Over 90% of worldwide scientists accept climate change, so why not Americans?



lol you knew he was going to post that
lmao so oil companies arent some of the biggest companies in the world and make some of the biggest profits in the world?

"green" next to that is tiny

the oil industry didnt start out huge. it became huge by providing shit people want and need.

i happen to like CFL lightbulbs for many reasons and have been using them since the early 90's, long before "climate change" was even "global warming". now however, those who DONT like CFL's will soon have no choice in the matter

banning something because YOU dont like it is the essence of liberal hypocrisy, and thus, theres a black market in "old school" toilets in california, and after spending MILLIONS instituting and enforcing the low flush nazi's 1.5 gallon/flush mandates san francisco just spent another half a million bucks to answer the burning question on everyone's lips "What's That Smell?" see it turns out san francisco's sewer system wasnt able to move the waste through the pipes at 1.5 gallons per flush, so the shit just sat under the streets and stank all summer. as a result the New Plan from the geniuses at SF City Hall is to pump extra watre through the sewers periodically during the day to keep the shit moving. that water being just slightly MORE than the alleged water savings from instituting the Low Flush Inquisition in the first place.

Green Like A Motherfucker Aww Yeah!

now the lefty geniuses want to come up with a replacement for oil... the process goes like this:

1) Broad Sweeping Declarations!
2) Massive PR Campaign To Convince The Kludges!
3) Expansive And Expensive Bans On Whatever Is On The Shitlist Today!
4) Eliminate The Evli Of Big _____________!
six months later....

5) Still Trying To Find A Solution To The Problems Caused By Eliminating Big ________________!
6) Find A New ScapeGoat and Return To Step 1!

why not first figure out if your assumptions are correct, BEFORE drilling a hole in the bottom of the lifeboat.
the oil industry didnt start out huge. it became huge by providing shit people want and need.

i happen to like CFL lightbulbs for many reasons and have been using them since the early 90's, long before "climate change" was even "global warming". now however, those who DONT like CFL's will soon have no choice in the matter

banning something because YOU dont like it is the essence of liberal hypocrisy, and thus, theres a black market in "old school" toilets in california, and after spending MILLIONS instituting and enforcing the low flush nazi's 1.5 gallon/flush mandates san francisco just spent another half a million bucks to answer the burning question on everyone's lips "What's That Smell?" see it turns out san francisco's sewer system wasnt able to move the waste through the pipes at 1.5 gallons per flush, so the shit just sat under the streets and stank all summer. as a result the New Plan from the geniuses at SF City Hall is to pump extra watre through the sewers periodically during the day to keep the shit moving. that water being just slightly MORE than the alleged water savings from instituting the Low Flush Inquisition in the first place.

Green Like A Motherfucker Aww Yeah!

now the lefty geniuses want to come up with a replacement for oil... the process goes like this:

1) Broad Sweeping Declarations!
2) Massive PR Campaign To Convince The Kludges!
3) Expansive And Expensive Bans On Whatever Is On The Shitlist Today!
4) Eliminate The Evli Of Big _____________!
six months later....

5) Still Trying To Find A Solution To The Problems Caused By Eliminating Big ________________!
6) Find A New ScapeGoat and Return To Step 1!

why not first figure out if your assumptions are correct, BEFORE drilling a hole in the bottom of the lifeboat.
you remind me of a scene from family guy (its got different animation but the important vocals are there)
so you wont accept you been taken for a ride by WUWT?

rather than being able to back up your own statements you try to change the subject by inventing games?

i hope you find my quote of you above accurate and to your liking and that it doesnt fall bellow any standards you might hold

Ginja, here's a free one for a signature. I concede, I'm delusional, I've been taken for a ride by wuwt, I can't back up quotes with links, I invent games to change subjects and my standards are low, I believe lies, and I'm a poor consumer of info. Consider me vanquished.

Now one for you. If 90% of scientists accept AGW, how many is that? Certainly you accept this and support this so citing a link and reference should be in your pocket. How many climate scientists are there worldwide?
lol you knew he was going to post that

of course, everybody knew he would.

much in the wayy he balmes bush for everythinbg thats happened in the nearly 4 years since bush left the whitehouse.
now he spends his time preparing the way for blaming romney, despite romney losing the election, his mere presence destabilized the Obamaconomy and ended the "summer of recovery"

see the difference is Al Gore still runs around selling his carbon credits and pushing his agenda,, and people still run around believing what he says, despite the fact that none of the dire predictions from his shitty book or his shitty movie have come to pass,, and remember he is the guy standing in Monticello's foyer before busts of George Washington, Ben Franklin and Lafayette asking "so who are these people?"

but nevermind, im a "Low information person" and "bad consumer of media" too.
of course, everybody knew he would.

much in the wayy he balmes bush for everythinbg thats happened in the nearly 4 years since bush left the whitehouse.
now he spends his time preparing the way for blaming romney, despite romney losing the election, his mere presence destabilized the Obamaconomy and ended the "summer of recovery"

see the difference is Al Gore still runs around selling his carbon credits and pushing his agenda,, and people still run around believing what he says, despite the fact that none of the dire predictions from his shitty book or his shitty movie have come to pass,, and remember he is the guy standing in Monticello's foyer before busts of George Washington, Ben Franklin and Lafayette asking "so who are these people?"

but nevermind, im a "Low information person" and "bad consumer of media" too.

