Is p2p selling legal?


New Member
Here's the point though, rzza, the fact that it's VERY specific everywhere else lends credence to any legal argument that it WAS the intent of the paragraph to give that specific protection to those not licensed, but helping patients and caregivers.

Your argument against my point is sound, rzza, but a very strong argument to the opposite can be made because of that fact, also. That's the nice thing about legal wording, if it's consistent in it's language, when things like this pop up, it makes for lots of opportunities to regain some of the freedom that the legislators keep taking away from us.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
so please answer one question. why do you insist on lying to people? you really wanna get the word out that it IS legal but you never offer all the facts. this is plain irresponsible and its dangerous to the people reading.
1.)The law you keep posting has nothing to do with p to p transfers.
It does not pertain to the question asked in any way.

2.) The law you keep posting does not conflict with anything.
Each definition is specific to each type of registered card holder.
All the way down to visiting patients.

So now I've got a few questions for you:

1.)Why would you post the "caregiver assigned patient" provision when the op asked about patient to patient provision ?
2.) How does that definition conflict with any other definition ?
3.) How is it that you are the only one claiming it's illegal but it's everyone else thats lying ?
4. ) If there is no patient to patient transfer law, then what law do dispensaries operate under , since sales are illegal ?
5.)And why do they call all of their transactions "patient to patient transfers" ?

Beno Brown

1.)The law you keep posting has nothing to do with p to p transfers.
It does not pertain to the question asked in any way.

2.) The law you keep posting does not conflict with anything.
Each definition is specific to each type of registered card holder.
All the way down to visiting patients.

So now I've got a few questions for you:

1.)Why would you post the "caregiver assigned patient" provision when the op asked about patient to patient provision ?
2.) How does that definition conflict with any other definition ?
3.) How is it that you are the only one claiming it's illegal but it's everyone else thats lying ?
4. ) If there is no patient to patient transfer law, then what law do dispensaries operate under , since sales are illegal ?
5.)And why do they call all of their transactions "patient to patient transfers" ?

You made some good points, Buddy. It's all a bit confusing. I don't even wanna ask what law applies if you are a patient AND a caregiver.:wall:


Well-Known Member
hey goofball, heres yur excerpt you like to post. i highlighted the important part. LOL and lordwinter that should end our dicussion on that topic, because the reason its stated "a person" is so that gas station clerks and the road show employees arent required to hold a card.

g) A person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for providing a registered qualifying patient or a registered primary caregiver with marihuana paraphernalia for purposes of a qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana.


Well-Known Member
1.)Why would you post the "caregiver assigned patient" provision when the op asked about patient to patient provision ?
2.) How does that definition conflict with any other definition ?
3.) How is it that you are the only one claiming it's illegal but it's everyone else thats lying ?
4. ) If there is no patient to patient transfer law, then what law do dispensaries operate under , since sales are illegal ?
5.)And why do they call all of their transactions "patient to patient transfers" ?
1)the law doesnt mention anything about p2p.
2)lets say it doesnt conflict. so its illegal unless your registered as the cg.
3)your the only one claiming it to be legal. show me someone else. everyone else says its a gray area or not legal.
4)i dont own a disp so i dont know fully but i know that they all operate with memberships. you become a member of the collective. even a delivery service will usually take a pic of your id and card/paperwork. some charge 2 bucks a month some are free membership.
5)who calls it that? we call it that.

besides this whole questionaire is kinda pointless when your whole defense was based on a misinterpretation of that paragrap that you so wisely posted ten times and outlined the IMPORTANT parts for us.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Check it out.. Both apply..

This is the beging of the page. It's a list of all of those the below laws cover.

333.26424 Qualifying patient or primary caregiver; arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; conditions; presumption; compensation; physician subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; marihuana paraphernalia; person in presence or vicinity to medical use of marihuana; registry identification issued outside of department; sale of marihuana as felony; penalty.

(Now everything that is the above opener is covered by everything that follows on that page)

The only definition/law that talks about what not to do only shows 1 thing that would be considered against the law.
Or in violation to the laws.
It clearly says that any patient or cargiver is only in violation if they sell/transfer to a "non card holder"..

(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.


Well-Known Member
Check it out.. Both apply..

This is the beging of the page. It's a list of all of those the below laws cover.

333.26424 Qualifying patient or primary caregiver; arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; conditions; presumption; compensation; physician subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty prohibited; marihuana paraphernalia; person in presence or vicinity to medical use of marihuana; registry identification issued outside of department; sale of marihuana as felony; penalty.

(Now everything that is the above opener is covered by everything that follows on that page)

The only definition/law that talks about what not to do only shows 1 thing that would be considered against the law.
Or in violation to the laws.
It clearly says that any patient or cargiver is only in violation if they sell/transfer to a "non card holder"..

(k) Any registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver who sells marihuana to someone who is not allowed to use marihuana for medical purposes under this act shall have his or her registry identification card revoked and is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both, in addition to any other penalties for the distribution of marihuana.
lol please stop you are embarrassing yourself.


