Marijuana Withdrawal

Hmmm I have been smoking on and off for 25+ years and I never had withdrawal, ever. The only thing I ever had was trouble sleeping because I had too much energy but just rub one out to take care of that. lol
And the dreams you get are how you are supposed to dream. Cannabis stops us from entering a certain stage of sleep deeply and prevents us from having normal dreams.( I am a stoner get some details on google or here?

The trick to get over the psych out is to not quit smoking weed if you are out of weed. You need to have a bag stashed away so you know you can always smoke if you want to but you can hold out if you need to. Do this and you will not have withdrawal because withdrawal is only imaginary from cannabis.

Another possible thing is maybe there is something else wrong with you and puffing kept the symptoms away.
man I really hope I'm not hearing you correctly....

what I get out of this is: because I've never had withdrawals with MY habits of smoking, NOBODY else can have withdrawals from cannabis either.

if that's what you think, your wrong. I am always allowing for the possibility that it may be impossible for /some/ users to get withdrawals... but if you smoke and eat edibles at the rate I do, you WILL have cold sweat withdrawals and your mind will feel extremely energetic and everything seems kinda grey and stale.... these are TRUE withdrawal symtoms, which makes it a minor addiction by definition, not a habit.

for most users it's a habit...for lots of heavy medical users, it's a minor addiction.

and please don't try to say some other medical symtom I'm taking cannabis for is what my withdrawals are... I take cannabis for a permenantly disabled elbow joint... for pain... not for cold sweats ;)
Like I said before, get addicted to heroin for a few years and you will understand what real withdrawls are.

The minor discomfort you get from running out of weed is childs play compared to opiate/cocaine/alcohol/meth withdrawls.
I used to think that weed was addictive, then I got locked up for a week. After about four days the "screaming subconscious" and irritation went away and I realized I was just a spoiled little punk that smoked too much weed. Now I can stop smoking for a few days/weeks with no problems. It's all psychological. There are no physical addictions to weed.
I'm just saying, it may not be YOUR definition of addiction..but if you look up the definition of addiction... when you break away from a substance abruptly and you have physical withdrawals (i.e. cold sweats) it is an addiction... probably the most minor addiction on earth equivalent to coffee maybe a lil more (because cold sweats are a bit more uncomfortable than a caffeine headache...they last longer too.)
I'm just saying, it may not be YOUR definition of addiction..but if you look up the definition of addiction... when you break away from a substance abruptly and you have physical withdrawals (i.e. cold sweats) it is an addiction... probably the most minor addiction on earth equivalent to coffee maybe a lil more (because cold sweats are a bit more uncomfortable than a caffeine headache...they last longer too.)

I hear you 100%. I was going to bring up the withdrawl from caffeine addiction to use as an example. I think it serves as an excellent example. When I don't get my daily coffee I get a headache (and I NEVER get headaches), I get cranky, irritable and cant get out of first gear.

I will admit that the first couple of nights you run out of weed your not going to fall asleep as fast, or have the appetite you had before, feel cold but warm at the same time (cold sweats)etc. etc.

But when you have lived through real drug addiction withdrawls like I have (heroin addiction), You realize that the tiny amount of discomfort you have from discontinuing the heavy use of weed is a very minor deal. I don't even like to admit to any type of withdrawl from marijuana whatsoever because it just becomes fodder and ammunition for those close minded individuals who wish to keep marijuana illegal.
When i stop smoken i get night sweats, have to change clothes sheets sometimes. Crazy dreams dreams usually start later and of course depression. Best way is to slowly stop smoking and thats it. No pills at all, and no caffiene for at least the first week or 2 it sucks but gotta do every now and then
You must have been smoking hard core in order to have symptoms like that. I vary from time to time how much per week I smoke but sometimes I go all out smoking whenever I have an opportunity every day and night for 2-3 months. Not saying I smoke a lot. I've only done this a hand full of times and try to keep it to twice a week. From time to time I start and stop again with work duties and my sort of ritual of fasting 2 weeks before 4/20.
My symptoms never seem to last more than 3 days and consist of slightly greater than my usual inability to fall asleep and a strong desire to spark one if I don't keep my hands busy working on something or studying. Like clockwork, 3 days later I'm not battling with my stash box anymore. Head feels much clearer and sharper too.
Cannabis is not physiologically addictive just like sugar pills can't physiologically cure a headache. It's akin to a placebo effect and once you realize it's all psychological(not the same as being told and understanding) and you force your mind off of it, it'll still be there but it will be much more manageable and short lasting.
I wish anybody luck out there who is experiencing this and don't expect this to work with a physiological addiction like nicotine or caffeine.
As usual everybody is different.

