Anyone Heard of 11th State Consults?

So I want to keep everyone up to date. I had my appt. with 11th state today. Everyone in the office was extremely helpful and informative. It was a very professional environment. the nurse practitioner took about 15 minutes reading thru and making notes of my medical documentation (only 4 pages as most of my med records were stolen shortly after i left the military). After she review those she called me in to the office to get some background on my medical history pertaining to my condition. We spoke for 15-20 minutes after which a consultant sat down with me and went over the scope of the program. I was already well aware of what is and isn't allowed and what the law says but it was nice to know that there are knowledgeable and helpful people there to assist the patients that do not have as firm a grasp as myself. All in all I would recommend anyone who is having trouble with doctors who don't believe in the program AND have a qualifying condition, to call these people. I did some research on the nurse practitioner after returning from my appointment. I won't give her name out here because I just don't think it is proper form, but I can assure you everything in my research checked out A-OK. I hope this helps a few people who were hesitant to make a call.
Thank you for the update. Thanks to you, I may keep my appointment. Now, as I understand it, now that you had a verified doctor/nurse sign your recommendation, that means that state can't refuse you your license. Is that correct?
Thank you for the update. Thanks to you, I may keep my appointment. Now, as I understand it, now that you had a verified doctor/nurse sign your recommendation, that means that state can't refuse you your license. Is that correct?

Correct UNLESS of course they decide to stop allowing this location to be accepted which is what happened at the PAWTUCKET OFFICE..i doubt this would happen so soon and as long as they keep it LEGIT as possible.
Just throwing this out there. Im 28 been a laborer in varios bussiness's since i was 16. My back is alreadt pretty screwed up and is only gomna get worse, i used my legs forifting for 6 years or so now. The deal is i can still work and go out but my shit aches. Ive tried to work with my regular dr on this but after numerous visits, xrays, pain pills and hinting to a mri. I had enough I DONT HAVE INSURANCE. That being said thank god dr.p Was around. Imagine u know what works for your body and constently being told no it dont. I wass pissed got a copy of my whole folder and went to dr.p. What ever the deal is with the guy he really helped me out. Just because im not fifty with cancer doesnt mean my pain i get thru the day , isnt enough. I go to meetings and sure the under 30 crowed is alittle sparse but we still exist. Im telling my regular doctor what up over the next few months and he dont like it fuck em. I know what works best for me and he dont agree i dont care anymore. Anyways figured id put that out there when i went to dr.p i saw a few older men who were unhealthy to say the least. I want to end this.witj if the damn pharmecutical industry stopped control our doctors the program would easily have ten times thr ammount of patients. Oh yeah a mri was gonna cost me around 2000 dollars.
Just throwing this out there. Im 28 been a laborer in varios bussiness's since i was 16. My back is alreadt pretty screwed up and is only gomna get worse, i used my legs forifting for 6 years or so now. The deal is i can still work and go out but my shit aches. Ive tried to work with my regular dr on this but after numerous visits, xrays, pain pills and hinting to a mri. I had enough I DONT HAVE INSURANCE. That being said thank god dr.p Was around. Imagine u know what works for your body and constently being told no it dont. I wass pissed got a copy of my whole folder and went to dr.p. What ever the deal is with the guy he really helped me out. Just because im not fifty with cancer doesnt mean my pain i get thru the day , isnt enough. I go to meetings and sure the under 30 crowed is alittle sparse but we still exist. Im telling my regular doctor what up over the next few months and he dont like it fuck em. I know what works best for me and he dont agree i dont care anymore. Anyways figured id put that out there when i went to dr.p i saw a few older men who were unhealthy to say the least. I want to end this.witj if the damn pharmecutical industry stopped control our doctors the program would easily have ten times thr ammount of patients. Oh yeah a mri was gonna cost me around 2000 dollars.

