Bgsixxx's 2x4 & 3x3 tent adventures!!!

Transplant of 3 photos is done. So this will be day 27 or so from seed, so it would technically be day 14 veg, bc 1st 2 weeks are considered seedling stage, is that right? Anyway they're in buckets of ffof and happy frog mix, ocean forest at the bottom. Sprinkled mycos on roots. The roots on the punch pie were coming back up to the top. Circling around solo cup. She had a nice root mass. The 2 in the wider and shorter black pots root weren't really circling pots.
The autopot Fatality autos are on day 12. Not looking too bad. The deformed gal has finally hit 2nd set of true leaves and these look much better. Gonna mix up reservoir for them, but wont turn on just yet. Will probably give another 1000ml each on more time, and then turn them on.

The mystery auto seed in 5 gallon with coco and grow dots is looking great after 12 days. Just giving her plain water with recharge once a week. Her pot has finally lightened up. So she should start to explode. Will probably order ac Infinity self watering bases this week, just dont like hand watering.
The big autos are still chugging along, i think. They're growing on the inside!lol granite haze is looking very fucked up, looks like she got some kinda virus. I just dont know what to do to her. She was top dressed about 2 weeks ago. Just gonna give her Plain water for now. The supreme runtz is looking a lil over fed, last watering she got some canna pk13/13. She'll just get water for now too. Snapped a few pics.IMG_20250112_122029163_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_141721014_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_164726265_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_122354615_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_122359277_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_122336955_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_122012598_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_121956004_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_122021935_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250112_122016830_HDR~2.jpg
Harvest for GDP and dynamite diesel is done, they're in grove bags curing.
Ended up with 7ozs. Not too bad, but not what I'm expecting. I've been slacking lately. And thats on me. But now that i have this 5x5 im gonna be more serious about shit. Well not too serious,lol!!! The GDP ended up giving me 4ozs on the dot of nice sized buds, really no larf or trim from this babe, and to me it doesn't taste like any GDP I've ever had. But its not cured yet, so I'll reserve judgement. The high is nice, starts out heady, but by the time i put half the blunt down I'm stuck. Last right around a good 1.5-2hrs, nice. The buds on her are much denser than the dd. And her buds were nicely formed, and she is so freaking frosty. These 2 are definitely the frostiest plants I've had so far. Now i know what people really mean about cleaning fiskars every branch! I would've definitely loved to keep this pheno around for another run. The taste is sour and weedy, kinda tarty earthy, the smell is str8 sour and skunky, shit stinks to me, in a good way though, I can't stop smelling it once i open the bag. I'll rate this strain a strong 8 outta 10, and would run her again if i had a chance to.
The Dynamite Diesel came in at a lil over 3ozs. Her topbuds came out great, and the 2nd buds were good too, but after that they were borderline trim pile material. Still dense but just little marbles. The smoke on her is ok, real nice up high, shit had me doing all kinda crazy shit around the house as far as cleaning and organizing shit. Last a good hour or so. Probably will let go longer when i run her again. Shit hits quick and hard too. After about 2-3 hits i can feel that shit. Feels kinda like, dam am i fckd up already shit!!! Ready to put it down. The thing i love about this bud though is the taste, shit taste like cotton candy with bubblegum kick. Its hard puttin this one down bc of the taste, i said "1 more hit and I'm putting it down, end up smoking the whole dam blunt. This will get smoked quick. I'll give this one a borderline 8 strong 7 outta 10, was digging the structure of buds and size. Which was my fault for leaving so many tops on such a short plant. I'll give myself a D+ on lst this round.
All in all this was a bad run for me, and just goes to show, you only get what you put in to it!!! I slacked this grow bigtime, it wont happen again, maybe!lol I'm gonna be more into this run. Sorry about the incoherent rant! Snapped a few pics.IMG_20250112_192444731.jpgIMG_20250112_192854922.jpgIMG_20250112_192119793.jpgIMG_20250112_192254587_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_192420587.jpgIMG_20250112_192206258.jpgIMG_20250112_192232494_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_192914071_HDR.jpgIMG_20250112_192939274_HDR.jpg
Note to self: Ok so went ahead and turned autopots on. Mixed up a 5 gallon batch of canna a&B 50 ml each. Ppm 700 ph 6.0..also have a 4in airstone on bottom of resi. Hope im not too early. Oh well its on now, my first true synthetic run. I guess its my first step into hydro too, well kinda. They do consider coco hydro. Who are they? the community of growers who have been doing it for 20 years or more.
And ive figured out my was too high. In coco it needs to be about 6.5-6.8 my water coming outta tap is 7.1 and haven't been phing like i should well im on it now.
Adding canna a&b brings it all the way down to 5.0 to 5.3, so i have to bring it up to 5.8 to 6.2 since im in str8 canna coco. Also turned on airdomes, got it on low right now.
My next purchase from autopot will probably be their tray to grow kit. You can fit i think 3 5gallon fabric pots or 4 3gallons, and its automatic watering. Works well with synthetics too. Trying to get it to where i have a steady stream of auto buds coming from the 5x5, and photo buds outta the 2x4. Shouldn't be too hard.
Whoever says growing cannabis is so easy a caveman can do it, is right if you want some bullshit caveman weed!!!! Growing good bud is not easy!!! Period and for all of us that do get to a good harvest with topshelf buds, should be very proud and thankful for your skills and patience.
Well so far no leaks on autopots!!! Yes! Snapped some pics of system.IMG_20250113_134334857_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250113_134320101_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250113_134215801_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250113_134249121~2.jpgIMG_20250113_134209917~2.jpg
Day 66 for big granite haze. She is looking very burnt and weird, but she is swelling pretty good. The main cola is huge, to me. The smell is chemical/gas all day. Got her on a self watering base, with plain water.