Well there is another tactic to get over cannabis "withdrawal" that I always do.
You get one of the large pixie sticks, not the paper kind; you need the big plastic ones. Cut one end off close to the tip and eat the contents. Then you cut the other end off and make sure both ends are opened up and the inside is relatively clean. Then put one end in your mouth and suck it the fuck up.:lol:

Edit: thought this link was interesting. It is from the Shafer commission's report in 1970 which was ordered by Nixon and turned out to directly counter Nixon's claims and ambitions.
Applicable section
The full report.
"You're enough of a pro to know that for you to come out with something that would run counter to what the Congress feels and what the country feels, and what we're planning to do, would make your commission just look bad as hell." -Richard M Nixon (to Raymond P Shafer)
You must have been smoking hard core in order to have symptoms like that. I vary from time to time how much per week I smoke but sometimes I go all out smoking whenever I have an opportunity every day and night for 2-3 months. Not saying I smoke a lot. I've only done this a hand full of times and try to keep it to twice a week. From time to time I start and stop again and have sort of a personal ritual of fasting for 2 weeks before 4/20.
My symptoms never seem to last more than 3 days and consist of slightly greater than my usual inability to fall asleep and a strong desire to spark one if I don't keep my hands busy working on something or studying. Like clockwork, 3 days later I'm not battling with my stash box anymore. Head feels much clearer and sharper too.
Cannabis is not physiologically addictive just like sugar pills can't physiologically cure a headache. It's akin to a placebo effect and once you realize it's all psychological(not the same as being told and understanding) and you force your mind off of it, it'll still be there but it will be much more manageable and short lasting.
I wish anybody luck out there who is experiencing this and don't expect this to work with a physiological addiction like nicotine or caffeine.
As usual everybody is different.

Well there is another tactic to get over cannabis "withdrawal" that I always do.
You get one of the large pixie sticks, not the paper kind; you need the big plastic ones. Cut one end off close to the tip and eat the contents. Then you cut the other end off and make sure both ends are opened up and the inside is relatively clean. Then put one end in your mouth and suck it the fuck up.:lol:

yeah I used to smoke like 6 grams a day......

and then edibles all the time...

its not fun having a high tolerance, thats why I got my tolerance lower now.... but its still not as low as i'd like it to be but atleast I still get a good high and I keep it under 3 grams a day.
nice reading in here i must say.

my problem, or i dont even really have to say it is a problem :lol:, but when my grow has finished, i got some nice stash up and going, i just cannot stop smoking at that time when i have that dank stash...I sometimes then think that the next day i will not smoke anything, make a little brake..the day comes and i smoke....Goes on and on....I like to smoke when i have it, but later on your tolerance is just way to damn high. But when my stash ends, i dont feel like that i need to have a could take me a day or three, than i buy some, and then i am over it ! smoke occasionally...
Now, i got some gardening going on and i try to do it as much as i can, also, new stash awaits me in about 8 weeks, looking forward for that .
its weird.when i have my own, i cant stop, when i am out, it is not that bad, i know that a good brake is happening...

oh, and i am now really interested in this breathing exercise you talked about populars, and keep on going from there on, cas i got a lot of freaking time. been without a job for about 9 months or more.

yeah I used to smoke like 6 grams a day......

and then edibles all the time...

its not fun having a high tolerance, thats why I got my tolerance lower now.... but its still not as low as i'd like it to be but atleast I still get a good high and I keep it under 3 grams a day.
Next time you take a break make sure you have a stash somewhere and you will see. It is all in your head.

