Lowryder #1 CLF PC Grow


Active Member
it'll be some time till i start my regs but u see my 4 i have now all fire all of them will be outdoor in ground...god damn man ide love some durban...i gotta grow whut i have before i can make another order for more beans old ladie's ruling ya know but durban is most deff on the list of purps i want.....twice today u have inspired me.....well done lince......
Thanks. Good luck to you too with those reg seed mate ;)
so how is ur harvest lookin.......roughly??????


Well-Known Member
it'll be some time till i start my regs but u see my 4 i have now all fire all of them will be outdoor in ground...god damn man ide love some durban...i gotta grow whut i have before i can make another order for more beans old ladie's ruling ya know but durban is most deff on the list of purps i want.....twice today u have inspired me.....well done lince......
so how is ur harvest lookin.......roughly??????
Well, the harvest is looking good, I'm hoping to get 10g which would be a good result for this setup. I was hopping to get around 15g when I started the grow but lowryder#1 is not a very big yielder and I'm also getting some seeds :)


Well-Known Member
whut is the LR#1's potency look like roughly also
Not sure about that one. I read both good and bad things about lr#1, some people say is not good and some people like it so I guess it may be more of a personal choice.

It seems that I'll be able to hold the harvest a bit longer until tomorrow which will be day 59 from seed (62-63 days from germination).


Active Member
ur right there bro........can u taste her yet?????????????59 isnt a bad day to chop if u have to chop early.....60 would prolly be key from the looks and sounds of it, but yeah man well done it was nice to grow with u sir..i prolly could of waited another week from the day i chopped, but hey when ya gotta chop ya gotta chop...hope to have u onboard
Not sure about that one. I read both good and bad things about lr#1, some people say is not good and some people like it so I guess it may be more of a personal choice.

It seems that I'll be able to hold the harvest a bit longer until tomorrow which will be day 59 from seed (62-63 days from germination).


Well-Known Member
ur right there bro........can u taste her yet?????????????59 isnt a bad day to chop if u have to chop early.....60 would prolly be key from the looks and sounds of it, but yeah man well done it was nice to grow with u sir..i prolly could of waited another week from the day i chopped, but hey when ya gotta chop ya gotta chop...hope to have u onboard
Wow! you mean you already harvested the easy ryder ? so how much did you get ? did you dry her already ? I guess that's why you posted the pics of those new ladies lol


Active Member
oh yeah man she is curing as we speak....3 1/2 more weeks.....roughly 82g's wet and 45ish dry........yeah thats y i have the new thread.......the pe and the kushies n my fav the sage....got some new fire growin buddy.......h/o...not the best pic...i got another 1

Wow! you mean you already harvested the easy ryder ? so how much did you get ? did you dry her already ? I guess that's why you posted the pics of those new ladies lol


Well-Known Member
oh yeah man she is curing as we speak....3 1/2 more weeks.....roughly 82g's wet and 45ish dry........yeah thats y i have the new thread.......the pe and the kushies n my fav the sage....got some new fire growin buddy.......h/o...not the best pic...i got another 1

Nice buds mate, 45g out of 82g wet for real ? when did you weight the dry weight ? I thought you are suppose to loose around 75% of the weight, that must be compact as hell bongsmilie

I checked the pictures of the harvest and they look class mate, also the new girls look real good, I like the setup you've got, plenty of space to work with and a beast light lol. Sure they'll do real good.


Active Member
82g's for real...that was my max record weight at the end of trim....in that bowl dense as fawk looks fluffy, but really there r tons a solid layers to the nug...yeah man...maybe my scale is fawked but its whut it read and 42 is where i am at today....still kinda shrinking up feels drier yet......that nug i posted was fresh outta the cure jar and smoked so if i wanna know n e thi g yeah.....
Nice buds mate, 45g out of 82g wet for real ? when did you weight the dry weight ? I thought you are suppose to loose around 75% of the weight, that must be compact as hell bongsmilie

I checked the pictures of the harvest and they look class mate, also the new girls look real good, I like the setup you've got, plenty of space to work with and a beast light lol. Sure they'll do real good.


Well-Known Member
82g's for real...that was my max record weight at the end of trim....in that bowl dense as fawk looks fluffy, but really there r tons a solid layers to the nug...yeah man...maybe my scale is fawked but its whut it read and 42 is where i am at today....still kinda shrinking up feels drier yet......that nug i posted was fresh outta the cure jar and smoked so if i wanna know n e thi g yeah.....
Cool stuff mate, also read that sometimes you loose only 40% depending on the strain, waterings and so on :)

I got a new clone yesterday and it looks really happy today instead of droppy as they usually look. I think I'm getting there with the cloning skills, hopefully in a month or so my clones will root and grow without any problems :)


Well-Known Member
Well well, so I come with GREAT news today :) I've just harvested the lowryder (at day 59) and I got a bit more weight than expected so I'm really happy with it, 50g wet which means that it'll probably be a bit more than 10g dry. Happy days!!