Day 59 for supreme runtz. She is looking a lil overfed, but she's swelling nicely. Put her on a sip base, with plain water. After she drinks that, I'll give her a dose of cronk bloom nutes.

Day 16 for autopots and mystery seed in 5 gallon. Refilled autopots reservoir again with another 5 gallons canna a&b 800ppm phd to 5.8. i guess they're drinking.
Put the mystery 5 gallon on a sip base, with plain water. She just gets plain water, and recharge and kelp once a week.
Day 35 or so for photos from seed. They've been in buckets for about 5 days or so. Lstd them a lil tonight. They were watered with recharge yesterday. So I'll water them again in a day or 2. They are looking good after transplant. Also the cherry goats were topped, left punch pie alone, will just spread her out.
The cheese auto seed is above the soil, so its officially day 1 for her. Still nothing from the bpp. I'll giver her another few days.IMG_20250116_223956318_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224017377_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224056276_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224112324_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224122149_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224130501_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224140881_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_224207106_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_232607446_HDR.jpgIMG_20250116_232707683.jpg
Also today took the supreme runtz off of the sip base. She's looking a little yellow. So gave her a dose of cronk bloom nutes, full dose! The pot was lite on lift test, so she shouldn't be overwatered. We'll see how she looks over next few days.

Also put cheese auto in 3 gallon fabric pot and put her on the sip base. Just put whole jiffy cup in hole. Forgot the mycos. Put dome over her for now.

The other seed banana purple punch didnt sprout, so i stuck a sour black cherry haze(SBCH) in the jiffy cup. Left it in the seedling tray.

The autopots are on cruise control! I did recalibrate ph pen, and checked ph and ppm of reservoir. Sittin at 5.9 ph and 850ppm. They look great to me for day 19.

On a side note, i try to keep my grow secret from everybody. Only person that knows is wife and brother. Now my nosey ass, weed hogging mom knows!!!lol and now its another set of lungs i have to support!!!lol luckily shes old, and it doesn't take her much to get there. But i know she wants to see the plants bad. But she's scared to ask, bc i kinda gave her the, "dont tell anybody" , scare speech!!! Kinda shook her up a lil!!! I just dont want her to tell my loud mouth sister. Which i know will happen!!! Dammit
Ok so just thinking, i dont have shit to water. Everything is on automatic watering for the most part. All im doing is filling reservoirs. Nice!!!

Man these auto pots and coco combo are kickin ass. This might be my new shit right here!!! I was just looking at pics and dam these things have grown in a week. I'll post some pics tonight but shit surprised me. The 1st 2 weeks were kinda slow, but as soon as i turned the system on, they took off. Compared to the mystery seed in the 5 gallon with coco and grow dots is a lil smaller, but she's a few days behind too. The pics will show the growth.
Really loving the ease of canna coco and canna base nutes. Will probably stick with this for a minute for auto pots. But will use organics and soil for photos. Once the big autos are done I'll be adding 3 more autos. Just gonna slam this tent full of autos.
Snapped a few pics of the babes. Also included side by side collage. This is the fastest growth ive ever had over a week period. But everything is growing good except the granite haze, and the cheese seedling. The granite haze is looking close to ripe. Not really gonna check tric until after i decide if shes done, will chop anyway, unless i see mostly clear.
Still nothing on sbch auto seed. If i dont see anything by Thursday I'll give her a few more days, but will germinate another 2 seeds, just in case.20250120_222739-COLLAGE~2.jpg20250120_222952-COLLAGE~2.jpgIMG_20250120_220238064_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250120_220634131_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250120_220622540_HDR~2.jpgIMG_20250120_220304663_HDR.jpgIMG_20250120_220249728_HDR.jpgIMG_20250120_220940333_HDR.jpgIMG_20250120_221021758_HDR.jpgIMG_20250120_220951465_HDR.jpg