the recommendation of Jacks and I will post some pics of the product when they're finished!

Jacks is the shit ! But I must ask which product your using for cal/mag ? I'm running into the same problem , some of my plants are turning up calcium deficient .
I'm using FFOF cut with perlite and dolomite lime. Lately I've been using 50/50 FFOF and perlite and I just start administering cal mag right away. If I don't, it shows up within a week or two. I'm getting some other type of def. on my 30-35 day flowering plants, I'm not sure what yet. I'm thinking it might be sulfur so I'm backing off the cal mag and going to try some lime amendments with some epsom salts for cal mag and sulfur then cross my fingers!
I'm using FFOF cut with perlite and dolomite lime. Lately I've been using 50/50 FFOF and perlite and I just start administering cal mag right away. If I don't, it shows up within a week or two. I'm getting some other type of def. on my 30-35 day flowering plants, I'm not sure what yet. I'm thinking it might be sulfur so I'm backing off the cal mag and going to try some lime amendments with some epsom salts for cal mag and sulfur then cross my fingers!

If it is sulper get some DynaGro Mag-PRO it boosts sulper and magnesium . I'm rotating that with Cal-Mag PLus from botainacare that was suggested . CalMag PLus cleared my calcium defs after first dose .
First off FFOF is known for these common defs (why I won't use it) but sulfer is the reason I amend with calcined clay
First off FFOF is known for these common defs (why I won't use it) but sulfer is the reason I amend with calcined clay

Sure is, everytime like clockwork. I've never seen a sulfur def to my knowledge, not even sure that's my problem but its my guess!
im in need of some help, im still relatively new to this been through one harvest. I belive my plants have some sort of deficiency, i just started flowering a few days ago im growing under a 400w hps in a 4x4 tent, temps are between 75-80 with 60% humidity, im using jack all purpose, and just gave them cal mag yesterday. my ph is around 6.3 and nutes tested at 900 ppm. any ideas on what it could be if not magnesium?


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