Here are some pictures:


And also got couple of seeds!!! glad to see they are ripe :) anyway the two branches with seeds are in a glass of water coz some seeds seem to be a bit green yet, so hopefully they'll be fully ripe for next sunday.

Some pics of the future plants lol:



Active Member
glad to hear all went wel 4 u buddy...hope ur smoke is great when the ime comes hope to follow another thread form u...n i cant wait for thesmoke report as u know i wanna know about the potency....how tall was she also????????????????????? how many bud site roughly?????????


Well-Known Member
Thanks real, I'm really happy myself :) she was 45 cm tall aprox. (a bit tall for a LR1) I think she had 8 bud sites + the main cola. The main cola was 15g wet and there was another big branch with 10g wet, the rest were smaller. Will have an smoke report when she gets ready ;)

I'll be away for a few days but will be back with update on dry weight, the new plants and the harvest of the deimos :)


Active Member
cant wait for that deimos........hve a good hoilday....im tkin holiday as well couple days..besta 2 U
Thanks real, I'm really happy myself :) she was 45 cm tall aprox. (a bit tall for a LR1) I think she had 8 bud sites + the main cola. The main cola was 15g wet and there was another big branch with 10g wet, the rest were smaller. Will have an smoke report when she gets ready ;)

I'll be away for a few days but will be back with update on dry weight, the new plants and the harvest of the deimos :)
Sorry to come out of nowhere but i have a question that i cant find the answer to anywhere...im growing a few different strands of autos in my new grow tent using cfl and my room is starting to get hot(not cause the cfl just the temp outside). would putting on my AC in my room kill my plants or does my tent keep the heat.???


Well-Known Member
Sorry to come out of nowhere but i have a question that i cant find the answer to anywhere...im growing a few different strands of autos in my new grow tent using cfl and my room is starting to get hot(not cause the cfl just the temp outside). would putting on my AC in my room kill my plants or does my tent keep the heat.???
Its actually really beneficial to your grow to have an AC near your tent. This is because of all the CO2 that your air conditioner would produce which is beneficial to your ladies that you are growing. I am about to run into the same problem as you because the temps outside are starting to get really hot. I am going to have to do the same thing (put an air conditioner in my window next to my closet). It wont kill your plants though in general so go for it! Sorry Lince for jacking his question from your thread buddy


Well-Known Member
where u at lince?????????whuts the good word bud.........
Hey real! thanks for sticking around buddy! +rep for ya ;)

Finished drying the lowryder and she gave me ~10.5g and 36 seeds, I guess I could have gotten more bud if I didn't pollinate her but 10g is pretty good and getting the seeds will be worth, 36 lowryder plants on the way!!!!

Althought there are some seeds with a bit of white on them, they are looking ripe and viable. Also they look a bit thicker than the original ones I got.

I checked the trichomes of the deimos are it's still not ready so I'll let her go longer. She is 66 days old so she may be ready in a week.

Also, the new seeds were transplanted, they were around 10cm tall (very stretched) so I put them very deep underground, I'm hoping they'll grow roots trough all the stem. I'll keep them under 16/8 for one more week and then probably put them under 12/12. I gotta harvest the 30th of June so I may reduce the hours of light under 12 after a month to try and have them ready earlier. Another experiment on the way lol.

I planted 9, two didn't make it so I have 7 right now and still have to remove the males when they show sex, lets hope I get 3-4 females :)


Active Member
glad to hear ur happy with ur harvest........36 beans huh nice haul..........got n e dried and cured pix 4 us or nah......
Hey real! thanks for sticking around buddy! +rep for ya ;)

Finished drying the lowryder and she gave me ~10.5g and 36 seeds, I guess I could have gotten more bud if I didn't pollinate her but 10g is pretty good and getting the seeds will be worth, 36 lowryder plants on the way!!!!

Althought there are some seeds with a bit of white on them, they are looking ripe and viable. Also they look a bit thicker than the original ones I got.

I checked the trichomes of the deimos are it's still not ready so I'll let her go longer. She is 66 days old so she may be ready in a week.

Also, the new seeds were transplanted, they were around 10cm tall (very stretched) so I put them very deep underground, I'm hoping they'll grow roots trough all the stem. I'll keep them under 16/8 for one more week and then probably put them under 12/12. I gotta harvest the 30th of June so I may reduce the hours of light under 12 after a month to try and have them ready earlier. Another experiment on the way lol.

I planted 9, two didn't make it so I have 7 right now and still have to remove the males when they show sex, lets hope I get 3-4 females :)
ill be here till the deimos is done........and the thread atfer that...u got another one up n running yet or no????????????