I've already made my thoughts on Freidman's work known. Some of his work is generally accepted by everyone regardless of idealogy but his assertion that government spending multipliers is always below 1 has been proven incorrect as well as his assertion that the New Deal prolonged the Great depression which, I'd argue, was borderline intellectual dishonesty(Milton Friedman of course associated with the Goldwater campaign, the first major surge of movement conservatism - which led to the right wing propaganda machines we all know and love today... The Heritage Foundation for example).
I like how you mention Zimbabwe(shows just how much you really know on the subject)! Too bad you failed to mention Britain(90s), South Korea(97-98 ), Argentina (2002) and Sweden(90s) - who all used inflationary policies to great success. Conservatives repeatedly point to Zimbabwe as the end all be all example of what inflationary policies as if every situation was one size fits all - they aren't. Right now, inflation is low... That means that devaluing the USD can and will help the economy, for reasons I've already pointed out in this thread and throughout these boards. This
chapter from a textbook is very relevant to this discussion as it makes a distinction between Zimbabwe and 1922-23 Germany's Hyperinflation versus the type of moderate inflation (like that of the 70's and early 80's... over 10%) that we could see soon in the future.
There is a difference.
Also, if you have a problem with Dr. Paul Krugman, why dont you try backing it up with some examples of where he has been wrong lately? He won his nobel prize based off of his work with the liquidity trap(depression economics) and international affairs - BOTH of these areas have been very relevant the last few years. He is one of a few economists in the U.S. that understands almost fully our current economic situation and how it differs from say - Zimbabwe. The fact that you bow only to Friedman and none other shows me just how entrenched you are in ideology(or maybe, you just dont know as much on the subject as you think you do)...