New Member
hey GK. please write back a sensible question...or two.
why would i respond to my own last post?
Don't get 'em started! J/K I love it.
hey GK. please write back a sensible question...or two.
why would i respond to my own last post?
Until a couple years ago, I travelled the USA extensively. I saw with my own eyes large expanses of areas where trees were being put back in. Areas that had not had a forest in a hundred years were being replanted.
Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missouri are cutting renewed forests for the second, third, and fourth times. There are problems with these reforest plans. Things could be better.
But, the issue was trees and oxygen. My point, which was diverted by someone else was this; prairie grass and ocean seaweed, according to some scientists, are the MOST important sources of planetary oxygen. Both of these sources are being decimated.
Trees make our oxygen is a junk-science argument. We need trees replenishment for many reasons. But, the health of the planet now focuses on the prairies and oceans.
The whole reason I called you a fool in the first place was because you said "algae produces more oxygen then trees". I am glad to see you have done some research since then. Now that we have clairified a few things, let's try starting out an a new foot, shall we? I feel we might not be that much different from each other.
We are both the same virus that is ruining our planet and we are not perfect, as you just demonstrated for me.![]()
probably going to hear a lot of shit for this, but I just relized you did say seaweed and not algae. Sorry!That was my demonstration for you.
hey GK. please write back a sensible question...or two.
why would i respond to my own last post?
you got a little iloveyou dick
i knew you mom would TALK!! FOOK!!!...
but I did not think that she would fictionalize the story..
maybe she got up set cause I pulled out?
Tell her to send me the dry cleaning bill..
BTW - did you guys ever have floors in your house growing up?.. 'cause that is po-dunk shit to have dirt floors in your house.. especially in the kitchen ..
blahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblah iloveyou blahblahblahblah blahblah blahblahblahblah blahblah iloveyou blahblah you got a little iloveyou dick blahblahblahblah blahblah
blahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblah iloveyou blahblahblahblah blahblah blahblahblahblah blahblah iloveyou blahblah you got a little iloveyou dick blahblahblahblah blahblah
Thats better, thanks GK
Closet.Cult. Sorry for the long delay. I just dont have the time for this kind of thing, but I promised that Id read your article and that I would respond. So Im basically doing this as a courtesy to you because I asked you to submit your claims and you did just that so if I had ignored your post it would have been a real slap in the face, and I dont intend to do that to another member of the community.
With that said Ill probably find the time to discuss your next response, but then Ill let it die because I lost interest as I was rather underwhelmed by your article. So please dont interpret my silence as dismissive, and I do promise to read your response. Here we go
Firstly I asked for a peer reviewed study so as to review your best scientific study and the corresponding published evaluation from experts in the field whom are chosen by the publisher. Instead I got an article arguing against the man-made CO2 emissions global mean temperature debate with corresponding scientific studies The article was written by a partisan hack, but whatever... The rub however is that I am now forced to choose the best studies for you. I doubt you have the time to read a review of all 22 studies any more than I have the time to type it, so Ill just pick the first study The study that he uses for his basic thesis and investigate it.
So heres your articles first argument, then the referenced scientific study compendium, then the peer reviews, then and the articles conclusion:
From the New Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears. By none other than Swift Boat Veterans For Truth corroborator Marc Morano. (Thanks for that find by the way Medicine Man.)
Argument No 1: A new peer-reviewed study overturned in one fell swoop the climate fears promoted by the UN and former Vice President Al Gore.
Study S07 Compendium No 1: Firstly, and I shit you not the researcher/author openly admits in the introduction that it is widely accepted scientific consensus that doubling of CO2 will result in a 2-4.5 C GMT rise. Then thru a bunch of calcs that I wont pretend to understand concludes the widely accepted values for temperature increase associated with a doubling of CO2 were far too high i.e. 2 4.5 Kelvin. This value is more likely 1.1 +/- 0.5K.
Peer Review No. 1: The peer reviews (and there are many) all basically state the same critiques.
Fuck it. This is just the first reviews Abstract & Conclusion which was incidentally funded by NASA and the Department of Meteorology and Earth System Science Center:
- His model is over simplified because it describes the earth as having a single temperature.
- Then a bunch of other shit that I wont pretend to understand Something about his models climate time constant in relation to the decay rate of an autocorrelation and how the autocorrelation is estimated as a function of lag time. Whatever that means.
Abstract: Therefore the combined inaccuracies in this methodology make any estimates derived from it highly unreliable.
