1Puff2Puff3Puff's hydro/soil Grow Journal, (Finally did it!!)


Well-Known Member
FINALLY GOT IT!!!! Voodoo juice, lets see what this baby can do for me, i have all they different nutes and havent used them, 3 day weekend this weekend, times to get a feeding schedule incorperating all of them. Wanted the Big bud but that stuff is half the size with double the cost... $105... i got my Voodoo for $50 and the i have some Open Sesme and thats alot like Big bud... well kinda, for a fraction of the cost only $25!!!



Well-Known Member
can u help me im not sure how the cfls work do they plug into the 240v socket and were can i get them from and how much is a spilter lol thanx?


New Member
Sounds really good puff puff.
I am sure your plants will love it and you later.

FINALLY GOT IT!!!! Voodoo juice, lets see what this baby can do for me, i have all they different nutes and havent used them, 3 day weekend this weekend, times to get a feeding schedule incorperating all of them. Wanted the Big bud but that stuff is half the size with double the cost... $105... i got my Voodoo for $50 and the i have some Open Sesme and thats alot like Big bud... well kinda, for a fraction of the cost only $25!!!


New Member
There is a cfl section here. Just do a search of forums.
I'm sure you will find lots of info there and then some.

can u help me im not sure how the cfls work do they plug into the 240v socket and were can i get them from and how much is a spilter lol thanx?


Well-Known Member
Wow, awesome grow, nice harvest pics! Looks great! Good luck with the new grow and your dog is just adorable :)


Well-Known Member
Another girl...Woot!!! Well i added Voodoo to the hybrids on 02/13. Today i added Seseme to the 4 girls i have along with nutes and molassas. Been smoking my stuff all weekend.. Its great, better and better with every extra week of cure!! I had a sprinkle of keif on bong bowl... it was GRRRRRRRRRR8!!!!

Pic 1 & 2 are of my bagdseed girls
Pic 3 are of my hybrid babies
Pic 4 is of 7 undetermined
Pic 5 is of some keif.....



Well-Known Member
good grow 1puff2puff3puff. and i love advanced nutrients its the only thing i will use and you will find out why soon anuff. best of luck.


Active Member
BADASS GROW!!! i just started my first blueberry grow as well. Heard it hates the nutes? I dont wanna mess your thread up but would GREATLY appreciate a PM will some blueberry grow advice.

I'll be keepin an eye on your kronnnic


Well-Known Member
Great harvest pics, baby girl. We harvested at about the same time. I just haven't gotten around to taking pics yet. I'll start a thread either today or tommorrow. Come check me out when I do.:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea, i am saving up for some big bud lol...Woot!! Thanks for checking in Lacy!!!

Hey Bwinn.... Yea, i can already see the difference from the Sensi both AN but this Fox Farm is meant for this plant!! Sexing quicker and everything!!More and more hairs everyday!!! Smoke!!

Hiyas BigMike!!!I am watering some right now!!! I will show you the difference from the BM and Bubb... They poped quicker and everything 5 of 5, other 2 had to replace 1 of each seed!! Pics on the way!!

Whats up Kron, WELCOME!!! Sure i will, yes Blueberry is sensitive, i grew mine hydroponically and and put it in this huge 50gal/30gal filled rez, was never able to keep up with the nutes, it would have broke the bank so it was always waaaaaay under fed, it turned the othe 2 plant i was going in there lame, they were like 5 ft tall with unformed buds going everywere with 1 finger leaves (gave me about 10g of hash with 1lb 6 oz of it dryed). But the Blueberry, didnt burn or anything it LOVED it!! Increase your ppms slowly give it half of whatever the directions call for, then slowly increase, also i would add half of my nutes in the morning and the other half 8 hours later, to give it time to slowly process the nutes....Hope to see a journal on ya soon, thanks for stopping by!!

IBLAZE!!! Nice to hear form ya!!! Make sure i get a link to your journal... And you know we need some of that Bud Porn!! What you growing and what did oyu harvest?

This just in.... Yesterday, 3 more girls were found!!.. Do you believe this, i planted so many cause i heard bags seed produces alot of male but so far i am 7 of 18, with 2 more to sex, and 1 is DEFINATELY a like a girl, so 8 girls out of 18... thats amazing!! I only used the best seeds i collected over 1 yr, i stored them in the freezer...
Woot i am happy 7 GIRLS!!!!


Well-Known Member
Strait up inspiration. I have one plant and its a headache, you have an orgy of plants.....lol.....Good job bro, much props, must take a lot of time and patience to handle all that green.


Well-Known Member
ROFL!!! And money... but its sooo fun and the rewards will be great... lol!!!

Strait up inspiration. I have one plant and its a headache, you have an orgy of plants.....lol.....Good job bro, much props, must take a lot of time and patience to handle all that green.


Well-Known Member
Just got some updates!!!

Well the last 2 still havent sexed. I got some pics!!

1. Babies Papaya
2. Blue Mystic
3. Bubblicious
4. 2 Unsexed (Bagseed) I think the one on the left is a girl!
5. 2 Girls (Bagseed) One maybe a hermie, pick what i thought to be a ball/seed pod off of it, havent seen any others. I think its because my lights shut off at 5:30am and my alarm for work goes off at 6:10am and light gets in there till i get up to close the door and cover the crack (something i barely started doing and didnt do at all with the 1st grow.) And my plant is on 13/11 and on the last grow i slowly introduced that 15 minutes every two weeks, but i forgot to adjust with new grow So i am throwing a tarp folded over the door cause on weekend when i dont wake till like 8 or 9am, that is really messing them up.... Damn! But the tarp will fix it and i am purchasing an a/c unit. My eletric bill is already $40 more a month, i dont know to expect with this a/c but oh well, my room is starting to get hot...lol!! And were i live, i really need the extra a/c in the house. I mean the rest of my house is like 72 and my room is like 84+...So in the summer that will kill me ...lol

6. 2 Girls (Bagseed) The tall one is my oldest, she is just taking off after that Open Seseme application.... I got to get some Big Bud.

7. 3 more Girls (Bagseed) Doing well....
8. Girl (Bagseed) Possible Hermie again.
9. Everybody!!!!
10. Everybody!!!!
11. Everybody!!!!
12. Everybody!!!!



Well-Known Member
WOW WOW WOW what a cool grow! You have so many strains going! How big is your grow space? Do you have separate veg/bloom areas? Do you give your plants a shower every day? I never wet my leaves, do you think its a good idea?
AWESOME grow, great journal, love all the pics! You are gunna have an amazing harvest! :):):)