1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah well, kill em and keep the pollen I would say. Looks like you'll get plenty fae those studs lad to last a bit. Will PM you.
well i had a look at them this morning and culled the grape ape id been milking and the other one i decided wasnt looking too impressive so he went. and the weeker non purp looking sensi star x purp went too.
welcome to living with cannabis, where ur living space and growing space become one lol>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
hahahah tell me about it eh! wont be for long tho

mr west

Well-Known Member
famous last words that is don, I said itd only be a wile lol last year sometime lmao or was it the year b4?


I dont know if i am in the right blog here, but i've got 4 week to two week old plants in a DWC system. The leaves look healthy but the stems seem REALLY weak like they can't even hold up the leaves. What am i doing wrong!!! I used only water for the first week than i added 1/4 the recommended nutrient additive to the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
yeah your plants are just weak i'm not sure what youre doing wrong maybe you dont have enough air circulation in your space, try putting a fan in there blowing directly at your plant and the constant motion should cause it to stiffen and thicken up


Well-Known Member
yeah your plants are just weak i'm not sure what youre doing wrong maybe you dont have enough air circulation in your space, try putting a fan in there blowing directly at your plant and the constant motion should cause it to stiffen and thicken up
LMFAO c'mon own up who is it?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
DSCF6850.jpgDSCF6852.jpgDSCF6854.jpgno doubt!

I spluffed the livers with grape ape for shits n giggles. tried an old trick of putting ice cubes on the top of the coco to try and get a bit more colour out of the qrazy trains. one has gone really dark the other hasnt bothered!?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Donny doesn't need a fan. Right bro?? I don't think you do. maybe I'm wrong about the fan. Ah what the hell, get thre or four fans in there!

Maybe a fan would hep. Yeah I know..I'm a shit lol.

Woah this C-4 is purty strong ; !)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
looking nice there donnald mate. So crazy train x grape ape eh, crazy ape train or something lol
cheers fella! the qrazy train is pollenated with cheesequake. the livers got the grape ape spluff. was thinking blue grapes for that one ak48 x cheesequake i aint got a scooby doo what to call it.
Donny doesn't need a fan. Right bro?? I don't think you do. maybe I'm wrong about the fan. Ah what the hell, get thre or four fans in there!
Maybe a fan would hep. Yeah I know..I'm a shit lol.
Woah this C-4 is purty strong ; !)
right ill show you lot whos got fans..... lol