just wondering if anyone has tried dmt before? ive recently made some and was wondering if a tek would be useful to anyone?
Well you should atleast consider doing it with him.YOu can always post a tek, it won't hurt. I was offered some from a friends friend. He won't let me buy it. He wants me to experience it with him. I don't even know him so, uh,,, thats a HELL NO!. I want to try it.
Its yellowish white crystals at its very purest. It can be smoked, eaten, snorted and injected. The classic method is smoking and it gives you a 10-20 minute DMT induced roller coaster ride It has no comedown and the experience is like a 15 minute immobile trance where you generally appear sleeping to the people around. Its nicknamed the "businessmans trip" its a very clean and incredibly strong psychedelic trip. It has a very quick come-up too, like being fired into space with a railgunwhat is this dmt thing all about? can anyone describe it? vegetable/chemical? ingestion method? resulting upper/downer/spin you rounder??