Well-Known Member
(g) a person shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for providing a registered qualifying patient or a registered primary caregiver with marihuana paraphernalia for purposes of a qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana.

definition of medical use:
(e) "medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.

as long as both are registered patients.
lol .


Well-Known Member
Yup, you got me on that one rzza. I didn't catch that. Point to you.
but i just wanna hear bg say it. he is so adamant about telling the community to do it, its ok. for sure. no gray area. just do it. p2p. p2p. p2p. i grow pounds. best on riu.

shit if it wasnt for him misconstruing that paragraph you wouldnt have been mislead therefore never agreeing with the guy.


Well-Known Member
how many lurkers read this thread in the past 24 hours and said oh shit look he underlined it. hes right. its legal. then they tell 20 people and they tell ....

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
1)the law doesnt mention anything about p2p.
2)lets say it doesnt conflict. so its illegal unless your registered as the cg.
3)your the only one claiming it to be legal. show me someone else. everyone else says its a gray area or not legal.
4)i dont own a disp so i dont know fully but i know that they all operate with memberships. you become a member of the collective. even a delivery service will usually take a pic of your id and card/paperwork. some charge 2 bucks a month some are free membership.
5)who calls it that? we call it that.
besides this whole questionaire is kinda pointless when your whole defense was based on a misinterpretation of that paragrap that you so wisely posted ten times and outlined the IMPORTANT parts for us.

1. I know thats why I asked your reason for posting it.. It doesn't apply to p to p, that one applies to cargiver assigned patient.
2. No, answer the question since you've made the same claim over and over and over.
3. Your buddy Deprave made it clear several times in his pricing prospective thread.
From his op to the last few posts, he made it clear.
(Secondly - If your only a caretaker and not a patient then it is clearly illegal for you to sell to anyone who is not your registered patient - however, if you are also a patient it doesn't matter as long as they are a legal patient also, I am not a legal patient so I do not sell to anyone who is not MY patient. )PG 11..
4. Then why open your mouth about something you know nothing about ?
5. Answer the question, why do they call all of their transactions "transfers"?

Try reading the Definitions page.

(g) "Primary caregiver" means "a person"
(h) "Qualifying patient" means "a person "
(e) "Medical use" means

Seriously, why is this so hard to understand ?

Note: everyone of those laws end with "Medical use"!
Now, what does medical use mean?

(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.


Well-Known Member
1. I know thats why I asked your reason for posting it.. It doesn't apply to p to p, that one applies to cargiver assigned patient.
2. No, answer the question since you've made the same claim over and over and over.
3. Your buddy Deprave made it clear several times in his pricing prospective thread.
From his op to the last few posts, he made it clear.
(Secondly - If your only a caretaker and not a patient then it is clearly illegal for you to sell to anyone who is not your registered patient - however, if you are also a patient it doesn't matter as long as they are a legal patient also, I am not a legal patient so I do not sell to anyone who is not MY patient. )PG 11..
4. Then why open your mouth about something you know nothing about ?
5. Answer the question, why do they call all of their transactions "transfers"?

Try reading the Definitions page.

(g) "Primary caregiver" means "a person"
(h) "Qualifying patient" means "a person "
(e) "Medical use" means

Seriously, why is this so hard to understand ?

Note: everyone of those laws end with "Medical use"!
Now, what does medical use mean?

(e) "Medical use" means the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of marihuana or paraphernalia relating to the administration of marihuana to treat or alleviate a registered qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the debilitating medical condition.

it says (h) "Qualifying patient" means a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition.

not "a person"

you are proving yourself dumb. your trying to twist things so far that you sound silly. i will no longer argue with you because my point has been made clear. every time you run your mouth on these boards i will be right behind you to clean up your lies and misinterpretations.


Well-Known Member
how many lurkers read this thread in the past 24 hours and said oh shit look he underlined it. hes right. its legal. then they tell 20 people and they tell ....
& then they would be the idiots if they came to that conclusion


Well-Known Member
& then they would be the idiots if they came to that conclusion
are you suggesting lordwinter is an idiot? he seems pretty smart but its easy to be fooled when the guy is shoving it down your throat in such a manner with damned bold fonts and underlined sentenses. the hyper fuck.


Well-Known Member

it says (h) "Qualifying patient" means a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition.

not "a person"

you are proving yourself dumb. your trying to twist things so far that you sound silly. i will no longer argue with you because my point has been made clear. every time you run your mouth on these boards i will be right behind you to clean up your lies and misinterpretations.
the MI law has been debated, interpreted, & opinioned upon & no doubt will continue to be. But when u r saying u r going to basically stalk another member, well to me that is absurd & shows poor judgement on ur part & is disturbing. he is entitled to his OPINION, readers beware to anything said on this site or any other for that matter about anything. facts & opinions r completely different animals. if u dont like this guy, why not simply put him on ur ignore list? and thats my opinion on that.


Well-Known Member
dude its not opinion. he is putting out false statements. he didnt state any of that as opinion. you said stalk. i said i will be here to correct him every time he spews garbage.