And the Conclusion: We concur with earlier results that the 20th century trends do not strongly constrain sensitivity [eg Gregory et al., 2002; Forest et al., 2006], and we conclude that S07 presents no substantive evidence to challenge the widely-view that climate sensitivity is likely to lie in the range 2-4.5C. Hmmm. Interesting. Dont the authors know that 800 scientists disagree with the 20,000 that do? Surly this is not a consensus unless of course you intend to interpret the word consensus as described in every dictionary ever printed.
Incidentally the second aforementioned reference [Forest et al., 2006] is the James Hansen study conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Columbia University Earth Institute, Sigma Space Partners, Inc., Department of Earth Science, University of California that Ive been referencing. Hansens final sentence reads as follows: We conclude that global warming of more than 1°C, relative to 2000, will constitute "dangerous" climate change as judged from likely effects on sea level and extermination of species. The very study Morano uses for his opening thesis admits that this study is the base of consensus among global climatologists So if were going to keep using the word consensus could we please get a dictionary and use it accordingly????
Now Moranos conclusion based on study S07: [this] new study belies Al Gores claim that there is no legitimate scholarly alternative to climate catastrophism. Sweet! Al Gore is a global climatologist at NASAs Goddard Space Institute? I had no idea This is seriously becoming the all time trite ad homonym attack, and Im beginning to see why the proponents of your argument would rather discuss Al Gore than the science. Furthermore, I find no great irony in that the proponents of this conspiracy theory yes the proponents who claim to be scientifically minded, would rather turn this into an argument of partisan hacks (Morano & Gore) than debate anything even remotely scientific.
Morano further expands: most of the 1.1 degree - about 0.7 degrees - has already occurred since the beginning of the industrial era. Then explains that since weve already seen 60% of S07s estimated CO2 effect that, and I shit you not, he really says this In other words, theres hardly any additional warming in the pipeline from previous greenhouse gas emissions.
So the man who claims the study, that according to its peers is highly unreliable due to its linear global temperature assumption, has decided to estimate future temperatures by extrapolating exponentially warming global mean temperatures with a two point linear extrapolation.
I only have one question. Where is Ockham in this debate? If you dont want to post actual studies, then at least go to any global climate research center (and Im embarrassed that I have to say this, but one that actually publishes peer reviewed articles rather than devoting its time/money to political agendas) and perform the key word search Global Warming CO2.
I did just this on NASAs website and found 825 matches. The first three are as follows:
Title: Global Warming.
Causes: A majority [see consensus] of climatologists have concluded that human activities are responsible for most of the warming.
Ways to Limit GW: (1) limit CO2 emissions. (2) carbon sequestration.
Title: Global Warming on Mars Okay, only slightly relevant.
Title: Research Finds that Earths Climate is Approaching Dangerous Point
Thesis: If global emissions of CO2 continue to rise at the rate of the past decade, this research shows that there will be disastrous effects, including rapid sea level rise, increased frequency of droughts and floods and harm to wildlife and plants due to rapidly shifting climate zones.
I could keep going, but this conspiracy theory is easily debunked by anyone who is truly scientifically minded or even slightly interested in finding untarnished data. I apologize for the condescending tone but this theory is laughable and Im embarrassed for those pushing such rubbish. Im equally embarrassed, given what scientists are saying, that no one has the courage to admit the total global cluster fuck the potential loss of life if the scientific consensus is correct.
As always, warm regards.
It's pretty simple reasoning. Anything that reflects the suns rays back onto the earth would probably make it warmer, agreed? Then 2nd, man made chemicals cause a layer of reflective properties to develop in the Earths atmosphere, agreed? Hydrocarbons, flourocarbons Co2 Emissions from all mans activities, fires, volcanoes, cowfarts, come on, people breathing. all 6 Billion +++, Agreed? whats the problem, man made globaql warming!!! My question is: why are people fighting these facts, What is there to gain by saying this is bullshit except holding their fragile ego together?thanks for the reply, towlie.
i believed you noted the same thing i noticed and it proves my point. people on both sides of the isle continuously ladel out numbers and studies and the CONCLUDE that then research proves their side. BULLSHIT!
neither side has proven it one way or the other! that is the point! they CANNOT prove that the earth is warming due to man's activity. IT IS AN ASSUMPTION!
look at NASA's quote: Causes: A majority [see consensus] of climatologists have concluded that human activities are responsible for most of the warming.
this is typical of both sides, but in particular the global warming advocates. the reason is that it is technically impossible to study and project GLOBAL properties. science and technology is just not that advanced. as advance as computers are today, THEY are not advanced enough to simulate GLOBAL scales.
Therefor, the reason that information passed peer review is that it didn't say anything incorrect...just like the data developed by the proponates of global warming. they are posting data that is correct, the problem is they are simply extrapolating the conclusions they want from the data. the data itself does not support man-made global warming.
they say: "studies show ice is melting at an alarming rate. greenhouse gasses have the power to raise the earth's temperature. man puts out CO2, a greenhouse gas. therefor, MAN IS CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING."