You do smoke alot more than I do now but when I was younger I would smoke an ounce every 2-3 days and still, the boss would warn me randoms are coming and I would just stop. But the trick is I stopped while I still had a fat sack waiting for me to be able to smoke it. heh It also helps if you have something to keep you busy ie.... work, sports, hobby, pussy......

And I have had real withdrawals. Opiates, nicotine, sugar, caffeine (at the same time while locked in the clinkheh)but the worse was prednisone withdrawal. That shit messes you up. Thankfully I stay away from heroin.

nice reading in here i must say.

my problem, or i dont even really have to say it is a problem :lol:, but when my grow has finished, i got some nice stash up and going, i just cannot stop smoking at that time when i have that dank stash...I sometimes then think that the next day i will not smoke anything, make a little brake..the day comes and i smoke....Goes on and on....I like to smoke when i have it, but later on your tolerance is just way to damn high. But when my stash ends, i dont feel like that i need to have a could take me a day or three, than i buy some, and then i am over it ! smoke occasionally...
Now, i got some gardening going on and i try to do it as much as i can, also, new stash awaits me in about 8 weeks, looking forward for that .
its weird.when i have my own, i cant stop, when i am out, it is not that bad, i know that a good brake is happening...

oh, and i am now really interested in this breathing exercise you talked about populars, and keep on going from there on, cas i got a lot of freaking time. been without a job for about 9 months or more.

I have been out for 26 months and counting. heh
Yeah, that tolerance creeps up on you until it gets to the point that you have to clear a whole bowl to get as high as one hit would when you're "clean". I don't know what strain it is but I've been growing from a mother I grew from our local crippy(seems a lot like OG Kush). The purchased product was nothing spectacular but when you grow it yourself and take your first big rip after fasting for a month, it will make you put your head down on the table and contemplate what the hell just happened weather you caughed it all up or not. (and don't think I have some special growing technique or something, I'm still somewhat new to stealth growing)
Don't you wish there were a pill that would just purge your tolerance.

Grow space I think I have the same problem as you. Over indulgence when in plenty of supply. I'm thinking of buying those small acrylic jars that come in sets of 3 at kmart, the ones about the size of a grenade casing with a locking lid. Then divy out my supply among the jars and have one for each week so I don't lose track and run out after a month. Normally I just keep it in the same 1.5 liter stainless steel jar I cure in. That way I'll probably run out half way through each week and rebuild some tolerance.
i dried that dividing to for each day, but it did not feel right in those plastic small baggies...but those special jars might to the trick maybe yes...:peace:
Next time you take a break make sure you have a stash somewhere and you will see. It is all in your head.

You do smoke alot more than I do now but when I was younger I would smoke an ounce every 2-3 days and still, the boss would warn me randoms are coming and I would just stop. But the trick is I stopped while I still had a fat sack waiting for me to be able to smoke it. heh It also helps if you have something to keep you busy ie.... work, sports, hobby, pussy......

And I have had real withdrawals. Opiates, nicotine, sugar, caffeine (at the same time while locked in the clinkheh)but the worse was prednisone withdrawal. That shit messes you up. Thankfully I stay away from heroin.

I have been out for 26 months and counting. heh

I always have a stash bro, I grow once a year outdoors and it lasts the whole next year until the next harvest....

idk if I"m really interested in taking a serious tolerance break until my life is in order... at the moment I really need it....
Yeah, I have 3 of them and will be getting more. Oh and I bought them at Target not Kmart, my mistake. Couldn't find them on the site but I know that's where I got them. They look just like these but smaller. Those little jars are great because they keep the smell in and you don't end up throwing out trichomes with the bags.

