Well-Known Member
Lol I wanted to start this thread because I know there is people in this world that have booby trapped grows before. For instance I know a guy who showed another guy a plot, but he didnt have any trust in him, he told me he just had a feeling he was going to steal his plants. What does he do? lol he sets a trip line several inches off the ground, with a 12 guage shotgun hidden off the path in some trees aimed just above the trip line. Sure enough, that buddy goes back there to steal other buddies plants, and he gets quite a surprise, 12 guage buckshot just misses him, almost blowing off his legs. Im not sure how exactly it went after that, but the buddy growing the plants ended up doing 2 years in jail. THis happened many years ago, Ive been hearing about it as long as I can remember, he just lives down the road a ways, continues to grow lol. But I can gurantee one thing, no one messes on his property anymore, every body around here knew about that, lol hes considered the hardcore grower, yet he is getting older, harvests have been getting smaller.
OK Also on another show I seen a booby trap set up at the entrance of a plot, It was very simple, A piece of ply wood with nails hammered all through it, so if anybody entering the plot didnt know about it, they would puncture their feet. Anybody else heard of different devices growers have used to booby trap (absolutely in no way promoting it). Hurting or injuring any other living things is wrong just so you can get some pot, Also if police come across booby trapped plots, they will stay there and wait for the grower with hefty jail time. I think This could be a great thrread, get the discussions flowing Love to hear some feedback and oppinions, happy toking guys.
OK Also on another show I seen a booby trap set up at the entrance of a plot, It was very simple, A piece of ply wood with nails hammered all through it, so if anybody entering the plot didnt know about it, they would puncture their feet. Anybody else heard of different devices growers have used to booby trap (absolutely in no way promoting it). Hurting or injuring any other living things is wrong just so you can get some pot, Also if police come across booby trapped plots, they will stay there and wait for the grower with hefty jail time. I think This could be a great thrread, get the discussions flowing Love to hear some feedback and oppinions, happy toking guys.