The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ah i see just did a vid but had to use secondaery camera to shit it and quality is shit so ill do a proper one 2mrw.

its a shottie because of the way its loaded burnt and pulled

Shottie is a pipe thats plugged with a little ball of bacci , then you load you weed onto your plug or like me u can dab it lots and lots and lots and get a nice big packed one :D

then you cream the bowl and tube until the plugs glowing nicely , then u pull hard as u can shooting it down the pipe causing it clear and making a instant rush.

think i explained that alright :/
makes sense m8 but i just dont like the mix of bacci in anything but a joint, dont get me wrong i no plenty that do but not for me.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha sambo and OTB, i love watching breakdown in communication once the drugs start rolling around :D When i'm smoked up online i suddenly think hey, it's online, that could be sarcasm, and then start disecting it for every single possible potential meaning, i normally end up closing the window thinking wtf i don't know how to reply :D

I just finished watching fast and furious tokyo drift, i really enjoyed the bit at the end where they put a big legal disclamer saying don't drive like this, professionals and closed roads etc. So i guess it's fine though to gun up the city and whatnot. Hobo with a shotgun is the next film i wanna watch, although i saw today that a new fast and furious is out :D:D they're daft films but cars, dunno what it is about them, the noise, the looks, the feel the sensation, but i would classify myself as a suicidaly depressed, but the instant i jump in my car everything changes, i get a touch of road rage but other than that everything works, like i'm in sync wiht the car, just driving. Driving cars fast (responsibly thouhg, not a total nutter, i know the lmits (curtesy of trial and error, not the highway code)) is the one thing in life that makes me happy, i gotta find me a job in that somehow somewhere, but alas, not yet, maybe i should take my skoda to castle combe and go a bit fucking nuts :D i've hit country road corners at 100 and survived, i think i can take a race track haha

yeah mate definatly tracks are amazing and i know what u mean about driving being a calm other than road rage u describe it the way i would been playing up pod quite a bit recently :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member


I had no idea whatthis song was called, so last weekend i was some folk who happened to be form my city and we were having a smoke and a drink and the only way i could describe the song was nixon from futurama, they knew what it was within a couple of seconds haha, AROOO


Well-Known Member
makes sense m8 but i just dont like the mix of bacci in anything but a joint, dont get me wrong i no plenty that do but not for me.
i know what u mean mate if ive got plenty of green ill make a green plug :D mrs hates it when i do that with her weed lmfao ! i just find that way the most effective way of getting high , smoking joints is nice but i get fed up of rolling them before im stoned always make a i nice tasty roll for bed tho !


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha sambo and OTB, i love watching breakdown in communication once the drugs start rolling around :D When i'm smoked up online i suddenly think hey, it's online, that could be sarcasm, and then start disecting it for every single possible potential meaning, i normally end up closing the window thinking wtf i don't know how to reply :D

I just finished watching fast and furious tokyo drift, i really enjoyed the bit at the end where they put a big legal disclamer saying don't drive like this, professionals and closed roads etc. So i guess it's fine though to gun up the city and whatnot. Hobo with a shotgun is the next film i wanna watch, although i saw today that a new fast and furious is out :D:D they're daft films but cars, dunno what it is about them, the noise, the looks, the feel the sensation, but i would classify myself as a suicidaly depressed, but the instant i jump in my car everything changes, i get a touch of road rage but other than that everything works, like i'm in sync wiht the car, just driving. Driving cars fast (responsibly thouhg, not a total nutter, i know the lmits (curtesy of trial and error, not the highway code)) is the one thing in life that makes me happy, i gotta find me a job in that somehow somewhere, but alas, not yet, maybe i should take my skoda to castle combe and go a bit fucking nuts :D i've hit country road corners at 100 and survived, i think i can take a race track haha
lololol you crack me up ttt stop smoking so much fucking sell it and you could av brought that vodders n oj today lol and you was saying i lost my cred with the love for peds lol fucking el m8 your admittin to watch that shite lol you really must have insomnia.

neway only messing man.


Well-Known Member
lol sambo my attempts at doing a video for u have got my spaced think im just gonna read for a bit and hit the hay lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lololol you crack me up ttt stop smoking so much fucking sell it and you could av brought that vodders n oj today lol and you was saying i lost my cred with the love for peds lol fucking el m8 your admittin to watch that shite lol you really must have insomnia.

neway only messing man.
Haha, i kid you not, anything with loud fast cars and i watch it. I often sit around re-watching drag races between lambo's and AMG's etc, something about it, ever since i have been concious of what i like i have been obsessed with driving things. Mainly cars due to their accecability, but you name it, moment i sat on a dirt bike or put a plane in the sky, i just felt like worth was justified and worth living :D

I don't actually like vodka, was just too good a price to be picky, but at the end of the day all i wanted was the chinese and taiwanese beer, i ahd put the vodka in the basket alongside before i realised how silly i was and how little i was now earning :D


soon as the rocky draught hit skunk went to £25 an 8th but demand out-stripped supply and the silly £10 a g rule came into play, now everyones getting choosey with there strains pushing price up again. now everyones use to green they dont want the cheap rocky only stinking cheese. any one ever done outdoor autos? got some onyx seeds free think i might stick a couple in a pot. mmm donar kebab 1/4 lb cheese burger thing lol


Well-Known Member
Haha, i kid you not, anything with loud fast cars and i watch it. I often sit around re-watching drag races between lambo's and AMG's etc, something about it, ever since i have been concious of what i like i have been obsessed with driving things. Mainly cars due to their accecability, but you name it, moment i sat on a dirt bike or put a plane in the sky, i just felt like worth was justified and worth living :D

I don't actually like vodka, was just too good a price to be picky, but at the end of the day all i wanted was the chinese and taiwanese beer, i ahd put the vodka in the basket alongside before i realised how silly i was and how little i was now earning :D
sounds like u should do same as me and go for your blue book then mate

soon as the rocky draught hit skunk went to £25 an 8th but demand out-stripped supply and the silly £10 a g rule came into play, now everyones getting choosey with there strains pushing price up again. now everyones use to green they dont want the cheap rocky only stinking cheese. any one ever done outdoor autos? got some onyx seeds free think i might stick a couple in a pot. mmm donar kebab 1/4 lb cheese burger thing lol
u sound like ur in the south m8


Well-Known Member
soon as the rocky draught hit skunk went to £25 an 8th but demand out-stripped supply and the silly £10 a g rule came into play, now everyones getting choosey with there strains pushing price up again. now everyones use to green they dont want the cheap rocky only stinking cheese. any one ever done outdoor autos? got some onyx seeds free think i might stick a couple in a pot. mmm donar kebab 1/4 lb cheese burger thing lol
fuck the auto's if ya got lights etc veg em up a bit before ya put outside see a dinafem roadrunner auto didnt do shit outdoor last yr.


Well-Known Member
libya is fucking me off now who the fuck do we/nato think we are??? hes ruled that country for many years and obviously still has planty of power i think its a fucking liberty what we are doing to basically rape the country for oil! we/nato dont give a fuck about no rebels its just oil of course cause you see plenty of nato troops in the congo,rwanda,somalia etc lmao!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it has happened. You can't change it, any more than you can change what you had for breakfast yesterday.

Hey, it hasn't happened, has it? It has "will have going to have happened" happened, but it hasn't actually "happened" happened yet, actually.

Poppycock! It will be happened; it shall be going to be happening; it will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future. Simple as that. Your bucket's been kicked, baby.