Flourescent Sunrise: A CFL / HPS Adventure


Well-Known Member
she's bushy...doesnt even look like a clone.

a clone is supposed to take after the genetic makeup of her mommy. should be no different.


Well-Known Member
your right, the daughter plants should not be any different than their mother plant...nice grow by the way, looking real nice...one of the stealthiest grows i've ever seen


Well-Known Member
thanks bro.. stealth was the idea.. but effeciency became the main influence... im suprised at how well ive been able to shape these babies in this environment.. My flower room is still not ready ( im a lazy guy what can i say! i have all the parts all i need to do is cut a hole, hang/lightproof a door, hang the light, the fan, the exhaust duct, line the walls with reflective material and its ready to go ) so bending/tying them down and letting them really fill out in their early stages has allowed me enough time to prepare my next step. I will probably be taking next weekend to go ahead and do it up


Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - None today
  • B. PH - 6.5
  • C. MEDIUM - Soilless mix
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (24/7)
  • F. WATERING - Still Moist after flush...
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - after flushing yesterday the plants look like they are feeling fresh and clean lol.. i noticed one of my bushier topped plants had a few shoots i wanted to get light to so i decided it would be my test subject for my next addition to my journal... "Extreme LST" :twisted: this plant was already LSTed then it took the form i wanted so i removed the ties but now im going to stretch it out in different directions to get it to take an even more suitable (and hopefully mutualy productive ) form..

also i rigged a hang string for my "suprise seedling" ... it kind of looks like a parachuter that got stuck in some trees



Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - General Hydroponics Flora (per lucas formula) ..... 8ml Flora Micro, 16ml Flora Bloom per gallon of PHed Water
  • B. PH - 6.0
  • C. MEDIUM - Soilless mix
  • D. TEMPERATURE - 85 (hot day)
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (24/7)
  • F. WATERING - Added Nutes to regular water...
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - Today The plants are a bit droopy ( awaiting their next meal) I also have called up a friend today so i can have some added inspiration and help to complete my flowering room... here is a pic of the the supplies ive been housing to use in my flower room




Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - None today
  • B. PH - 6.0
  • C. MEDIUM - B'cuzz hydromix hp
  • D. TEMPERATURE - 85 (hot day)
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (24/7) ***changing to 18/6
  • F. WATERING - Watered well when transplanted
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - Today i finally took a day off work and decided to go ahead and finish the next phase. the flowering chamber. I installed everything and have pics to show some of the steps ( i wont bore u with the hole cutting and what not )
First of all, i hung the exhaust fan, and the light ( suspended from chain and hooks from walmart ) ... in the pic the light is still on the ground. the exhasut fan is to the top left. the intake hole is to the bottom right. its not in any of the pictures because my burnt ass forgot to cut it until afterwards :joint: and yes, that is some cheap ass emergency blanket reflective material.. it beats drywall!

next step, i drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom of my 2 ten gallon rubbermaid containers ( i originally planned to house all 6 plants in these 2 but have now decided to put 2 in each container so i need to go get another one ) .. then i filled them about 1 - 1.5 inches with perlite for drainage..

next i filled them 3/4 way up with B'Cuzz..

i gave that a good watering with PHed water and superthrive.. then i proceeded with the next step


a good tap or two and presto

then i placed it in the container.. topped it off with some more B'Cuzz.. then gave it some more water..

heres what they look like in their new home ( the pieces of tape are markers to let me know which clone is from which plant.. theres pics of how the clones are doing below )

heres the next round of babies to go into the Washing Machine!! this is after about a week in my DIY Clone Chamber.. roots showing ready to go.. i used the pots that i transplanted from for these



Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - GH Flora micro, flora bloom
  • B. PH - 6.0
  • C. MEDIUM - B'cuzz hydromix hp
  • D. TEMPERATURE - 88(hot day)
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (18/6)
  • F. WATERING - Gave them nutes with water
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - seem to like their new home. little hot tho.. i might try out some dry ice for the co2 and maybe it will cool a bit


Well-Known Member
thanks! im very happy with how the plants are turning out.. they are taking the exact shape i wanted them to. LSTing is great..


Well-Known Member

so after topping it i started the plants on nutes the next day.. then this thing proceeded to show vigorous new growth ( the bagseed knucklehead ) .. im a bit confused as to why this new growth appears to be bud.. there are no hairs and no pollen sacks but it seems to me to look like bud? maybe im just high.. this IS my first go around indoors.. ive grown lots of plants outdoors with much success ( didnt really pay too much attention to them up close like this so it may be a normal thing that i just didnt notice before) but none of the other plants in the chamber have growth like this.. anyway.. if anyone has comments please leave them..

What happens when you "top" a plant.. when you top your plant, you stop the growth immediatly. Still, nutrients, water and Thc will still be trying to "climb" to the top of the plant, yet get's halted when it notices it can't grow any higher. This growth will stop for about 2-3 days, then you will start noticing "explosive" growth, as all the built up nutrients will suddenly start growing like crazy in every direction, trying to catch up with itself. This is the "fresh explosive growth" the leads the plants to double in size/thickness. This is one of the best ways to go when growing marijuana, especially if you are patient. you can have up to 4 growing tips when you "top" or "pinch" the leaves at this stage(usually around the 4th-6th internode). This is not "bud", just growth catching up with itself. hopefully I answered every question you had about this "topping" stuff. Good luck, and happy growing.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You are doing such a fabulous job!!! I love love love your diy clone chamber and I just happened to be in need of one I am so excited I took notes and tomorrow voila I will have my own...I wish rubbermaid sold a pink one, I would love to have a pink cloning chamber...I love pink...and you did so good with your lst!!! Check out my grow sometime I would love some of your wisdom!!