...this thought process is typical of global warming studies. what is missing is the research and testing of this theory, and computer models don't fucking count!
i have yet to read an artical that gives an EXPERIMENT that proves CO2 can do what the catastrophy scientists say it does, on a global scale. the simple truth is: they cannot prove what they say without falsifiable computers. the world has been taken in by programmers doing computer models, instead of scientists doing experiments. it makes me sick.
You Too CC. I hope you didnt take my period of silence as an insult. Ive been so busy at work and had the day off so I figured Id try to respond.thanks for the reply, towlie.
To what isle are you referring? Scientifically peer reviewed data versus partisan hackery? Thats a pretty big isle my friend, and this is why I dont quote Al Gore (hes not a scientist with published data.) I dont know where you get your information, but the paper I read restricts commentary in the News to the experts publishing data, and separates opinion to the editorial section. For example the NY-Times publishes the notably brilliant yet notably biased economic commentary of Paul Krugman [Dean of Economics at Princeton] to the editorial section (Lets not debate if the NY-Times is liberal. Its not the point.) The information you have presented to date, in my opinion, represents commentary as news. Given your previous admission that historical president is reason enough to demand science be regulated by or conforming to the principles of exact science (thats directly out of my dictionary.) I would hope you will admit that accepting the opinions of commentators, no matter how brilliant they may be, is historically unwise when in disagreement with the CONSENSUS of scientific of scientifically published data. Will you admit that for me? Will you admit if the vast majority of scientist are in agreement they tend to be at least more correct than lay-people or even those who may be brilliant yet have chosen to devote their time & effort to suspiciously funded organizations with political agendas? If not could you please site one historical instance in which such an anomaly has occurred? Of course not because it doesnt exist. The examples sited by Michael Crichton are lame at best The tectonic plates This is just a theory of geology you know? It has now superseded the theory of continental drift. With just the slightest bit of critical thinking, the arguments of those youre quoting break down and actually support the opposite. Mr. Crichton is actually asking us to assume the scientific consensus is correct over the 0.1% of geologists who disagree. Talk about fucking hypocrisy.i believed you noted the same thing i noticed and it proves my point. people on both sides of the isle continuously ladel out numbers and studies and the CONCLUDE that then research proves their side. BULLSHIT!
You keep saying this as though I havent already addressed it. Many brilliant scientist believe the 911 conspiracy theories, believe in UFO abductions, believe the earth is 6,000 years old, believe in some bat-shit-insane, Cool-Aid drinkin, spoon bending maharishi is the profit of god, etc, etc. Are you actually insinuating that scientific consensus is no more reliable than the clearly delusional yet somehow brilliant minority? (Im going to respond exactly the same way every time you re-state the above without addressing my rejoin.)neither side has proven it one way or the other! that is the point! they CANNOT prove that the earth is warming due to man's activity. IT IS AN ASSUMPTION!
Says who? Are you suggesting that Global Climatology has no basis as a science, and therefore should not be studied due to the fact that we only have one scale model (the earth) in which to compare our data? Are you forgetting the NASA search returned a No.2 item pertaining to Mars? Are you suggesting that published data by those same climatologists predicting the 900 degF surface temperatures created by Venus massive CO2 atmosphere are correct simply by accident? This conspiracy theory has more moving arguments than O.J.this is typical of both sides, but in particular the global warming advocates. the reason is that it is technically impossible to study and project GLOBAL properties. science and technology is just not that advanced. as advance as computers are today, THEY are not advanced enough to simulate GLOBAL scales.
Therefor, the reason that information passed peer review is that it didn't say anything incorrect...just like the data developed by the proponates of global warming. they are posting data that is correct, the problem is they are simply extrapolating the conclusions they want from the data. the data itself does not support man-made global warming.
they say: "studies show ice is melting at an alarming rate. greenhouse gasses have the power to raise the earth's temperature. man puts out CO2, a greenhouse gas. therefor, MAN IS CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING."
...this thought process is typical of global warming studies. what is missing is the research and testing of this theory, and computer models don't fucking count!
i have yet to read an artical that gives an EXPERIMENT that proves CO2 can do what the catastrophy scientists say it does, on a global scale.
Its most definitely that simple. All Med is saying is that if energy is not allowed to escape (if its absorbed if you will) then the increase in the earth system internal energy is directly equal to the energy added by heating the system. This is the first law of thermodynamics and it is perfectly acceptable in science to quote law as it's really not that simple. you have to prove the theory is sound and it can't be proven yet. technology is not there. everything is conjecture at this point.