Poplars you lucky bastard, I'd do more for a nice place under the sun than I would for a Klondike bar. I guess you would need those jumbo half gallon jars to divy it up for each week:eyesmoke:
bwhahaha, i live in arizona, when AC goes down here people die. no joke. specially in retirement facilities. but i still get your point. My father and I are really close, and Ive seen him go through vicodin withdrawl. He was only using for a few months tho after cutting off his fucking finger. What really screwed him over was when his prescription expired so he ordered from over seas and got this vicodin that can knock out a fucking horse! I took 1/4 one time (i dont remember why) right before coming back to school with my girlfriend and the entire time i was in the car I was just stoned out of my mind, my pupils wouldnt dialate, it was SO strong, and my dad had reached a point where he was taking 1-2 of those a day. His withdrawls where seriously the worst time in my life, I had to come home and help him with work and pretty much everything, he wouldnt/couldnt get out of bed, and hed never stay active for more than an hour or so a day before he would just go to sleep. On the random days he DID wake up at a normal hour, it usually led to serious mental breakdowns and crying sessions. It was the hardest thing ive ever had to do in my life. And i wasnt even the addict.

and yea, one meal a day, so far thats been it. yesterday I had french fries from wendies, maybe ill try adding some meat to that today.
hahahahahahha -- sounds like my ol' man, oh and don't let the name fool ya--I'm a woman - but about reefer withdrawal??? c'mon dude, it is not addictive--it's all in your head--the folks talking about opiate withdrawal, now that is a physical addiction--reef--NO--but if you're still uncomfortable try screwing another neighbor--exercise is always a good way to cope with withdrawal :)
yeah I used to smoke like 6 grams a day......

and then edibles all the time...

its not fun having a high tolerance, thats why I got my tolerance lower now.... but its still not as low as i'd like it to be but atleast I still get a good high and I keep it under 3 grams a day.

6 grams a day + edibles! GD!

hahahahahahha -- sounds like my ol' man, oh and don't let the name fool ya--I'm a woman - but about reefer withdrawal??? c'mon dude, it is not addictive--it's all in your head--the folks talking about opiate withdrawal, now that is a physical addiction--reef--NO--but if you're still uncomfortable try screwing another neighbor--exercise is always a good way to cope with withdrawal :)

YEah man, I was addicted to methadone (opiates). I tried to quit over and over again but the withdrawls were too intense. Once I was actually committed by the public rehab center I went to for help (westcare) for psychotic episodes and they thought I was gonna have a heart attack. OPIATES are addictive.

But you know what, I don't want this to turn into a my addiction is worse than your addiction conversation. I really hated that about going to AA & NA and rehab. Everyone thinks they have it harder than you. Fact of the matter is I can smoke weed and my opiate addiction is under control, so sorry if I belittled your struggle at all. Quitting weed was so hard for me that I had to go to Alcoholics Anonymous to quit (AA had a better vibe than NA plus they're the same 12 steps). Did it for 5 months, an honestly it was one of the best times of my life. When I did smoke again the first time I had auditory and visual hallucinations. Awesome.
I feel your pain I've been clean for 4 months(need a job) it gets easier after a month or so, the first month i had to buy a pack of cigs but didn't even finish them. Got a interview on tuesday here's hoping. good luck to you, just hold on man you'll make it.
just wondering if anybody has any tips to relieve the uncomfort of suddenly stopping toking
i have smoked steady everyday for quite a few years and now have to abstain for awhile
its been 5 days now, and it really sucks.
been really irritable and tired all the time
been having some crazy ass dreams also
i will be so happy when this is over and i can puff again
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
its so messed up that i have to stop taking my meds, it really feels cruel and unusual to me

After day 4 every day is easier and easier. Also it could be worse it could be med withdrawl. Having quit cigarettes, perscribed xanax, and many other bad things from my life I have to say Marijuana Withdrawl is the least painful and nowhere near the withdrawl felt in alcohol hangovers. But its like withdrawl from videogames, or withdrawl from going someplace, or withdrawl from seeing someone, its the change that makes the discomfort and odd focus. Every day you adapt to your new environment will be better then the last, for me after a week I don't miss it.