Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow


Active Member
I rotated a plant the other day and then one of the branches fell over, a little one not getting much light so I chopped it off and forgot about it for 4 days then it still kinda had a fresh cut grass smell cuz it wasn't dry enough but when I grinded it up it smelled like pine goodness. I smoked a j with my bro and we both felt our heads change, no drowsiness at all haha. I can't wait to get into my big dense buds that one was light and fluffy something that if I find come harvest time will be going into the hash pile lol


Well-Known Member
New landlord postponed the walk through this morning back to 4 in the after noon... So far I've moved a single load which means tomorrow I'm moving the bulk of both my gear as well as my girlfriends gear. And I have no bud... FML.


Well-Known Member
New landlord postponed the walk through this morning back to 4 in the after noon... So far I've moved a single load which means tomorrow I'm moving the bulk of both my gear as well as my girlfriends gear. And I have no bud... FML.
that blows tanker, wish i was a little bit closer i could elp ya out. i love helpin other people move. not. but i dont mind helpin, lol. how was the chocolope cuts ya took? good luck bro. hope ur able to get moved in today bud. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
No internet at my new place yet so updates will be a bit more spread out. Pst, moving sucks.

Here's part of the next batch in my new closet. It's going to be interesting setting this closet up as it is large enough for the tent but quite small. The closet is directly connected to a bathroom though so I'm thinking I can run that small AC in there and vent out the bathrooms exhaust fan. We shall see - this summer might get a bit hot and I might just have to run a CFL grow for a month or two.

Three Chocolope and one GooxKush x ?. The later is one of my best looking flowering plants atm so I feel lucky to have grabbed a cutting earlier.



Well-Known Member
Glad to see you got things up and running again! Good Luck with the move, hope everything made it alright :P


Well-Known Member
Still no internet - comcast skipped their appointment. They are looking beautiful though. I had to tie one of the chocolopes up as the buds were getting to heavy :) Chopping in 12 days.

Hard to tell but the cola for this Goo x Kush x ? is actually larger than this bottle of rubbing alcohol. Definitely glad I grabbed a cutting of this one.


Active Member
I'm so pissed, all my bitches hermied. All of em have about 5-10 nanners, needless to say I'm flushing today and chopping next fri at week 7 day 5 maybe wait till week 8 on Sunday but ill prob chop Friday.


Well-Known Member
I'm so pissed, all my bitches hermied. All of em have about 5-10 nanners, needless to say I'm flushing today and chopping next fri at week 7 day 5 maybe wait till week 8 on Sunday but ill prob chop Friday.
thats to bad mrorganics, my og kush hermied on me. it had seeds, i missed i. i have a couple seeds in diff plants. hopefully they have time to finish.

tanker they look great. the chocolope is huge, since comcast skippe ya they should hook up for free, give em hell. hope the move is going smoothly.


Active Member
That's a nice looking future nug you got going on there! Hope the move wasn't too hard on you or the ladies, both your girl and your plants :)


Well-Known Member
Finally got the internet and TV up.

I cut 4 of my 6 plants yesterday. Only the White Russian and the smallest Chocolope remain. I cut after noticing a spot of bud rot on that huge cola from a couple posts back - lost 1/3 that plant. Pretty unfortunate as it was looking to be one of the better ones and still had some time left.

The rest of the buds had nothing wrong with them but were cut slightly early. I quick dried a bud of one of the Chocolopes and it's a great high as is so I'm not all that disappointed with the early cut.

I'll try and have pictures up soon.


Well-Known Member
HEY BUD, THE WHITE RUSSIAN LOOKS AMAZING. i put 3 in jiffy pucks and got 1 hope its female. 1 of the other ones i looked through the pot for seed and it was kinda mushy. i squeezed it and white stuff came out. musta been a male huh? lol ima find out what sex it is before i germ the rest.

very fine harvest tanker, ur drying rack is kewl. im thinking about gettin a plastic shell cooler and a fan suckin air through it. and figure out a rack system in it. hope the move went smooth lite up and fatty and relax when ya get the chance bro.


Well-Known Member
Great grow man...

HEY BUD, THE WHITE RUSSIAN LOOKS AMAZING. i put 3 in jiffy pucks and got 1 hope its female. 1 of the other ones i looked through the pot for seed and it was kinda mushy. i squeezed it and white stuff came out. musta been a male huh? lol ima find out what sex it is before i germ the rest.

very fine harvest tanker, ur drying rack is kewl. im thinking about gettin a plastic shell cooler and a fan suckin air through it. and figure out a rack system in it. hope the move went smooth lite up and fatty and relax when ya get the chance bro.
Thanks. That white russian seems to be a great producer and the nugs are frosty as fuck but it doesn't smell like much. Last time they tasted like musty chalk but I thought it was just a fluke. Looks like it might just be how the strain is. I'm sure it'll get me high as a kite though.

I'm looking forward to relaxing and smoking a fatty but at the moment everything is bat shit crazy. GF is getting her degree later this month, family will be in town, I still have my old place to clean up and my new place to set-up, tests to take, papers to write, jobs to work... I think I'm supposed to be receiving my natural resources degree sometime soon as well. Fucking chaotic life atm. I blame Comcast (cuz I can)

Good luck on the White Russian. It should be female. They all really should be female but I'm not going to promise that. :)


Well-Known Member
sounds like u r busy as hell. iif ya get a chance get to my journal and check out the bomberry cut. close ups and prelim smoke report

good luck on relaxin when ya can. but ur still a kid and are quite resilliant. where as i m old and dont bounce back as fast. or at all lol
catch ya later tanker and say fuck comcast-losers. lol makes me feel better.