Couple notes:
If you use reverse osmosis water you will have to add some elements back in. This was my first time using RO water and got deficiency problems right away. Cal-mag for sure and I don't even know what else yet. The soil plants bounced back well and the dwc got better but still has some issues. I'm sure its more than just the filtered water tho.
If anybody uses a dwc cloner like this I suggest taking the rooted clones out as soon as they're ready. I waited too long and now they are completely intertwined, with no way to get them apart. I tried but only having 1 set of hands makes things tough at times. I gave up and now they are crowding each other and those little 2" nets aren't holding these plants up. Also 4 plants in one bucket sucks water/nutes up quick.
If transferring into hydroton I suggest putting the clone in the new empty net, THEN fill up with hydroton. The bag said to put a layer down first, then the plant and surround. Well the roots basically had to re-find the water and it turned my best biggest clone to the smallest. Honestly, I don't even think its worth the time/space/nutes to even keep it going. After that and my calmag issues there's just nothing to constitute its own 5 gal bucket anymore.
Pics soonish
I hope mother nature is being good to you all out there, given you are being good to her..