1st Grow. CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Thank you Sirs. I'm currently out of town but I'll get back on Sunday when I'll throw an update out there. She is looking amazing, completely diffferent from the last picture. I had to redo my LST because she was just growing like a mtherfcker after that last feed, so back to LST it is. It's working great though a ton of new bud sights have just sprung up and out. Very hairy these days.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, looking good. Thats just another reason CFL grows are awesome, you can always add more light without breaking the bank! Haha, ghetto is the way to go!


Well-Known Member
For sure man. I'm just excited to harvest already so I have some good free smoke, and I really want to get on with my next grow. I am really excited to start a DWC project. Get the experience of soil vs hydro.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm with you on that, I'm actually in the middle of my first DWC grow ever...been in flower a couple weeks and I gotta tell you, it's awesome! I wish it didn't get so hot here in the summer, or I'd do it all year, but after I harvest this stuff (maybe end of may, early june) I will shut down the DWC for a cycle or 2 until the weather gets cool again, cause it's a bitch trying to keep rez temperatures down and I got tired of the water bottle shuffle...Anyway, these DWC plants are so healthy, and grew so fast once I got everything tuned in and they're rocking it right now. I hear there is a big taste difference with hydro, so I have some soil of the same strain going as well, just not flowering yet. Anyway, keep up the good work, dude!


Active Member
just popping in sorry normally try to be more helpful but check ph it do you use molasses? it may be cal mag def


I am no genius but with the brown veins... Prob a result of n deficiency. Saw a similar post where dude thought it was cal mag, uncle Ben said likely due to nute imbalance and low n, he recoommended a foliar feed with a 20-10-10 or so with some dish soap for a surfacant. Check out the uncle Ben's gardenig tweaks the link is in thread. or advance search it. Nutes take too long to get to foliage so a foliar feed may help correct er.
No idea whats wrong with your baby, but how many lights are you using to flower? all in all your baby looks GREAT!!! must say I'm alittle jealous


Well-Known Member
Been busy lately haven't had the time to give her tender loving care, also been away from internet world so I haven't been updating sorry about that. Anyway I started flushing after this problem came up with ph'd balanced water every 2 days but the problem has just gotten worse. I even had to cut off some of the leaves because they were dying. I'll get some pics and an update later today. Trying to get back in the swing of things. The upside of this problem is it doesn't seem to be affecting the growth of the buds? They are just fattening up while the leaves seem to be taking a beating.


Well-Known Member
just popping in sorry normally try to be more helpful but check ph it do you use molasses? it may be cal mag def
I used molasses with a feeding 2 weeks ago. Could be the root of the problem?

No idea whats wrong with your baby, but how many lights are you using to flower? all in all your baby looks GREAT!!! must say I'm alittle jealous
Thank you sir. I just upgraded the setup. I bought one of those bright ideas 65w florescents, then I have a 40something watt, then a 32, then a 26w 6500k.


Well-Known Member
In to see the result of your 'rust'. Im having a similar but not exact problem. Im getting spots all over my mature shade leaves. Im also using molasses.

edit - but way to go on your first grow! Its all about experience. Im kind of trying a lot of different things with my first which could be my downfall but oh well :weed:


Well-Known Member
Okay now this is just bizarre. Look what I found growing up from the soil....and then what I yanked out of the pot. There was weeds growing in my weed..... !!! WTF! How the fuck, and is that a bean?! What the fuck is that, how does that even happen?

