Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?


Well-Known Member
Hi Bud! my name is Bobby & people around here regard me as one of top wits around here. so why don't you learn some before you show up bumpin your gums. teabagger...


I've been around for awhile now and I've NEVER heard of ya, I've read a few of your posts and so far I haven't seen anything that could be coined "witty".

People around here? You mean the couple of Liberal douchebags you run with on this forum that keep "LIKING" your comments... sad little man.

You offer nothing to any of these threads that I couldn't glean from 15 minutes of watching <blech> MSNBC or 5 minutes of reading the Huffington Post.

Unless, you think calling people "Teabaggers" was your invention.




Well-Known Member
well Godzuki, you just keep on watchin yer Fox News channel. yes this aired on the Simpsons; a FOX PRODUCTION!!! they fuckin admit it!!!



Well-Known Member
history as well as what is to come will bear out the true imbeciles in this matter. Seig Heil!


Well-Known Member
when did Fascists get into weed? shouldn't you guys be on the methamphetamine cooking website?


Well-Known Member

People around here? You mean the couple of Liberal douchebags you run with on this forum that keep "LIKING" your comments... sad little man
I love it when assholes make snap judgements based on one page of information on my profile. turdburglar.


Active Member
30% will blame the repukes and 17% will blame democrats...obama gets no blame because he has no vote in the matter.


Well-Known Member
The ignorance demonstrated by the liberal posters never fails to amaze me.

You guys just don't get it - voters made it crystal clear that the days of the never ending check book for Congress are over, and the majority of voters want spending, and entitlements cut, and cut now.

The "tea party" you all love to dump on are not a tiny minority in America, they are mainstream voters taxpayers and American citizens, and it is the job of our elected officials to act in the manor voters demand.

The fiscally conservative voters, who are the majority in the country want spending cut, and the whining of the minority liberals does not over-ride the wishes of the majority.

As far as “Planned Parenthood” is concerned: Government funded abortions are far from what the majority of Americans consider to be necessary government expenditures.


Well-Known Member
The ignorance demonstrated by the liberal posters never fails to amaze me.
Every single position I've taken on these boards has been supported by fact, not idealogy; I couldn't say the same about the multiple conservatives here who disappear as soon as they are faced with any evidence (NoDrama, I'm calling you out especially... SHOW ME SOME PROOF CONSERVATISM WORKS MAN, THE THREAD IS STILL THERE WAITING FOR YOU).

The Tea Party is not mainstream, just like most interests they encompass a small portion of the constituency...

What most people also fail to realize - that has been confirmed by dozens of economists (including those at the CBO, Goldman Sachs) - is that spending cuts now will hurt the recovery. Show me a liberal that's arguing spending cuts dont need to happen at some point.. The difference is when and how.

You're blind if you dont see the argument over Planned Parenthood and enviromental regulations as pathetically partisan - as it's the only thing holding up a deal that would prevent a government shutdown.


Well-Known Member
The ignorance demonstrated by the liberal posters never fails to amaze me.

You guys just don't get it - voters made it crystal clear that the days of the never ending check book for Congress are over, and the majority of voters want spending, and entitlements cut, and cut now.

The "tea party" you all love to dump on are not a tiny minority in America, they are mainstream voters taxpayers and American citizens, and it is the job of our elected officials to act in the manor voters demand.

The fiscally conservative voters, who are the majority in the country want spending cut, and the whining of the minority liberals does not over-ride the wishes of the majority.

As far as &#8220;Planned Parenthood&#8221; is concerned: Government funded abortions are far from what the majority of Americans consider to be necessary government expenditures.
A. you want entitlements cut for all but the top 2%
B. Obama was elected by a majority. who is this majority you speak of?
C. PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES NOT PERFORM ABORTIONS !!!! to paint them as Eugenicists is laughable.

get your facts straight before engaging me in the future. thank you for your consideration in this matter.


Well-Known Member
"The Tea Party is not mainstream, just like most interests they encompass a small portion of the constituency... "

Then explaine the results of the last election .............. The people have spoken, and you are going to have to deal with it.

"C. PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES NOT PERFORM ABORTIONS !!!! to paint them as Eugenicists is laughable.

Don't you hate it when facts get in the way - dumb ass.

324,008 abortions preformed by Planned parenthood in 2008 - the most current numbers available.

2007 Planned Parenthood Annual Survey
Total number of PP clinics: 855
Total number of non-express clinics: 814
Express clinics: 41
Total number of PP clinics that perform surgical and/or medical abortions: 287
Total number of affiliates: 108


Well-Known Member
"The Tea Party is not mainstream, just like most interests they encompass a small portion of the constituency... "

Then explaine the results of the last election .............. The people have spoken, and you are going to have to deal with it.
we still have a democratic senate and President. The people who voted them in obviously disagree with you.

"The average voter is richer than the average American"


Well-Known Member
as a child, I always wondered how the German people could be so seduced by a lie. Now I'm seeing it here in America; plain as day, Fascism rearing it's ugly head in our hard won democracy. I'm fucking disgusted; have fun when you meet God. BobbyPyn, over and out.


Well-Known Member
as a child, I always wondered how the German people could be so seduced by a lie. Now I'm seeing it here in America; plain as day, Fascism rearing it's ugly head in our hard won democracy. I'm fucking disgusted; have fun when you meet God. BobbyPyn, over and out.
It's okay, once all the old people are dead we might have a chance(sorry old folks, it's the truth); Until then, government will be divided.


Well-Known Member
"The Tea Party is not mainstream, just like most interests they encompass a small portion of the constituency... "

Then explaine the results of the last election .............. The people have spoken, and you are going to have to deal with it.

"C. PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES NOT PERFORM ABORTIONS !!!! to paint them as Eugenicists is laughable.

Don't you hate it when facts get in the way - dumb ass.

324,008 abortions preformed by Planned parenthood in 2008 - the most current numbers available.

2007 Planned Parenthood Annual Survey
Total number of PP clinics: 855
Total number of non-express clinics: 814
Express clinics: 41
Total number of PP clinics that perform surgical and/or medical abortions: 287
Total number of affiliates: 108

wrong again dickhead, and stop trying to skew the facts. Planned Parenthood provides counseling services in those facilities, THEY DO NOT EMPLOY DOCTORS THAT PERFORM PROCEDURES!!!



Well-Known Member
"we still have a democratic senate and President. The people who voted them in obviously disagree with you.
"The average voter is richer than the average American"

Not all were up for election in 2010 - wait till 2012, the Democrats have screwed the pooch, and now the people are speaking.


Well-Known Member

You IGNORANT FUCK - the numbers are from their web-site....
and misleading as all hell. tough guy. you nazi fuckbags can suck my dick with hot sauce on it. See ya in the streets when the fun begins, BITCHES!!!! we'll see who wins.... we will see.

it's going to be glorious. when american troops are deployed on american soil (in clear violation of Posse Comitatus) to take up arms against american children fervently waving black flags; remeber i told you so. funny thing is... the kids win. urban commandos in full tactical gear are no match for a 16 year old kid with a skateboard in urban settings. we've proven it: ever seen a goon jump down 12 stairs & keep rollin? i see little kids doin it everyday. Good God, this is going to be fun!!! :)

oh did i mention the kid is armed to the teeth? :)