Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Active Member
Here is my plant problem finder. heh Best one I found so far.
If you go down to post #7 you can see what heat stress looks like. And this is how many of my plant can look like when they don't like the heat. At first I thought it was P they wanted but they get plenty and still look like this at about 90 degrees.

Nice resource. Through it I managed to diagnose a slight phosphorous deficiency. Some small brown spots on the bottom real single leaf set


Active Member
Here's my two.

No signs of flowering yet so still not 100% sure which one's the LR2. I do have a good guess at it being the smaller one though (brown pot) since it has a more lemony scent and larger side branching. Right now I'm more impressed with my Warlock (or it could be Motivation).

Fed full strength nutes today with some extra phosphorous.


Well-Known Member
so 36 days, here is the problem guys, what ya think???
View attachment 1568470View attachment 1568473View attachment 1568482
Shit Frenchy,, not so bad. Not bad at all actually.

If it was me,, I'd consider them leaves as transposing to "sinks". The plant doesn't want to mantain and is casting off in attempts to divert available nutes to growth.

What I'd do,, clip them,, bubble up some water, add nutes,, and feed.

I think it's just looking hungry. Otherwise,, looking very nice.

I'll look again,,, but think that's what I'd do.

And definately a bigger pot. She's wanting to become huge! Let her go. :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
its just the fact, it isnt just getting rid of the big fan leaves, but some of the little ones from the bud sites aswell
will do as advised, i only got an equal 3.5-3.5-3.5 npk stuff at the moment tho. is that ok?


Well-Known Member
its just the fact, it isnt just getting rid of the big fan leaves, but some of the little ones from the bud sites aswell
will do as advised, i only got an equal 3.5-3.5-3.5 npk stuff at the moment tho. is that ok?
If that's all you got,, better than nothing. (far from being terrible)
When repotting (if you do) don't be affraid to flush the tar out of it and replenish with good chit. (Are you familiar with "let it rain"? - RIU search,, great info)

PS - still think it's hungry.


Well-Known Member
frenchy, have you been giving them nutrients?

Looks like nutrient burn to me.

My plants are always heat stressed but never that bad and I doubt your area is hotter than mine.


Well-Known Member
well... imma bout to have some new piks of my severely stunted taiga lady...

its sorta strange... i am thinking i "shocked" the auto trait outta her... unless she really isnt an auto...reason i am saying this is simple... she is 24 days old from sprout... sh has shown no signs of sex at all... she may just be a late bloomer, but in theory, if trimmin the root ball drastically before showing sex on an auto shocks it to the point of waiting to flower then wouldnt that allow a possible window to (a) veg a lil longer (if she makes it past the shock) (b) once vegged out more, take clones, root them, then trim their root ball back to hardly nothin before or at first signs of sex... i dunno.. this is far fetched thinking for sure, but just sorta postin it out there... a hypothesis i have based on observation... thats all :) ...

her root has slowly worked its way to the bottom of the cup... i replaced the peat pucks with air, and a foam strip i found... i wrapped the strip around the stem till it fit securely in the cup.... i then emptied out the contents of the peat puck and had the outside then liner left of the puck... i filled the liner up with perilite, placed it inside another home made netcup i have made, and topped it off with loose perilite...

i am starting to germ a green o matic seed by greenhouse... i am gonna place that seed in the perilite experimental cup to see how it does once i have a suffecient tap root ...

all in all, most of this post was off topic, but it dealt with autos and one of my autos i the cage... oh well, we live and we live... and life still goes on ;)



RIU Bulldog
I broke down and watered her for the first time. I could've waited a couple day but I had extra water and I was there. heh
Nice start to Il Diavolo there, what did you think of mine, honestly?
I posted pics on page 48 i think. I'm harvesting it Wednesday morning
(because trichome production is highest in the morning supposedly)
after being in the dark for 48 hours (supposed to increase trich potency).
It's an easy thing to do plus I read in the j.cervantes book so wtf.
well... imma bout to have some new piks of my severely stunted taiga lady...

its sorta strange... i am thinking i "shocked" the auto trait outta her... unless she really isnt an auto...reason i am saying this is simple... she is 24 days old from sprout... sh has shown no signs of sex at all... she may just be a late bloomer, but in theory, if trimmin the root ball drastically before showing sex on an auto shocks it to the point of waiting to flower then wouldnt that allow a possible window to (a) veg a lil longer (if she makes it past the shock) (b) once vegged out more, take clones, root them, then trim their root ball back to hardly nothin before or at first signs of sex... i dunno.. this is far fetched thinking for sure, but just sorta postin it out there... a hypothesis i have based on observation... thats all :) ...

her root has slowly worked its way to the bottom of the cup... i replaced the peat pucks with air, and a foam strip i found... i wrapped the strip around the stem till it fit securely in the cup.... i then emptied out the contents of the peat puck and had the outside then liner left of the puck... i filled the liner up with perilite, placed it inside another home made netcup i have made, and topped it off with loose perilite...

i am starting to germ a green o matic seed by greenhouse... i am gonna place that seed in the perilite experimental cup to see how it does once i have a suffecient tap root ...

all in all, most of this post was off topic, but it dealt with autos and one of my autos i the cage... oh well, we live and we live... and life still goes on ;)
Glad it's growing roots man. Keep it up. I Think if anyone's learning anything on here it's from you hehe.
No offense.

And to all the people I sent likes I thought you had really healthy looking beautiful plants.


Well-Known Member
it.ll be a fun adventure and possibly useful in the future. thats sorta my style of gowing.. for experimental and knowledge purposes... im neverto worried bout the yeild as long as i replace cost of grow ;) ... which really aint ever too much... lol...


Well-Known Member
no pic but i untied her as per advise on here, and judging by how fast my other are starting to flower only ten days ahead, i dont think ill have time but if i do i will retry in the bigger pot


Well-Known Member
Nice start to Il Diavolo there, what did you think of mine, honestly?
I posted pics on page 48 i think. I'm harvesting it Wednesday morning
(because trichome production is highest in the morning supposedly)
after being in the dark for 48 hours (supposed to increase trich potency).
It's an easy thing to do plus I read in the j.cervantes book so wtf.
Looks good man. I tried the lights out thing a few times and saw no difference and it is harder for me now because I have everything finishing at different time. Well boobies rubbibg against my arm so hope I made sense.


Well-Known Member
I fed them a few times a few weeks ago. Only water the last couple of weeks. Im so confused!!!
To be honest, the way you describe your situation is confusing.

Has it really been a few weeks since you last fed them? Have you noticed any improvement since only using water?

Few questions:
1. How old is your plant from seed?
2. When exactly did you feed them nutrients and how much?
3. Did you notice the burn after feeding them?

I have said this from the start, your plant looks like it is suffering from nute burn. My grow area is almost always 31-32c or above and my leaves don't do that so I can say with almost 100% certainty it is not heat stress.


Well-Known Member
They are about 40 days from seed, i nuted at half strength recomended, and a quarter strength before that. Last feed was about 2ish weeks ago. No more nute burn ob the leaves since i started on water only. Just the leaves goin yellow like the pics above


Well-Known Member
They are about 40 days from seed, i nuted at half strength recomended, and a quarter strength before that. Last feed was about 2ish weeks ago. No more nute burn ob the leaves since i started on water only. Just the leaves goin yellow like the pics above
That makes more sense. I know its hard, but try not to overfeed them with nutrients. They will "tell" you when they need something.

I think you will be fine. ;)