"Taxes are theft"
This is a fallacy. Just because you HAVE to pay taxes doesn't mean that it's theft. You get services in return for your money...
Everyone benefits off of infrastructure, food safety regulations, proper policing, firefighting, etc.
Hell, EVERYONE benefits from medicare, medicaid, social security, WIC, etc. because all the money from these benefits eventually ends up back in the free market(meaning profit for the rich). These programs create jobs in the long term while ensuring that even the poor participate in the economy in the short term. This is even further justification that the rich should be taxed at a higher rate than everyone else... A lot of their taxes get used to boost demand for their products... If you took these programs away all you would accomplish is that demand would dwindle away until all of the money is at the top and no one is buying any products... Which then of course leads to further job losses which only worses the situation. As Dan Kone said, extremes dont work.
Try going without paying your water bill... I mean, everyone takes the water that comes out of the faucet for granted(not me man fucking portland's new sewer system cost a shit ton to build... yay taxes!) but you wouldn't like it if that water disappeared because you stopped paying your bills... So you pay your water bill. It's no different with taxes. If everyone stopped paying taxes the roads would degrade and cause damage to your car, the food you eat may be poison causing surprise medical bills... You see where I'm going with this?
Seriously, when I hear the sentiment "Taxes are theft" the first word that comes to mind is "ungrateful"... Because that's all you really are.