For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Rebel From The North
in those you tube clips show he mixes RW with mobito for better drainage. and also he reuses all his medium

my bad its mopito whatever that is


Active Member
Hellraiser should remember the heated debate with kitty about this.

I use the 6x6 rw cubes and it works great. Clones to a rw starter cube and then into the 6x6 for a couple week veg in a tray then they are set into bucket. Way easier then hydroton. Just as cheap and alot less labor. Specially when your runnin 80 to a setup.

I flood for 15 min 1 hour after lights on and 3 hours before lights off. I am going to experiment with 1 flood a day at high noon and see how that does.

One thing i would recomend is a chiller for ur rez.

today i checked my buckets and 4 hrs after they were flooded there is a lot of water in the cubes and i thought the top was dry and after checking that they had a bit of water in them to so as of tomorrow im goin to flood once a day and see what happens


Rebel From The North
once sounds right I took a 6in bucket with crutons in it a a test a watered it and checked it 8 hours later
and it was still real wet! flooding once a day and not having to wash rock is all good to me. cant wait to
say goodbye rock!


Active Member
I am not an expert but wasn't the whole point of using a medium like hydroton was to help direct oxygen to the roots as the water pumps back out? Yes I hate hydroton but I also hate how much water rock wool holds.


Well-Known Member
The same holds true for rw.

As the water drains it pulls oxygen down thru the cube. As long as u dont water to much. Witch is easy to do.


Active Member
I have the greentrees model multiflow bucket system. I have 4 girls under 1000hps, they are 4 days into flower, and my roots have completely filled the outer bucket. I flipped them at 18".

They are doing awesome, should I worry about them being rootbound already?

I was thinking of raising them up an inch or so with PVC.

I have adjustable float valve, so I can raise the flood level too. Should I mess with it or not?



Rebel From The North
if your plants look good and the roots are doing good then I wouldnt mess with it.
on my system the roots fill the viod fast but the only thing I do is remove roots
around the drain hole.


Active Member
Anyone experience problems with their roots sitting in water since the system doesn't drain the buckets completely. I have some on 2x4s and that helps but it's hard to move them around.


Active Member
once sounds right I took a 6in bucket with crutons in it a a test a watered it and checked it 8 hours later
and it was still real wet! flooding once a day and not having to wash rock is all good to me. cant wait to
say goodbye rock!
so i have been flooding once a day and they seem to love it, i put in 2 6inch air stones last week in the rez and also added h2o2 29% at 3 ml per gallon and things look great. once i flip them to flower i might flood twice but im goin to keep an eye on how much they drink. here r a few pics 9 days ago
and these were takin yesterday


Rebel From The North
Has anyone put an airstone in each bucket?
not tryed that, but I think its not needed! if you have good air going in the res your ok! the amount of positive air suction
from the drain cycle pull air into the medium. plus a air stone or 2 in the res and your more than good. I run x4 air stone in
my res, I like over kill.