Yah, But, are you sig worthy?
you remind me of a scene from family guy (its got different animation but the important vocals are there)

i dont get it. are you implying that SF's brilliant "leaders" didnt fuck themselves and all the people who live there with their low-flush toilet mandate only to have to dump MORE ware down the sewer to keep the shit moving?
cuz i got reams of documentation on that one...

perhaps you'd like to imply san francisco didnt try (repeatedly) to sell toxic sewage clinker as "Organic Fertilizer" to Oakland's school district for a kids vegetable garden program?
please say yes, cuz i got tons on that one, and it's not just shameful and stupid,, its felony fraud, felony child endangerment, and also pretty racist...

perhaps you'd like to imply that california's "wetlands preservation program" has actually preserved "wetlands"
oh please say yes!!

i could go on, but the fact is,, the pattern is obvious

declare a crisis
propose a nutty "solution" that usually just fucks over somebody who is currently unpopular with the hoi polloi
fuck up the plan
fuck more shit up
spend millions of bucks and six months figuring out how badly they fucked up
pick a new boogeyman and repeat the procedure.
Ginja, here's a free one for a signature. I concede, I'm delusional, I've been taken for a ride by wuwt, I can't back up quotes with links, I invent games to change subjects and my standards are low, I believe lies, and I'm a poor consumer of info. Consider me vanquished.

Now one for you. If 90% of scientists accept AGW, how many is that? Certainly you accept this and support this so citing a link and reference should be in your pocket. How many climate scientists are there worldwide?

"90% of scientists accept AGW" that is not a number i have stated i'm not professing to know the percentage amongst scientists

asking me to provide links for something i havent asserted is still playing games that stinks of some clever "gotcha" that you have all planned out in the end

now earlier i posted a pie chart illustrating the difference between pro/ anti AGW published studies (studies being a much better metric)


i dont get it. are you implying that SF's brilliant "leaders" didnt fuck themselves and all the people who live there with their low-flush toilet mandate only to have to dump MORE ware down the sewer to keep the shit moving?
cuz i got reams of documentation on that one...

perhaps you'd like to imply san francisco didnt try (repeatedly) to sell toxic sewage clinker as "Organic Fertilizer" to Oakland's school district for a kids vegetable garden program?
please say yes, cuz i got tons on that one, and it's not just shameful and stupid,, its felony fraud, felony child endangerment, and also pretty racist...

perhaps you'd like to imply that california's "wetlands preservation program" has actually preserved "wetlands"
oh please say yes!!

i could go on, but the fact is,, the pattern is obvious

declare a crisis
propose a nutty "solution" that usually just fucks over somebody who is currently unpopular with the hoi polloi
fuck up the plan
fuck more shit up
spend millions of bucks and six months figuring out how badly they fucked up
pick a new boogeyman and repeat the procedure.

lol its the minimal amount of words needed for you to jump into a rambling rant about as many things you can think of at once
of course, everybody knew he would.

much in the wayy he balmes bush for everythinbg thats happened in the nearly 4 years since bush left the whitehouse.
now he spends his time preparing the way for blaming romney, despite romney losing the election, his mere presence destabilized the Obamaconomy and ended the "summer of recovery"

see the difference is Al Gore still runs around selling his carbon credits and pushing his agenda,, and people still run around believing what he says, despite the fact that none of the dire predictions from his shitty book or his shitty movie have come to pass,, and remember he is the guy standing in Monticello's foyer before busts of George Washington, Ben Franklin and Lafayette asking "so who are these people?"

but nevermind, im a "Low information person" and "bad consumer of media" too.
lol his timing with the first ALGORE..etc was perfect with your rant he must have known you were coming

and as to him blaming bush? you do a lovely job raising gore to that level
"90% of scientists accept AGW" that is not a number i have stated i'm not professing to know the percentage amongst scientists

asking me to provide links for something i havent asserted is still playing games that stinks of some clever "gotcha" that you have all planned out in the end

now earlier i posted a pie chart illustrating the difference between pro/ anti AGW published studies (studies being a much better metric)



You're shitting me right? This guy read articles and drew conclusions from it! Oh, and he was appointed to office by republicans. He can't be any good.
You're shitting me right? This guy read articles and drew conclusions from it! Oh, and he was appointed to office by republicans. He can't be any good.

he reads the articles then catalogues them why is there something wrong with that?


theres the link for the 24 that disagree

find any more published studies and you've proved him wrong

EDIT how else do you count them?
i happen to like CFL lightbulbs for many reasons and have been using them since the early 90's, long before "climate change" was even "global warming". now however, those who DONT like CFL's will soon have no choice in the matter

banning something because YOU dont like it is the essence of liberal hypocrisy

yeah, george w bush, who signed that into law, was such a liberal.

and i'm marie of romania.
Al Gore still runs around selling his carbon credits

cap and trade was a market based, republican idea.

so george w bush was a liberal and al gore was a republican?

i doubt you're ever going to get to the bottom of the commie fluoride conspiracy at this rate, doctor.
Ginja, no disrespect to Pad but the premise of this thread was unchallenged from the start. 90% of scientists believe AGW is what is implied from the title and accompanying back-up post to it. OK, numbers please. And no one can provide them yet it's an accepted premise and on we go. Next. Americans don't believe it. Bullshit. More believe it than don't.
If we're going to have a rational discussion about this thread or anything lets define the terms. I didn't make the claim. You didn't either. But if you're gonna support it, support it. With Fact! Not a journalists perusal of articles for fucks sake!