Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
lol his timing with the first ALGORE..etc was perfect with your rant he must have known you were coming
and as to him blaming bush? you do a lovely job raising gore to that level
orly? i havent mentioned al gore in months, and until the idiotic claim that "climate deniers are in it for the money" i hadnt mentioned him in this thread,, bush however is on bucky';s clipboard ready to paste in at a whim.
i happen to read a lot, on many subjects, and when you drag up the climate change doomsayers and their proposals that we all just jump in a volcano to save the planet, i got reams of examples of silly lefty programs that follow the same pattern,, and each one shockingly enough comes up the same way, MORE trouble than the problem they tried to fix.
lefties are the fumble fingered moron do-it-yourselfer who tries to fix his toaster and winds up breaking his TV, electrocuting his dog, burning down his garage and irradiating himself with pollonium in an escalating series of increasingly improbable attempts to make that fucking english muffin pop up.
the lefties do it all the fucking time.