The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
any1 have anything nice for dinner? i made meself the meanest bacon n egg roll hmmm fucking thing was tastey! 5slices bacon, 2eggs, 2 cheese slices and a fresh large soft roll oh yes!!! went down a treat!
Done a barbie m8 just me and the mrs and the little one, spicey chicken wings, spare ribs, and a few burgers even knocked up a salad even tho i aint really a fan of them. Very tasty and there thos throw away jobbie barbies so no washing up lol got a nice new one in the shed but cant be arsed to put it together, get round to it one day i suppose.


Well-Known Member
Done a barbie m8 just me and the mrs and the little one, spicey chicken wings, spare ribs, and a few burgers even knocked up a salad even tho i aint really a fan of them. Very tasty and there thos throw away jobbie barbies so no washing up lol got a nice new one in the shed but cant be arsed to put it together, get round to it one day i suppose.
i love a barbie just aint got no garden at either of the flats lol member when i lived in oz and south africa both places meat i.e steak is fucking cheap at the barbies there would be plates of t-bone's/sirloins etc people would just pick em up and munch em like a sauseage lol


Well-Known Member
from my experince with hermi blueberry usually bout week 5-6 of flower, but dont worry bro no chance of hermi with the specials ;-);-);-)
yeah im just worried about the last 4 plants of the old genetics i had that fucked up last time, might just throw em to be on the safe side, only 4 shitty little plants anyway, then ive got 10 decent ones to go in, gotta make a decision soon as some of the plants are 12" tall already lol


Well-Known Member
Cant believe i pay for this shite sky hd what a load of crap same shit every night only good movie thats been on lately is centurion lots of heads getting chopped off....good stuff lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah im just worried about the last 4 plants of the old genetics i had that fucked up last time, might just throw em to be on the safe side, only 4 shitty little plants anyway, then ive got 10 decent ones to go in, gotta make a decision soon as some of the plants are 12" tall already lol
if they gone hermi before then chance are the same strain will again aint worth the risk sae of fucking up ya good strains.


Well-Known Member
Cant believe i pay for this shite sky hd what a load of crap same shit every night only good movie thats been on lately is centurion lots of heads getting chopped off....good stuff lol.
i canceled the movies a few months ago was pissed 1 night and thought yeah what a good idea then after a wk everything is a fucking repeat! i was talking to some1 earlier bout sky can ya member when it came out n there was only 14 channels and that RTL channel that was hardcore german porn after 12pm lolol


Well-Known Member
i love a barbie just aint got no garden at either of the flats lol member when i lived in oz and south africa both places meat i.e steak is fucking cheap at the barbies there would be plates of t-bone's/sirloins etc people would just pick em up and munch em like a sauseage lol
yeah they know how to barbie out there, spent 6 months in NZ just dossing mainly fishing pig hunting ect and it was barbies all the time fucking great big lumps of meat plus free green and plenty ov it, had a blast.


Well-Known Member
i canceled the movies a few months ago was pissed 1 night and thought yeah what a good idea then after a wk everything is a fucking repeat! i was talking to some1 earlier bout sky can ya member when it came out n there was only 14 channels and that RTL channel that was hardcore german porn after 12pm lolol
use too watch all that american wrestling in the early days of sat tv hulk hogan and the ultimate warrior lol fucking hilarious, gotta pay for the porn now and id expect its shite plenty of channels tho. For all that sky is crap i do love the documentry channels and is the only reason i keep it, i use to have the sport but they can shove the pay per view up there arse


Well-Known Member
use too watch all that american wrestling in the early days of sat tv hulk hogan and the ultimate warrior lol fucking hilarious, gotta pay for the porn now and id expect its shite plenty of channels tho. For all that sky is crap i do love the documentry channels and is the only reason i keep it, i use to have the sport but they can shove the pay per view up there arse
''i am a real american fight for ur life fight whats right'' lmao you member that when hulk won lol fucking el m8 im 29 i remembering hard lol

documentry channels!!! love em jimmy watch all the shows on them pawn stars,deadliest catch,americas hardest prisons,banged up abroad lol if ya like a prison doc ava look at this m8 prison doc from columbia bit different than fords lmao


Well-Known Member
pawn stars is fucking great i watch all thos you mention and most of the crime/military docs theres a new series britains toughest cops lol yeah right but there seems to be some grow busts on it from the trailers ive seen huge one where its in a basement looks good. ill have a butchers at that link


Well-Known Member
decided what im gonna do, a lad i know needs some practice plants he reckons before he invests big amounts of money in growing so i think im gonna donate the 5 plants to him 2moro and get my tent all scrubbed out and clean and ready for a new start with new genetics. also going to get my cloner setup and take some clones and get some plants into the tent and jus generally get everything cleaned up n shipshape.

also my next door neighbour bird has asked me to help her set up a grow for a lil extra money so could be interesting lol


Well-Known Member
eh wtf i done just sat here getting high minding my own business >.<
you are m8 i was just fucking with ya bro gotta ava larf its better than crying lol why do you call your shottie a shottie then? it just looks like a bong? different area diff slang i no a shottie as a gheto homemade pipe fingy.


Well-Known Member
you are m8 i was just fucking with ya bro gotta ava larf its better than crying lol why do you call your shottie a shottie then? it just looks like a bong? different area diff slang i no a shottie as a gheto homemade pipe fingy.
ah i see just did a vid but had to use secondaery camera to shit it and quality is shit so ill do a proper one 2mrw.

its a shottie because of the way its loaded burnt and pulled

Shottie is a pipe thats plugged with a little ball of bacci , then you load you weed onto your plug or like me u can dab it lots and lots and lots and get a nice big packed one :D

then you cream the bowl and tube until the plugs glowing nicely , then u pull hard as u can shooting it down the pipe causing it clear and making a instant rush.

think i explained that alright :/

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hahahaha sambo and OTB, i love watching breakdown in communication once the drugs start rolling around :D When i'm smoked up online i suddenly think hey, it's online, that could be sarcasm, and then start disecting it for every single possible potential meaning, i normally end up closing the window thinking wtf i don't know how to reply :D

I just finished watching fast and furious tokyo drift, i really enjoyed the bit at the end where they put a big legal disclamer saying don't drive like this, professionals and closed roads etc. So i guess it's fine though to gun up the city and whatnot. Hobo with a shotgun is the next film i wanna watch, although i saw today that a new fast and furious is out :D:D they're daft films but cars, dunno what it is about them, the noise, the looks, the feel the sensation, but i would classify myself as a suicidaly depressed, but the instant i jump in my car everything changes, i get a touch of road rage but other than that everything works, like i'm in sync wiht the car, just driving. Driving cars fast (responsibly thouhg, not a total nutter, i know the lmits (curtesy of trial and error, not the highway code)) is the one thing in life that makes me happy, i gotta find me a job in that somehow somewhere, but alas, not yet, maybe i should take my skoda to castle combe and go a bit fucking nuts :D i've hit country road corners at 100 and survived, i think i can take a race track haha