
I'd back a guy up if he hit a girl who hit him first. If a girl hits a guy and she isn't prepared for him hitting her back because she has some sexist belief that he's not allowed to - then it's her own stupidity and I won't feel sorry for her or think lesser of him.

I know a couple guys around here who won't hit a girl at all, even if she is hitting at him and it annoys me to no end. I always say "smack her up" lmao, and they're like "but she's a girl"... so? She obviously doesn't think she's a lady if she's going to hit some guy twice her size who could punch her teeth out in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Okay, let me preface this whole story. I sit up and smoke every night, and usually lay on my bed, with my window open. No noise at all, just silence. But I'm just thinking, ya digg? Anyways, I can hear everything going on in my neighborhood. It's pretty sad really. I hear this man periodically beating his wife (Just tonight I heard her scream, and him yell "Knock it off"). And if the fights carry on, I can see a police car roll down my road and pull in. I heard another guy screaming at his barking dogs (who are probably barking because they smell me) and hitting them. I hear kids talking as they walk down the street at 1 am, obviously chiefed up. I dunno how I feel about all this. It's like I know too much about my neighbors.
you can never know too much about your neighbors when you are growing! I do everything I can to remember who parks where and what type of cars they all have! even know what time everyone leaves for work and which ones go to church! It is much better to be the the "watcher" than the "Watched"!


Well-Known Member
I'd back a guy up if he hit a girl who hit him first. If a girl hits a guy and she isn't prepared for him hitting her back because she has some sexist belief that he's not allowed to - then it's her own stupidity and I won't feel sorry for her or think lesser of him.

I know a couple guys around here who won't hit a girl at all, even if she is hitting at him and it annoys me to no end. I always say "smack her up" lmao, and they're like "but she's a girl"... so? She obviously doesn't think she's a lady if she's going to hit some guy twice her size who could punch her teeth out in the first place.
The problem with that is....Take for example my wife......If I was to hit her full force in the face I would break her jaw or nose or both.....If she was to hit me full force in the face I might just have a bruise.....99 times out of a hundred men are physically stronger than women. That is why it is not ok to hit a woman. Besides it is hardly ever a self defense thing when men beat up on women its a control thing and a domination thing.


Well-Known Member
Its all about technique,One nice sharp back hand upwards in the lips cheek and nose all at once(aka the jack slap).Not to hard tho unless she likes it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, its like hitting a kid.

fairly easy for a man to just hold a woman still.

men that hit women are very small men, mentally.

and, if you let other men know about it, many will smack the shit out of that guy. (though depending on your location, primitive people hit more,no brains for talking or thinking)

its a similar deal to people rooting for the little guy against the big one in a fight.

uneven fight, so people cheer if the little guy wins and boo if the big guy kicks the shit out of the little guy and might even stop the fight if they can.

though, today..if a man was beating a woman, id simply suggest she kick him in the balls hard as she can (since women usually have equal strong legs, he aint getting up again for a while)

and then run and get the police.

no man is worth beatings.


Well-Known Member
Beating a woman and belting her in the mouth for not having dinner done are 2 different things.FWIW


Well-Known Member
yeah, beating a woman makes you a brute, belting her in the mouth for not having dinner done, makes you a tyrant or a slave owner.

two clusterfuckups of a human being.

primitive bastards at best.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
What if it was your sister/ mom/ friend getting beat up?

Call the local women's shelter, tell them "This is happening but I don't want to call the cops, I hate cops, what should I do," and follow their advice.

Many people are wary of the police these days but that doesn't mean you can't do anything about despicable, violent crime.

As a woman who's been beaten, I can attest that she might not have the guts- or the opportunity- to get out of there or call the cops. I know women who were with dudes that wouldn't let them have cellphones, or access to money or cars, would take the cords to the phones (wouldn't let her have a cordless either)... All my abusive boyfriends were "Just" stalkers and beaters and I never lived with them. The Spouse is/ was one of the only non-assholic dudes I was ever with, hence, he's my Spouse. But then again if he pulled that shit, Dad would shoot him if I didn't do it first.

Again, just think, "What if that was someone I cared about?


Active Member
idk i kinda have mixed feeling on the subject. i could try to describe it but that would take all day. what if ppl deserver it? man or woman, why do we have to be sexist? just saying im 6'1" and 190lbs and you better believe im would never get out of line toward someone like The Rock its just common since, im practically a little girl compared to him but would it be alright for me to just stand there and talk shit to him and throw sucker hits at him expecting him not to do anything. but on the flip side a lot of guys take advantage of there size difference to bully and oppress other ppl including ladies.

in high school a chick was pissed at me for talking to another chick, yeah we were kinda seeing each other but she hung out with other guys all the time, and she was getting very vulgar and rude and slapped me twice, i just took it and told her she could find someone else to put up with her trailer park bullshit and she kicked me in crotch as i was walking away (from behind so it wasn't a good solid hit but still hurt like hell) so...i decked her and then decked the 3 guys who tried to do something about it (2 visited the hospital)(3 years of HS in golden gloves). the best part of it all was i was 15, the 3 guys were 17 & 18 so they got charged with assault, i was a minor assaulted by adults and had the option of taking out further charges on them but didn't and they told the girl she got what she deserved. hate me if you want but you got to draw the line somewhere.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I'd back a guy up if he hit a girl who hit him first. If a girl hits a guy and she isn't prepared for him hitting her back because she has some sexist belief that he's not allowed to - then it's her own stupidity and I won't feel sorry for her or think lesser of him.

I know a couple guys around here who won't hit a girl at all, even if she is hitting at him and it annoys me to no end. I always say "smack her up" lmao, and they're like "but she's a girl"... so? She obviously doesn't think she's a lady if she's going to hit some guy twice her size who could punch her teeth out in the first place.
Your username says it all.


Well-Known Member
Most women are weaker than men. Hitting them would not suit me, worst case scenario I might just push them (unless I got to defend myself).

We all heard the shit that Chris Brown had to go through, even though he went totally berserk on the lady, I still would like to hear his part of the story...
