
collective gardener

Well-Known Member
that is quite the racist statement Mr. Green Inferno...
I agree. Not to mention the comments about him choking people and standing on their neck. This dude is swimming in a sea of negativity, and trying to talk others in for a swim. All this wrapped in a "poor me" package. As far as white people not ever experiencing racism...talk to Reginal Denny. Those of you not familiar with Reginal, try a google search.


Rebel From The North
look at what this dude has done! hes started a racist thread and fired up a bunch of shit when he should just fire up a joint!
take your issue to maury povich show :)


Active Member
KuLong and people with the same mindset.
in the end my friend it does not matter the color of our skin.
the only things that matter in life are our actions.
someone trying to portray another's actions base soley on the color of their skin (race) - that is racism.

it matters more; a man's actions than anything the man is built from.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Not to mention the comments about him choking people and standing on their neck. This dude is swimming in a sea of negativity, and trying to talk others in for a swim. All this wrapped in a "poor me" package. As far as white people not ever experiencing racism...talk to Reginal Denny. Those of you not familiar with Reginal, try a google search.
I know what this dude is going through. My dad died 13 years ago the same way and it's only been a few months for him so you guy who's never been through the same shit can't say a word for you don't know. I can show proof of my dad's death, I've been through the same shit. It's gonna take some time for him not too be angry suicide is a selfish act. The one who suffer are the loved ones. It took me years to get over the anger, so you fools who don't have a clue fuck you!!!!!!Grow the fuck up and understand hurt for one day you could have the same.


Well-Known Member
All you dudes who are upset about this thread please state your true age. I need to know your maturity and where your mind state is at.


Well-Known Member
huh, every "race" gets racism directed at it.

all the "races" do it.

every "race" has assholes. (its just that "whites"(slightly pinks?)have been at the "top" for so long(far more opportunity to be racist without immediate problems)))


Well-Known Member
Question has anyone had a old lady in a grocery store do a kung fu grip move on her purse while you are pushing a cart with a 8th month old baby girl in a shopping cart? I have she looked at me and saw me not the baby in the cart and got terrified in the middle of the store. It happened more than twice (like 20 times) it just made me realize that racism still lives. I am more qualified to do more shit than the average dude but get overlooked because of my skin. I have some people prejudge me until they have a conversation with me too see I'm not an idiot and I'm down to earth.

Green Inferno

Active Member
I don't know why I feel I need to explain myself, again, but here you go:

Firstly, racism does bother be. I have dealt with it most of my life. I personally know what it is like.
When I moved into my new house last year, which is a townhouse, 6 units per building, maybe 7-8 buildings total. The first person to welcome
me to the neighborhood, happened to be a black guy. He invited me and my girlfriend over not even 2 days later for a BBQ. Him and his family
are some of the nicest people I have ever met. I'd hate to think they'd to deal with things like REAL said, the lady with the Kung Fu grip on her
purse. That would bother me. They would never steal anything or hurt anyone.

Secondly, this whole thing started on another thread about some jackass asking how to get his dog high. Of course I said something to him. Many
people did. Some arguments arose in the thread. Someone and REAL had some words, REAL said something that was funny to me, and I commented
about it. This other guy attacked me for it. And then made racist comments to me and REAL. About 2 days earlier, me and some others were talking
about our weights. Yeah I weigh over 300LBS, so what, we were making conversation. The conversation lead to why I gained the weight I have, my
drinking. I mentioned one time I increased my drinking when my dad passed. 1 time. It was brought up again by this guy that was arguing with REAL.
He brought it up as a tool to try to get to me. So it got mentioned again, mostly by others.

Lastly, yeah I'm not doing my best right now. And I do get angry or depressed, or both at times. It's my right. If any of you had a family member die,
you'd know. Maybe you have and not talked about it. I am open with things, I have no shame talking about things, if any of you don't like it, no one
is holding a gun to your heads telling you to read it. My guess, either the people that decided to talk crazy to me for my issues, you're either 15 years
old and too young to had any losses like a death of a loved one, or you're a insensitive jackass that gets off on others pain. Either way, grow up.

No where have I asked for therapy on this site, or for people to feel sorry for me. Just remember, karma is a bitch. Someday you too will lose a loved

Anyone have anything negative to say? Save it, I probably wont even see it, a lot of you are on my ignore list. You are not worthy of my attention.