This is true.Dr P helped but also caused some
Fuck Dr P and all the drug dealers who got their cards thru him. This shit is gonna make the program look bad for the next 2 years while all these clowns try to make money off meds.
Well I had to postpone my appointment for a couple of weeks. I have all my docs in order, I just need $300...
far from troll. im informing the community about the garbage going on. Dr P has marijauana and alcohol problems and bounces from med states signing up patients then goes off to Thailand every couple months to bang whores and the spend money he makes.....figures he is from RI
Been on the site a while now. We all got the letter from the d.o.h. about the dude. I think we can all agree yhe dudes messed up. But he helped me so i cangive a shit about anything about him. I appreciate the info about the consults. My cousins a nursing practicioner i get his ass up here. Any who based on what was said im gonna say go for it, did they give you the referral paperwork that day? Cause they should have. The thing with p was he didnt care i guess and that put some of the wrong people in the program. But i still see it like this, the more people growing the better. It will lead to price drops, much more availability, and i hope a much nicer community. I only say this because i can be a dick at times, but no matter what crap i have to deal with in my life if i got some meds, life aint so bad. I met a few younger people at a meeting i basicly told them.they should (have to watch my except no more.than 200 a o for meds. Of course they thought i was crazy but i would have said the same thing a year ago. I feel this plant is so amazing it should be free but energy cost money. Take what i say anyway u want i just part as best i can. If u are donating more than 200 a o thats too much. Im about to do my third harvest and they look amazing no matter how bomb they r 200 sits well for me. My mom recieves 530 a month thru ssdi and i know she could afford the 50 a week for meds.
Awesome. I'm happy to hear about them taking the time with u and the turning people away thing. I hope there around a year from now
They are legit. My wife got her recommendation there without any trouble. They did require medical records and history as they should.
So I didnt want to post on here until I knew 11th state was legit and I didnt get screwed. I just went to the Dept of health to get my card and am finally holding it in my hands. Heres a play by play of how it got it

4/1/2011: called 11th state and booked my appointment
4/15/2011: collected all of my medical history, discharge paper work etc
4/20/2011: went to my appointment at 11th state, brought the form, medical documents, $300 for 11th state and 75 for the state, Sat with the Nurse who went over everything and was extremely nice. She signed my paper work after reviewing my case and letting my know that I was a good candidate. I was then brought down stairs to go over the next steps etc. Later that night when I was home I received a call telling me that they sent in my paper work.
6/14/2011: received a call from 11th state telling me that the state sent them a notice approving me and to expect something in the mail.
6/21/2011: received mail from the dept of health letting me know that I was approved. On this form had instructions (get my picture taken at the dept of health room 105a 3 capitol hill providence m-f between 1:00-3:30)
6/22/2011: went to the dept of health with my license and paper and handed it to the women who told me to sit down in front of the camera where she took my picture and printed out the MM license (with parking, picture etc took maybe 5 minutes) and thats that. Thank you 11th state for being legit! good luck everyone, this place is the real deal. It sucked that the state took so long because it made me nervous that I was screwed out of 300 bucks but its all good, I have the license and one step closer to a pain free life!
Im waiting for my letter from the state, my appointment was on May 10th. I got a call on June 28th saying I was approved. Im just waiting for the fucking letter to go get my picture taken in Prov. I left work early today and yesterday to jet up to prov if the letter was there. the mail is so slow the state needs to speed up this "processing" time. Why does it take this long? And 1:30-3:30pm what the hell is that most people work.
Im waiting for my letter from the state, my appointment was on May 10th. I got a call on June 28th saying I was approved. Im just waiting for the fucking letter to go get my picture taken in Prov. I left work early today and yesterday to jet up to prov if the letter was there. the mail is so slow the state needs to speed up this "processing" time. Why does it take this long? And 1:30-3:30pm what the hell is that most people work.
You might need to give 11th State a call.I had my appt. on May 20th and mailed my paperwork on May 31st.I never received the phone call about being approved but I received my letter from the state last Friday,while most people seem to take 6 weeks to get their card,mine was a little quicker.You should have your letter by now,as far as the hours of the state with lay offs and cutbacks it's lucky they don't only cards one day a week.getting your picture and card takes less than 5 minutes.The state isn't going to change anything - their policy is here's the hours - deal with it. mike
Im waiting for my letter from the state, my appointment was on May 10th. I got a call on June 28th saying I was approved. Im just waiting for the fucking letter to go get my picture taken in Prov. I left work early today and yesterday to jet up to prov if the letter was there. the mail is so slow the state needs to speed up this "processing" time. Why does it take this long? And 1:30-3:30pm what the hell is that most people work.

You are officially legal the day the check is cashed, getting the card is just a formality.